• Iraq Social Forum

Agreements on Extended Forum, after today's chat

from "Martina Pignatti M." on Aug 21, 2013 06:24 PM
Dear all,
today's chat was useful for us to clarify issues on the Extended Iraqi 
Social Forum. Even if the whole text of the chat will be available 
online, I sum-up here the main agreements. Additional options need to be 
discussed again because there was no consensus that they are 
sustainable, and many of us think that offering too many options may 
scare/confuse/demotivate participants in the Extended forum.
*I ask the ISF Committee in Baghdad to confirm soon if they want to 
stream the main events, like the opening event or the final plenary 
assembly. Internationals are very interested in following these moments, 
and would like to know when they take place.*

Another chat of the ISF Extension Team will take place on Monday, August 
26, at 5 pm (Italian time). If you want to participate please contact 
the skype user: isf.extensionteam

The next general chat of the International Solidarity Committee for the 
Iraqi Social Forum (ISF) will take place on Wednesday 28th of August, at 
14:00 GMT (that is 16:00 in Italy, 17:00 in Iraq).

Info on the Extended Forum follow.



_Definition of activities:_

1) SOLIDARITY ACTIVITY happens before the forum,  in Iraq or abroad, 
trying to establish a Skype connection with someone from the ISF committee
2) TELE-PARTICIPATION happens during the forum, through events organized 
abroad or in other Iraqi cities (who ask to connect with someone at the 
ISF, and hear about what is going on in Baghdad) or events organized at 
the ISF which are open to internet participation from internationals and 
from other Iraqi cities (through streaming or a collective Skype call)
3) TELE-EXCHANGE is the more complex and rewarding activity, with two or 
more groups preparing the workshop together and doing it simultaneously 
during the ISF, through internet connection. One group will be in 
Baghdad, other groups in other Iraqi cities or abroad

_How to organize them:_

1) SOLIDARITY ACTIVITIES: Martina will ask those who proposed them to 
write us : when, where and at what time they plan to do the activities 
and what is the content, and set a deadline to get all this info 
(September 10). The ISF Secretariat will convey the same info to Martina 
about solidarity activities organized in Iraq. Afterwards, the Iraqi 
Extension Team will have to find relevant activists from the ISF 
Committee to participate through skype calls in every event. This way we 
can do a schedule of Solidarity activities before the ISF, this program 
can be ready on September 15

IRAQI CITY during the ISF: we need to know again when and where and at 
what time they plan to do the activities and what is the content, 
Martina can send a similar email to internationals with the same 
deadline (Sept 10, that can be moved of a few days eventually), Ismaeel 
will write to the Iraqis who proposed activities through the 
international website. The extension team in Baghdad will have a program 
of these activities before the forum starts, and look for relevant  
persons during the ISF who can come to the Extension Office at the ISF 
venue at each time.
So we will have an Extension Office where people go to connect with 
people outside, and make a speech on what is happening at the ISF.

to identify if the Iraqis who registered events in Baghdad want to open 
them to extension. The Iraqi Extension team should ask them to appoint 
within Sept 15 one person of their organization who can follow the 
extension, and teach this person how to manage a streaming or a skype 
conference. The Iraqi Extension team will also convey to Iraq groups the 
interest of internationals to follow their activity online, if 
internationals signal it before September 5. Links of streaming channels 
and skype contacts can be collected before the ISF, and all these 
activities will be allocated in Extension Rooms. These Extended 
Activities will be signalled in the ISF program.

3) TELE-EXCHANGE needs to be discussed by the Extension Team during the 
next chat on Monday.

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