• Communication commission discussion

  • Re: peruvians-say-no-to-violence-against-women/

    from bazril on Aug 17, 2016 03:30 PM
    Dear Colin,
    I signed the petition with this added message:
    This is the time, while no much time left!
    Time to read again what Einstein and Oppenheimer wrote at the time they
    launched their bulletin, after August 6th.
    Surely they understood the perils of the Atomic Age better than those
    behind the Industrial-Military-Academic-Media Complex denounced by Ike
    Eisenhower, who also knew better.
    The time is now Obama.
    Give credibility back to the Nobel Peace Committee, lost when to everyone's
    surprise (including yourself) made you a Peace Novel Laureate!!!
    Humbly yours,
    Azril Bacal-Roij
    > http://www.ipb.org/web/index.php?mostra=news&menu=News&id_
    > nom=Montreal+Declaration
    > http://www.lecourrier.ch/141513/un_forum_social_en_pleine_mutation
    > http://www.lecourrier.ch/141516/forum_global
    > <http://www.lecourrier.ch/141513/un_forum_social_en_pleine_mutation>