• Iraq Social Forum


from Alessandra Mecozzi on Dec 31, 2014 03:52 PM
A real very good 2015 to all of you and to all the Iraqi people!
Alessandra Mecozzi

2014-12-31 14:25 GMT+01:00 Gershom Kabaso <gersheek@...>:

> Dear Ali,
> You have our support from us all like Zambia Social Forum (ZAMSOF)
>  people to People Solidarity!
>  By the way are you coming to the World Social Forum in Tunisia from 26-30
> March 2015?
> Happy New Year to All!
> Gershom Kabaso
> National Cordinator
> For Zambia Social Forum
> Gershom Kabaso,r.,
> National Coordinator ,
> Zambia Social Forum
>  Email:gersheek@...
>  Zamsof@...
>  PO BOX CA 131 Castle Lusaka
>  Cell Phone: +260 977 46 72 86
>                      +260 950 72 11 22
> On 31 December 2014 at 02:25, Nicola <info@...> wrote:
>>  [image: Boxbe] <https://www.boxbe.com/overview> This message is
>> eligible for Automatic Cleanup! (info@...) Add cleanup
>> rule
>> <https://www.boxbe.com/popup?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.boxbe.com%2Fcleanup%3Ftoken%3DYil0S6a818mpD4lo6WaPBB2s1XkDnyRTkCNI3SilRrcitg8A6QuxbbJq%252FMppmpqDCTNWFvtBJIdqX6S8xnCY0tAd5Ny2%252Bsawm%252B%252FHQajtmwwpyLG8lsrtFGlNSQH7wX8%252F%252BJLZZKEP4cxmXPliyfz9fw%253D%253D%26key%3DMsXroPdn%252F5%252FD09zh5mDP2J%252F54xkZ4APDWrNToLMw7Hk%253D&tc_serial=19889039311&tc_rand=868252925&utm_source=stf&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=ANNO_CLEANUP_ADD&utm_content=001>
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>> You’ll have all our effort for 2015!
>> Nicola
>> *Da:* isf.iraq@... [mailto:isf.iraq@...] *Per conto di *Iraqi
>> social forum
>> *Inviato:* mercoledì 31 dicembre 2014 10:14
>> *A:* مجموعة مراسلة; iraq-social-forum-english@...; مجموعة
>> مراسلة اللجنة التحضيرية
>> *Oggetto:* [Iraq Social Forum] HAPPY NEW YAER
>> English text below
>> شهد عام 2014 الكثير من التغيرات والتطورات الخطيرة على مستقبل بلدنا
>> العراق، فقد استباحت القوى الارهابية (داعش) العديد من الاراضي العراقية مما
>> سبب مئات الالاف من النازحين والقتلى والجرحى، وابشع صور الانتهاك لحقوق
>> الانسان. في عام 2014 كانت المشكلات السياسية والصراع على السلطة ومغانمها
>> العنوان الابرز للعملية السياسية المبنية على اساس المحاصصة، مما اخر عجلة
>> التطور والانتقال الديمقراطي، في وقت مازالت العدالة الاجتماعية غير متحققة
>> ولم تتحسن احوال الفقراء المعيشية، كذلك ما زالت حقوق والحريات تعاني من
>> التقويض. انه بالفعل كان عاما حافلا باحداث ومنعطفات تاريخية خطيرة على وحدة
>> النسيج العراقي...
>> في العام القادم لا يسعنا سوى العمل مع جميع الحالمين بعراق اخر.. الحالمين
>> بعالم اخر... عراق وعالم يسوده الامن والاستقرار، ينعم افراده بالحرية
>> ويتمتعون بالعدالة الاجتماعية، العمل كثير ويحتاج لتظافر جميع الجهود ونحن
>> وانتم قادرين على تغيير الاوضاع ودفع البلاد والعالم نحو بر الامان
>> ​ كل عام وانت بالف خير سنة سعيدة
>> 2014 witnessed a lot of changes, and serious developments regarding
>> Iraq's future. The forces of terrorism (Da'aish) invaded many Iraqi lands,
>> causing hundred of thousands of IDPs, wounded, deaths, and the most
>> outrageous forms of violations for human rights. In 2014 political problems
>> and disputes over power was the headline of the political operation that
>> was based upon political quota; causing delayed in development and
>> democratic transformation, in a time when there is no social justice, the
>> conditions of the poor in our rich country, and rights and freedoms are
>> still undermined. It was indeed a year of dangerous events and historical
>> twists that will impact the unity of the spectrum of the Iraqi people..
>> In the coming year, we can only afford to work with all those who dream
>> of another Iraq, another world, Iraq and world where security and stability
>> is prevailed, were everybody is enjoying freedom and social justice.
>> There's so much to be done, and needs that all of us come together. You,
>> and we, can change the situations and lead the world to safety shores...
>> *Happy New Year*
>> Ali Saheb
>> Iraqi Social Forum Coordinator
>> ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ
>> isf.iraq@...
>> info@...
>> www.iraqsf.org
>> skype: ali_ros87
>> 009647717642238
>> 009647702685201
>> --
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>> iraq-social-forum-english@.... Please contact
>> iraq-social-forum-english-manager@... for questions.
>> --
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