• Communication commission discussion

  • Re: [rc05] WG: ISA Forum Session: "A tribute to Marielle Franco"

    from bazril on Feb 20, 2021 04:53 PM
    Ref: Tribute to Mariella! Thursday 25/2 (see link!)
    Great news, Helma!!!!!
    Will spread the news asap!
    On Sat, Feb 20, 2021 at 5:41 PM Lutz, Helma <lutz@...>
    > Dear colleagues,
    > Only today, Geoffrey Pleyers, the ISA RC president, has been successful in
    > convincing the ISA board that at least plenary session should be opened up
    > to a wider audience. He really fought for this tirelessly, until finally
    > today the decision was made to open up the session in tribute of Marielle
    > Franco – see the invitation below. Please circulate this to those who are
    > interested. And don’t forget to tell them that the time slot, Thursday, (25
    > February 2021 -  17:45 - 20:00) is Porto Alegre local time. When you open
    > up the link, the time zone will be adapted to your local time zone.
    > All best wishes
    > Helma
    > *ISA Forum Common Session: "A tribute to Marielle Franco"*
    > Thursday, 25 February 2021 -  17:45 - 20:00
    > https://isaconf.confex.com/isaconf/forum2020/meetingapp.cgi/Session/15389
    > Dear colleagues,
    > Yesterday, the ISA accepted to open the Forum session in tribute to
    > Marielle Franco. We will thus be able to livestream it on the ISA website
    > and on our social media.We hope to reach out to a wide audience, beyond the
    > Forum participants.
    > This session is co-organized by 8 RCs (05, 25, 29, 34, 47, 48, 53 & 56),
    > ALAS and CLACSO.
    > After our three main panelists (Mônica Francisca, Lia de Rocha and Mariana
    > Possas (RC29)), we would like to invite you as the president of a RC that
    > co-host this session to take part in this session to join us and say a few
    > words (2-3 minutes) to honor the memory of Marielle as a sociologist, a
    > person and an activist.
    > Ana Rivoir (ALAS) and Breno Bringel (RC47) have already confirmed their
    > intervention while RC29 and RC53 are already represented by a speaker and
    > one of the session coordinator. It would be great if you or a delegate of
    > your RC could join us.
    > Most of the session will be in Portuguese, but various short intervention
    > will be in Spanish or English.
    > We also hope to count on you to help us diffusing this session as a part
    > of your RC program and on your social media.
    > Lucia Rabelho & Geoffrey Pleyers
    > Chair of the session
    > --
    > *Geoffrey Pleyers*
    > FNRS, Professor of Sociology at UCLouvain, Belgium
    > President of the IV ISA Forum of Sociology
    > <https://www.isa-sociology.org/en/conferences/forum/porto-alegre-2021> -
    > 23-28 February 2021.
    > Vice-President for Research, International Sociological Association
    > Latest articles:
    > The pandemic is a battlefield. Social movements during the COVID-19
    > lockdown
    > <https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17448689.2020.1794398>
    > FR: L'entraide comme réponse des mouvements sociaux à la pandémie
    > <https://www.cairn.info/revue-du-mauss-2020-2-page-409.htm> - Pandémie et
    > changement social
    > <https://www.cairn.info/revue-futuribles-2021-1-page-35.htm>
    > PT : *Quatro perguntas para as Ciências Sociais na Pandemia
    > <https://periodicos.ufpe.br/revistas/realis/article/view/248022/pdf>*
    > Últimos libros: Movimientos sociales en el siglo XXI
    > <http://biblioteca.clacso.edu.ar/clacso/se/20181101011041/Movimientos_sociales_siglo_XXI.pdf>
    > -  Alerta Global. Movimientos y política en la pandemia
    > <https://www.clacso.org.ar/libreria-latinoamericana/contador/sumar_pdf.php?id_libro=2224>
    > Publications: Academia <https://uclouvain.academia.edu/GeoffreyPleyers>
    > - Twitter: @GeoffreyPleyers
    > *** Please send all replies to the originator and NOT to the mailing list
    > rc05.uibk.ac.at ***