• Communication commission discussion

  • Fwd: [Div48-Discussion] Authentic Fourth of July

    from bazril on Jul 04, 2021 05:35 PM
    ---------- Forwarded message ---------
    From: Paul Kimmel <pabloramona@...>
    Date: Sun, Jul 4, 2021 at 7:17 PM
    Subject: Fwd: [Div48-Discussion] Authentic Fourth of July
    To: Ramona Rhoades <ramonapty@...>, Elvin Rudy <elvinsrudy@...>,
    cestmoimeme@... <cestmoimeme@...>, CEDRIC W GITTENS LEWIS <
    gittenscedric@...>, D_Perlma@... <D_Perlma@...>, Azril
    Bacal <bazril@...>
    Marvelous speech.  I had not read it all before.
    Happy 4th.
    Begin forwarded message:
    *From: *Anthony Marsella <marsella@...>
    *Subject: **[Div48-Discussion] Authentic Fourth of July*
    *Date: *July 4, 2021 at 11:17:50 AM EST
    *To: *DIV48@...
    *Reply-To: *Anthony Marsella <marsella@...>
    Fourth of July…….
    Gettysburg Address … I Have a Dream …Ask Not What Your Country Can Do …
    Frederick Douglass’ oration, “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?”
    stands with the most inspirational addresses in USA history.  The
    erudition, eloquence, and elocution are unmatched.
    Douglass’ words bring shame and
    guilt to any deny the importance and essential inclusion of “Critical Race
    Theory!”  Critical Race Theory is the authentic history of the USA.
    Fourth of July!!!!
    *Anthony J. Marsella, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, University of Hawaii,
    Honolulu, Hawaii 96822.*
    *Show, by your actions, that you choose peace over war, freedom over
    oppression, voice over silence, service over self-interest, respect over
    advantage, courage over fear, cooperation over competition, action over
    passivity, diversity over uniformity, and justice over all.*
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