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  • Fwd: John's latest piece: A Few Thoughts on Studying the Most Radical Social Movement of the Twenty-first Century

    from bazril on Mar 18, 2016 06:48 AM
    Kâra vânner,
    Hârmed skickar jag reflektioner fr. John Foran, sociolog och god vân.
    Om ni vill, kan vi diskutera artikeln...
    Vad hânder p/lôrdag?
    2016-03-14 17:40 GMT+01:00 John Foran <foran@...>:
    > Attached and also viewable at:
    > A Few Thoughts on Studying the Most Radical Social Movement of the
    > Twenty-first Century
    > Photo by John Foran, December 12, 2015, Paris
    > A Few Thoughts on Studying the Most Radical Social Movement of the
    > Twenty-first Century
    > John Foran
    > March 13, 2016
    > http://www.resilience.org/stories/2016-03-14/a-few-thoughts-on-studying-the-most-radical-social-movement-of-the-twenty-first-century
    > Introduction
    > We are living through an unprecedented crisis, in a world beset by massive
    > social problems - the obscene poverty and inequality that neoliberal
    > capitalist globalization has wreaked on at least two-thirds of humanity,
    > the immobility of the political elite almost everywhere, and cultures of
    > violence that poison our lives from the most intimate relations to the mass
    > murder of the world's wars.
    > These interconnected problems are rooted in long-standing processes of
    > inequality - patriarchy, racism, colonialism, capitalism, and now
    > corporate-controlled globalization - whose ongoing, overlapping legacies
    > are making the early twenty-first century a crucial hinge of history.
    > And now, with climate change, we are facing a perfect storm of suffering.
    > In fact, given the timeline that climate science is screaming at us, we
    > confront a crisis of humanity and of all species that must be resolved for
    > better or worse by those living on this precarious planet today.  We are
    > called by the urgency of the crisis to "change everything" as Naomi Klein
    > puts it, and to do so in something like the next two decades.
    > With other observers, activists, and scholars I believe that only the
    > assembling of the broadest, most powerful social movement the world has
    > ever seen has a chance of doing this in the narrow window the science
    > imposes on us. The movements for environmental, climate, and social justice
    > that I have spent my life studying and now participate in must become much
    > stronger than at present.  But my reading of world history leads me to
    > believe that they can succeed.  They must, if we are to safely navigate the
    > present crisis and even come out of it living in ways that are far more
    > egalitarian, deeply democratic, and fulfilling than the world we presently
    > inhabit.
    > Those of us who are academics (or journalists, or writers and creators of
    > culture of every kind) need to focus our minds now, I think, on the
    > "wicked" problem of climate change, to reinvigorate our own disciplines and
    > work on our interdisciplinary skills (another way of saying learning how to
    > connect the dots) and bring all this into a wide open dialogue, in ways
    > that are consistent with the first principle of sociology, of ecology, of
    > systems thinking, and, ironically enough, of Buddhism, as I understand it
    > (and of Gaia theory, for that matter):  everything is connected.
    > How Strong is the Climate Justice Movement?
    > The movement I study and am part of is growing, getting bigger, stronger,
    > smarter, more diverse, and more creative with every passing year - and
    > that's important.
    > But it's still not enough.
    > The task - and the question on every scholar-activist's mind - is how do
    > we get from where we are to where we need to be?  And how do we do that
    > thoughtfully, quickly, and for the long haul?
    > If I had to try to sum up the broad outlines of what the climate justice
    > movement is planning going into 2016, it would be something like Resist,
    > Rethink, Retool, Re-imagine?
    > What Happened in Paris at the UN Climate Summit?
    > Let's do a global stock take - as the UNFCCC [United Framework Convention
    > on Climate Change, which oversees the annual climate summits] likes to call
    > it - of the recent "Paris Agreement."  I've thought about this a fair
    > amount, gathering into a bundle some of the fascinatingly divergent
    > analyses, and as Paris recedes into the rear view mirror, more and more I'm
    > coming to the view that that's where it belongs - behind us.  Paris comes
    > down to a cynical joke played on the peoples of the world.
    > The Paris Agreement calls on the world to keep global warming "well under
    > 2 degrees, and as close to 1.5 degrees as possible." That is useful, but
    > like the rest of the high-minded words in this non-binding agreement, it is
    > merely "voluntary" and "aspirational," and at the rate these negotiations
    > have been going for two decades, it will take at least the next ten COPs
    > for them to get any traction (the COP refers to the Conferences of the
    > Parties, as the climate negotiations are called, followed by the number of
    > years since the first in 1995, making Paris COP 21).
    > We can't let them delay that long, or the window for two degrees will
    > close?
    > I titled my blog post on the day of the treaty "Paper Heroes."  I think I
    > may have stumbled onto one of the deep truths of what went down.  Paris was
    > so triumphalist and so flimsy that it bears comparison to the shrillness of
    > the know nothing/do nothing crowing of the Trump campaign.
    > Will the movement use it against its architects (the well-meaning
    > capitalist reformists of the UNFCCC and the enlightened wing of the one
    > percent) and against our enemies - the fossil fuel industry, the political
    > elites, the rich, the banks, and all the rest?  That's a certainty.
    > Will we throw the cynical references to indigenous rights, a gender
    > perspective, vulnerable nations, human rights, and intergenerational equity
    > into their faces?  Yes, we will.
    > Will we seize on the phrase "climate justice, as some call it" they so
    > patronizingly let appear in the text - yes, we intend to make them come to
    > rue the day they wrote them, and force them to understand these words, if
    > we can.
    > To hold the line on climate change to "dangerous" levels (that is the best
    > we can do, and we are headed for "extremely dangerous" - in all probability
    > catastrophic - at present), we would need something akin to a radical
    > climate moonshot, an ecosocialist World War II-type war effort, a great
    > transformation of everything that is so wrong about the world we live in.
    > Everything.
    > How do we do it? Or "What I've learned about how to change society
    > radically (in a good sense, of course!) in the last thirty-six years?"
    > Revolutions - and other movements for radical social change  - require
    > broadly-based alliances of people from multiple classes, both (or more)
    > genders, and cross-racial/ethnic alliances to succeed.
    > People get involved in such movements when one or more political cultures
    > of opposition and resistance gain adherents (Foran 2014).  The origins of
    > such political cultures start with the experiences of people, in the
    > grievances they endure and the emotional and political responses they
    > fashion using every available cultural tool and historical memory they
    > possess. For example, when collective discourses like environmentalism or
    > feminism are available in the form of consciously articulated ideologies,
    > would-be social actors take them up and put them to work locally, and in
    > this way they tend to diffuse through activist groups into local settings
    > and circulate among social movements. Perhaps more importantly, popular
    > idioms or folk understandings - what student of revolutions Eric Selbin
    > calls "rich stories," or cross-generational political imaginaries in the
    > language of my research partner Richard Widick - are also available for
    > use, providing new social actors as well as seasoned activists with locally
    > understood, everyday terms such as fairness, justice, or democracy. In the
    > case of climate activism, this might mean justice, buen vivir, historical
    > responsibility, or intergenerational equity.
    > When these take hold in a large enough social group or wider society,
    > often through the work of some kind of radical/progressive organization or
    > network, a social movement can gain enough committed followers to take
    > decisive action. The forging of a strong and vibrant political culture of
    > opposition is thus a collective accomplishment, carried through by the
    > actions of many people.
    > In any given society, there usually exist multiple political cultures of
    > opposition, for people do not necessarily share the same experiences, speak
    > similar idioms, or respond as one to the call of formal ideologies. The
    > most effective social movements find ways of bridging the differences
    > through the skillful creation of a common goal, such as the concise demand
    > for "System change, not climate change!" raised at COP 15 in Copenhagen in
    > 2009. When this happens, a movement's chances of growth and success are
    > considerably increased.
    > Such alliances, and the political cultures of opposition that motivate
    > them, are an indispensable factor in the making and success of revolutions.
    > There are, of course, also political and economic factors involved in a
    > revolution's success.  I explored these in depth, and developed a model of
    > the causes of revolutions in Taking Power:  On the Origins of Third World
    > Revolutions.
    > Unfortunately, all twentieth-century and anti-colonial social revolutions
    > fell short of the achieving the dreams of those who made them.  The reasons
    > for this include:
    > ~ fragmentation of the broad revolutionary alliance after it came to power
    > ~ intense outside pressures, usually from the First World, often from the
    > U.S.
    > ~ pre-existing inequalities, both within and between countries
    > ~ lack of popular participation in governing (related to the first factor)
    > But 21st-century movements for radical social change - recall that my
    > definitions is not restricted to revolutions - look different from their
    > 20th-century counterparts because:
    > ~ they are mostly non-violent
    > ~ they are more horizontally organized
    > ~ they are even more diverse
    > ~ they have dynamic new political cultures of opposition and resistance
    > They also feature exciting political cultures of creation?
    > Movements become even stronger when to a widely felt culture of opposition
    > and resistance they add a positive vision of a better world, an alternative
    > to strive for that might improve or replace what exists. As David Pellow
    > has put it: "Many movements begin with a grievance or a critique, but what
    > sustains them and pushes people out into the streets (or underground) is
    > often a vision, a dream of something better."
    > These movements are coming to power or attempting to do so, in some
    > strikingly new ways: through elections, as in the case of the "Pink Tide"
    > governments in Ecuador, Bolivia, and Venezuela (and now attempting this in
    > Europe, or even with the Bernie Sanders campaign);  through occupations of
    > public spaces, as in the wave of the Occupy movements of 2011 and others
    > since;  through regional or local power-taking, or of re-making the nature
    > of power altogether, as the Zapatistas have been doing in Chiapas since
    > 1994; and through global networks such as the global justice movement of
    > the 2000s, and now the global climate justice movement.
    > All of these movements are increasingly intersectional in terms of both
    > their social make-up (crossing race/ethnic, gender, and class lines) and
    > the issues they are connecting the dots of.
    > The movements that are most likely to succeed will feature some new
    > combination of 1) stronger social movements and political cultures of
    > opposition and creation, and 2) new kinds of parties, joined in 3) some new
    > kind of networked structure, and 4) operating locally, nationally, and
    > globally.
    > In a nutshell, the sum of my study of revolutions and movements for
    > radical social change in the 20th and 21st centuries so far is this:
    > We may need a combination of both a dense network of movements and a
    > totally new type of political party to achieve anything like deep radical
    > social change.
    > These movements will have to develop both powerful political cultures of
    > opposition, and compelling political cultures of creation.
    > At least these are hypotheses for scholar-activists to debate!
    > Conclusion:  What is to be done?
    > As for the global climate justice movement, might it prove to be the most
    > radical social movement of the twenty-first century?
    > It could if we make it so.  We need to operate on all levels:  local to
    > global, and from short-range defensive action against every fossil fuel
    > project and electoral ploy, to medium-range reforms (like the Bernie
    > Sanders campaign perhaps?  Come to think of it, the Sanders campaign is
    > pretty short range at the moment, isn't it?), to long-range radical (anti-
    > or post- capitalist?) change.
    > With the added challenge that definition of "medium-range" in our critical
    > present moment has been shortened to something like "from now to the next
    > four years" and "long-range" "from now to the next 10-15 years" because
    > that's all we've got to bend the arc of climate justice.
    > But it can be done.  We will not "save" the world.  My reading of climate
    > science makes me agree with ecosocialist scholar-activist Brad Hornick on
    > this point:
    > "All thinking clearly about climate and political realities can do is
    > change the nature of the struggle.
    > It's not an easy prospect as it requires heart-wrenching personal and
    > collective existential crisis (questioning meaning in all facets of life
    > and work).
    > I'll say it now: there is conclusive evidence-based scientific
    > determination of irreversible physical changes that will by necessity cause
    > catastrophic destruction to civilization in the coming decades.
    > Full stop.
    > We are at the point where we need to acknowledge these truths. It will
    > come now or later - and if it comes later it will hit us much harder, and
    > will mean deterioration in the relevance of certain life/work/political
    > strategies."
    > It's hard to say it better than that.  Consider this essay a wake-up call,
    > colleagues.  A call to arms, comrades.  The time is now.  We are the
    > available ones.  All of us.