• Memory&Documentation WG

Re: CHAT 05/08 1900 GMT

from "Hilde C Stephansen" on Aug 04, 2009 01:52 PM
Norma - as far as I understand the general ComCom chat is at 17.00 GMT
(Greenwich Mean Time), which is 18.00 in Western Europe. My suggestion is
to have the Memory GT chat at 1900 GMT (20.00 Europe), two hours after the
general chat.

If I am wrong could someone please correct me?


On Tue, August 4, 2009 1:53 pm, Norma Fernandez wrote:
> Hilde:
> aquí mando de nuevo mi viejo proyecto, como me pediste, pero es sólo como
> una base "històrica", ahora debemos actualizar todo. Yo estaré en el chat
> de mañana, pero no me queda claro el horario: si en Europa es 19, aquí
> serían las 14 hs, y a esa hora estamos en el otro chat general.
> Confirmame
> Norma
> --- El dom 2-ago-09, Hilde C Stephansen <so703hs@...> escribió:
>> De: Hilde C Stephansen <so703hs@...>
>> Asunto: [Memory&Documentation WG] CHAT 05/08 1900 GMT
>> Para: memory-documentationWG@...
>> Cc: memory-documentationwg@...
>> Fecha: domingo, 2 de agosto de 2009, 11:57 am
>> Dear all
>> ENGLISH (portugues abaixo)
>> Thank you for your comments Bettina. I also think we need
>> to arrive at a clearer understanding, as a group, about our objectives.
>> So, the suggestion is therefore to have a Memory and
>> Documentation WG chat
>> straight after the main ComCom chat on Wednesday 5th August, from 19.00
>> GMT. There is a separate chat room already set up. Anyone
>> who is not already in it please send me your skype name and I will add you
>> to the chat.
>> Could everyone please respond to the list to say whether
>> you can make this time?
>> So that we can have a constructive discussion, it would be
>> good if people could prepare by reading: - Norma's document (can you
>> circulate this again Norma?) - Bettina's draft budget proposal
>> - The various proposals to date, available at
>> http://openfsm.net/projects/communication-commission/draft-project-propo
>> sal-here
>> Obrigada pelos seus comentarios Bettina. Concordo que
>> precisamos chegar ao entendimento mais claro, como grupo, sobre os nossos
>>  objetivos.
>> Então, a proposta é ter um chat do GT Memoria e
>> Documentação depois do
>> chat semanal do ComCom na quarta-feira, dia 5 de augusto, as 1900 GMT.
>> Temos já um espaço do chat. Quem não já está dentro,
>> me mande seu nome skype e eu vou te adicionar.
>> Por favor, podem responder á lista para dizer se esta hora
>> está bom?
>> Para ter uma conversa construtiva, sugero que tentamos ler
>> os seguintes documentos:
>> - o documento que a Norma mandou (pode mandar de novo,
>> Norma?)
>> - a proposta do orçamento da Bettina
>> - as propostas que temos até agora:
>> http://openfsm.net/projects/communication-commission/draft-project-propo
>> sal-here
>> In solidarity
>> hugs, Hilde
>> On Fri, July 31, 2009 8:42 pm, bettina gozzano wrote:
>>> dear all memory wg,
>>> since i will not attend the next chat this group have
>> scheduled, il will
>>> here write my considerations, (which actually in part
>> i have already wrote
>>> to the group) about the projects and the process
>> behind.
>>> over all, it seems to me that  in terms of
>> process, we have to be more
>>> carefull.
>>> i think we all need to understand what do we want to
>> accomplish, and how.
>>>   perhaps we must question what we mean when we
>> speak about wsf memory. I
>>> have suggested to read the document norma has recently
>> send to us, but
>>> have seen no reply  to this suggestion as almost
>> none to other ones.
>>> aren't wg also discussion groups or not? also, making
>> a collective project
>>> has to go through a collective work, discussing and
>> coming to a common
>>> product that is agreeable to all. It seems to me there
>> may be the need to
>>> share thoughts and practice before coming out with
>> proposals that seem to
>>> me a little "out of target" and perhaps not exctly
>> matching the objectives
>>> of a  wsf memory,  a collaborative project
>> should be reviewed and
>>> discussed by all who are involved. It should be a work
>> of a group, not in
>>> a group!
>>> I think it may be a good idea for all of us 
>> discussing norma's document
>>> as one point of the agenda, and another might be 
>> the budget form, this
>>> way we may come to analize and summarize things and
>> come to a common idea;
>>> attached i send a budget draft proposal for memory
>> group discussion... it
>>>   can be  a starting point also.
>>> another effort we should all do regards lanquage; many
>> write in mother
>>> tongue and make no effort to translate for those who
>> don't understand...
>>> you know, i also could write only in italian and
>> expect that everybody
>>> transltate for themself! as i make the effort of using
>> a second language,
>>> so could others!!!!  google translate is very
>> helpfull, though, of course,
>>> it still needs correction.
>>> please hilde and norma, send a mail to the group for
>> the scheduled chat
>>> meeting, as a reminder ( perhaps not everybody has
>> read the past chat
>>> yet), it makes it more official! I will come back on
>> the 9th and stay
>>> around only a couple of days... then i'm back by the
>> end of august.
>>> i hope to see more involvement and replies from all of
>> you! a solidarity
>>> big hug ciao bettina
>>> --
>>> Archive:
>>> http://openfsm.net/projects/communication-commission/lists/memory-docu
>>> men tationwg/archive/2009/07/1249069921927 To unsubscribe
>> send an email with
>>> subject "unsubscribe" to memory-documentationWG@....
>>> Please contact memory-documentationWG-manager@...
>> for
>>> questions.
>> --
>> Archive:
>> http://openfsm.net/projects/communication-commission/lists/memory-docum
>> entationwg/archive/2009/08/1249225175206 To unsubscribe send an email
>> with subject "unsubscribe" to memory-documentationWG@.... 
>>  Please contact memory-documentationWG-manager@...
>> for questions.
> Yahoo! Cocina
> Encontra las mejores recetas con Yahoo! Cocina.
> http://ar.mujer.yahoo.com/cocina/
> --
> Archive:
> http://openfsm.net/projects/communication-commission/lists/memory-documen
> tationwg/archive/2009/08/1249390572678 To unsubscribe send an email with
> subject "unsubscribe" to memory-documentationWG@....
> Please contact memory-documentationWG-manager@... for
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