• SASF Ext Info Intl Particip

Re: ideas for local activities for remote participation in dhaka events

from Abhaya Joshi on Nov 03, 2011 07:52 AM
Dear Sir/Madam,

South Asia Social Forum.

Greetings from the Kathmandu,

I am Abhaya Raj Joshi from SCOPE Nepal. I have already registered for the
participation at the South Asia Social Forum., Bangladesh 2011.Please sand
me the confirmations or
invitation letter.

Thank you very much for understanding and cooperation.


*Abhaya R. Joshi *



*SCOPE Nepal
(Environment, Peace, Security and Social Justice Center) *

*GPO Box 23158,*

*NewBaneshwor-34,Kathamndu ,Nepal*

*Phone: 016922264*
*          abhaya@...*
* **Please consider the environment before printing this email***

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