• Ensemble FALDI FSM

  • Fwd: The Maghreb - Machrek Social Forum, Extraordinary session: Palestine Our Future

    from Mouhieddine Cherbib on May 04, 2024 11:22 AM
    Pour information :
    *Forum Social Maghreb machrek - session spéciale: *
    *Après Gaza*  "*Palestine notre Avenir" *(note en PJ)
    *Tunis du 10 au 12 Mai 2024 *
    Avec la participation de personnalités, de France,  Belgique, Canada, Maroc
    , Algérie et Palestine
    (Programme détaillé en Fr et Ar suivra )
    Amitiés Mouhieddine
     Dear all
    We would like to thank you for your interest in registering and
    participating in the Maghreb – Machrek  Social Forum on Palestine, which
    will be held on the 11th  and 12th of May in Tunis, We look forward to
    meeting and welcoming you next week at the Conference Palace, the venue of
    the forum.
    You will find in this message some information about the program and the
    location of the forum. The detailed program will be sent later. You will
    also find in the attachment a display of hotel prices and their names. You
    can communicate directly with the logistics and travel company to make
    arrangements for your stay and payment mechanisms.
    We apologize for not being able to provide any financial support to the
    participants, whether for travel, accommodation, or transportation, and we
    hope you understand that.
    *The Maghreb - Machrek Social Forum*
    *Extraordinary session: Palestine Our Future*
    *The war on the Gaza Strip is a challenge to humanitarian and democratic
    *11**-**12 MAY 2024 *
     *Program *
    *Opening session*
    *The Conferences Palace in Tunis*
    *Saturday 11 may 2024 *
    *9h30 – 11h00*
    *Morning thematic seminars*
    *11h15 – 13h30*
    *Halls of the Conference Palace in Tunis*
    1-     Israel as a contemporary colonial reality: This theme aims to
    highlight the similarities between the colonial project in Palestine and
    modern colonial experiences and manifestations of postcolonial hegemony on
    economic, political and cultural levels, as well as the importance of the
    link between the Palestinian national struggle of today with the legacy of
    the struggle of the liberation movements and the tasks of the anti-racist
    and decolonial movements in the making.
    2-   The bias of Western media and the domination of the Israeli narrative
    on the public space of the north: This theme constitutes a good
    introduction to the analysis of the media war unleashed against the
    Palestinians and the way in which it has stifled the voices that are
    favorable. It showed the organic relationship between hegemonic financial
    forces and right-wing forces in today's media world, and the importance of
    thinking about alternative media solutions.
    3- Democratic values and international solidarity
    Are we therefore witnessing a new kind of militant intersectionality? Are
    we witnessing structural changes in the movement itself that would bring
    solidarity with Palestine closer to bringing together activists, old and
    new, and global public opinion, against a common struggle against
    colonialism? In all its forms, against racism, imperialism, hegemony, and
    the hegemony of the powerful? What is convergence(s)? What are the shared
    platform(s)? What is the future (future) and what are the strategies of
    solidarity and resistance?
    *Lunch break*
    *13h30 – 14h30*
    *Evening thematic seminars*
    *14h30 – 17h00*
    *Halls of the Conference Palace in Tunis*
     4-   The United Nations and the powerlessness of international justice on
    Palestine and current geopolitical changes: What is expected from the
    discussion around this theme consists of the demonstration of the policy of
    double standards and the analysis relations between the immunity enjoyed by
    Israel despite the violation of international laws and the submission of
    world governance to the interests of old and new colonialism. This will
    involve focusing on the significance of South Africa's initiative for the
    translation of Israel before the International Court of Justice.
    5- The crisis of democratic changes and the struggle for human rights in
    the Maghreb Mashreq region: It is important in the wake of this theme to
    focus on the causes and signs of the counter-revolution in the Arab region
    after the hopes raised by the uprisings and social movements in the region,
    as well as the danger represented by the instrumentalization of the
    Palestinian cause to repress fundamental and civil freedoms. This new
    context has influenced the support of Palestine, which demonstrates the
    importance of the involvement of civil forces in intersecting processes of
    struggle between the local and the global in favor of freedom, democracy,
    justice social and the sovereignty of peoples.
    6-   The global movement opposed to Israel, the boycott and
    anti-normalization movements and supporting the Palestinian cause, its
    diversity and its overlaps: The aim here is to take stock of all the
    emerging movements in favor of Palestine in north and south, their various
    intellectual foundations and their efficiency on the ground including
    political forces, unions and campaigns. It is a matter of grasping
    everything they represented as a qualitative change in the mobilization of
    new resources within world public opinion and exchanging experiences and
    possible overlapping horizons.
    7- Special workshop on the reality of Palestinian women and their
    targeting, in cooperation with the Tunisian Association of women Democrat
    *Evening session*
    *Palestinian prisoners and the war of extermination*
    *Introducing of the book*
    * Salah Hamouri: Prisoner of Jerusalem, a political detainee from occupied
    *18h00 – 20h00*
    *Rio Hall in Tunis*
    *Sunday 12 may 2024*
    *Halls of the Conference Palace in Tunis*
    *9h00 – 13h00*
    *Closing session: Palestine is our future *
    *The **Preparatory Committee*
    Cherbib Mouhieddine