• TransitionCI WG

New working group on reform IC - home page

from Pierre George on Apr 12, 2015 04:44 PM
Dear Francine and all

The home page for the TRANSITIONCI working group is here :
in this page you will find some practical indications

Looking forward to working together fruitfully.

2015-04-09 9:53 GMT+02:00 Francine Mestrum <mestrum@...>:

> Dear friends,
> As requested at the IC meeting in Tunis, you have now been registered on
> the membership list Pierre has created.
> Pierre promised to make this new post easily visible on the openfsm
> website, so that we can easily access it. Pierre, can you do this? Thanks
> in adavnce.
> Teivo and myself are supposed to be 'facilitators' of this task.
> It would be nice if someone (Gina, Giu, Teivo?) could now put on this post
> the different documents I sent  to you last week and which can be a serious
> - though not exclusive - basis for our work.
> Other documents could be added: most of all Chico's initial document that
> gave rise to the whole discussion.
> I also think of the two articles Roberto Savio sent around in the past
> days, with some serious reflections.
> This is all for now, please also look at the note I sent around last week,
> and give us your ideas about how to start our work.
> All the best, looking forward to working together fruitfully.
> Francine
> --
> Archive:
> http://openfsm.net/projects/transitionci/lists/transitionci-discussion/archive/2015/04/1428566032108
> To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
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