• Communication commission discussion

  • Re: Happy Holidays and Best Wishes for 2017

    from bazril on Jan 01, 2017 04:30 PM
    Querido Richard,
    > Yours was a wonderful gift to start the new year, a pesar de los trumpotes
    > y trumpitos de este mundo!
    > Otros Mundos son Posibles 👍
    > Gracias amigo querido, wishing you, your family, friends and all
    > earthlinks the best of life and enough light to defy the shadows ahead ☺
    Abrazos from Fairfield, iowa
    > On Sun, Jan 1, 2017 at 11:39 AM, Richard Harris <rharris@...> wrote:
    >> Dear Family and Friends | Querida Família | Queridos AmigosI
    >> hope you are all well and enjoying this holiday season. For several
    >> years, I have sent the following 2 video links to my family and friends
    >> around the world with my best wishes for the coming new year.
    >> At these links there are two brief videos of a "flash mob" of musicians
    >> and singers performing for a surprised but delighted audience.
    >> The first flash mob took place in the city of Sabadell in Catalonia,
    >> Spain. More than 100 people participated in this surprise performance of
    >> Beethoven's famous Ode to Joy. You can view it by clicking on the following
    >> link
    >> http://www.mostwatchedtoday.com/som-sabadell-flash-mob/
    >> I'm sharing this video again because it never fails to bring tears to my
    >> eyes, no matter how many times I've seen it. Beethoven's famous Ode to Joy
    >> has been adopted as the anthem of the European Union and it expresses some
    >> of the best ideals and hopes of humanity -- unity in diversity, freedom,
    >> peace, solidarity, and love of nature.
    >> The realization of these ideals are not only what the people of Europe
    >> need but what all humanity needs. This continues to be my deepest wish for
    >> the future; followed by my wish that all of you will be blessed with Love,
    >> Health, Happiness, Peace and Prosperity throughout the new year of 2017.
    >> For the same reason, I include the second brief flash mob video at the
    >> link below. This flash mob performance took place in the food court of the
    >> World Trade Center in Beijing, China. I encourage you to view it. It has a
    >> special ending, and I hope you will enjoy it as much as I do;
    >> http://shanghaiist.com/2013/12/23/flashmob-chorus-guomao-beijing.php
    >> The talented performers in this flash mob are the members of the Taiwan
    >> Surprise Chorus.
    >> And for my political friends and fellow Bernie Sanders supporters, I
    >> would like to share with you the following brief video "Do you hear the
    >> people?"
    >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5vpabMb62g
    >> I hope you have a very good year in 2017, despite all the things that are
    >> wrong in the world., and so I wish you a Happy New Year, Feliz Año Nuevo,
    >> 新年快樂, Feliz Ano Novo, Bonne Année, Chuc Mung Nam Moi and Hau'oli Makahiki
    >> Hou (Hawaiian for Happy New Year)
    >> Richard L Harris, PhD
    >> Professor Emeritus of Global Studies
    >> California State University Monterey Bay
    >> Managing Editor
    >> Journal of Developing Societies
    >> <https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/author/richard-harris-2>
    >> Director of the Transpacific Project
    >> <http://www.transpacificproject.com/>