• Translation GT

  • reading again the last two inputs

    from pierre on Oct 28, 2008 07:56 AM
    See the page here where the last two inputs are put in sequence
    Next step is to make a match between the item in the two inputs
    Let us try to dialogue taking into account what has been input before, 
    adress the points  and complement  or change them
    With greetings
    Antonio, Bettina, Gregoire & I had a short meeting here in Maputo during the 
    Via Campesina general assembly. the points we discussed were all related to 
    interpreting/translating documents.
    1 Wsf tv is one project among many other: sites with 4 different language 
    versions & no download is difficult
    Voiceover is a better option & easier to do.
    2 We have no logistics for coordination of written translations, and it was 
    too much work during wsf2008 for us to do in any realistic manner. We need 
    to keep the amount of documents low. The amount Pierre George suggested is 
    not realstic
    >>>Pierre ! After checking in what i had written : i have not set any figure 
    Regarding  quantity : what are reasonable standards  for a volunteer group 
    of 2 / 3 people  ?
    This  could be a broad reference :  limit of    X  by 1000 ? sign mails  and 
    Y by  5000?  sign pages per week  for each group ( let us establish these 
    figures  )
    >>>in the report of  the meeting  in maputo  there is  mention the idea of 
    >>>embedded group doing written translationwhich was the main idea in the 
    >>>last input made
    3 Expanded Belem should be about 2 pages @ a time, in different strategic 
    languages: how about aiming for 
    4 Audio input is important for grassroots. People will find their own 
    translation (oral). We need to identify people who can be relays in other 
    regions to take this on
    5 Open fsm is very compicated for grassroots to use, but it's a work tool 
    for groups like comcom
    6 For theNewsletter, if there is one, we, need to organise a dedicated team 
    as of ? (Thiago what's happening with this?)
    That's about all. I have very variable email coverage at present until this 
    day next week when I fly back to France.
    Take care all,
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