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  • Update: Gaza Situation- 170 children killed… 18 Health facilities damaged

    from Intesar Hamdan on Jul 24, 2014 08:53 AM
    Dear allTHIS IS THE UPDATING TILL 24/7/2014 MORNING ABOUT GAZA SITUATION TO SEE THE REPORT .. BELOW, OR ATTACHED OR CLICK ON TCC WEBSITE also you will find  more reports www.teachercc.org   to see Photos of the Israeli aggression in Gaza Strip click https://www.facebook.com/TeacherCreativityCenter/posts/734996676556702 Thank you for your support  in  disseminating the truth about what's going on   GAZA  Update: Gaza Situation- 170 children killed… 18 Health facilities damaged …116 Schools damaged
     This report covers the period
    from 22 July (1500 hrs) to 23 July (1500 hrs)
     Produced by OCHA 
    With some update from the
    Palestinian Ministry of Health till the morning of 24/7/2014
     According to preliminary information, at least 697 Palestinians,
    including at least 518 civilians, are reported to have been killed. This
    includes 170 children and 86 women, 
     Intense overcrowding in shelters raises increasing concerns, as
    mass displacement continues: approximately 140,000 IDPs now seeking shelter in
    83 UNRWA schools and additional thousands sheltering in Ministry of
    Education-run schools and with relatives. Low water supply to shelters is a
    major concern. 
     Two Israeli missiles landed in the vicinity of the Gaza Power
    Plant causing it to suspend operations, further reducing power supply. 
     in the last 24 hours, six more UNRWA
    schools have been damaged by shelling. 
    The latest Statistics accprding to OCHA till (1500 hrs)  23/7/2014 
    697 Palestinians killed, including at least 518 civilians, of
    whom 170 are children and 86 are women (This number increase
    to) 720 Palestinians killed According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health till
    the morning of 24/7/2014 
    3,993 Palestinians injured, of whom 1,213 are children and 698
    women (This number increase to) 4563
    Palestinians injured According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health till the
    morning of 24/7/2014
    140,000 Displaced hosted in 83 UNRWA schools
    44% Of Gaza within a three kilometer wide
    strip declared as a ‘No-go zone’
    18 Health facilities damaged or
    +140,000 Palestinians displaced and in
    need of food assistance
    116 Schools damaged by shelling 41 government schools and 75 UNRWA
    +140,000 IDPs in need of water for drinking
    and domestic use
    140,000 People in need of
    shelter-related assistance
    125,000 Children in need of
    psychosocial support
     Situation Overview 
    The casualty toll among
    Palestinian civilians continues to increase, with the Gaza emergency in its
    third week and the Israeli ground offensive continuing for the sixth
    consecutive day. A three kilometer-wide strip, encompassing 44 per cent of
    Gaza’s territory has been declared a ‘No-go zone’ by the Israeli military.
    There are reports that Khuza’a, east of Khan Yunis, was exposed to severe
    artillery fire over night and today, as Israeli forces reportedly entered
    several hundred metres into the village. According to preliminary information,
    at least 20 persons were killed. An evacuation of casualties has not yet taken
    place as ambulances await guarantees of safe access to the area 
    and casualties 
    Since the last situation
    update, 98 persons have been reported killed or their bodies recovered from
    under the rubble in Ash Shuja’iyeh neighborhood. Many residents of Ash
    Shuja’iyeh, including multiple family members, are reportedly still missing
    under the rubble of their homes, in areas that are still inaccessible. At
    approximately 17:00 yesterday, medical crews recovered the bodies of four
    members of the Hajjaj family, whose home was destroyed in an airstrike on the
    neighborhood on 21 July. The killing of multiple members of the same families
    as a result of the targeting of homes remains a matter of serious concern.
    Human rights organizations have estimated that since the start of the
    emergency, the Israeli military has targeted and destroyed or severely damaged
    564 residential properties, including many multi-storey buildings, causing
    civilian casualties and displacing the survivors. 
    The cumulative fatality toll
    among Palestinians, as of this afternoon, stands at 697, according to
    preliminary data collected by the Protection Cluster from various sources. This
    includes at least 518 civilians (74 per cent), 108 members of armed groups and
    71 persons whose status is yet unknown. A third of the civilian fatalities
    (170) are children. According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, 3,993
    Palestinians, including 1,213 children and 698 women, had been injured as at
    21.00 on 22 July. Thousands of explosive remnants of war are left in civilian
    areas affected by the conflict, causing a threat to children, especially boys
    who are usually the first victims of these dangerous items. 
    As a result of the hostilities,
    tens of thousands have continued to flee their homes in search of a safe haven.
    As of this afternoon, UNRWA was hosting approximately 140,000 IDPs in 83
    schools operated as emergency shelters and safe spaces throughout the Gaza
    Strip, up from 117,000 yesterday. That is about six per cent of the Gazan
    population and more than double those sheltered by UNRWA during the three-week
    long Israeli Operation “Cast Lead” in 2008/2009.There are eight government
    schools (the majority in Gaza City), which have been officially opened as
    emergency shelters and are currently hosting several thousand IDPs; they are
    managed by the Palestinian Ministry of Social Affairs and their exact locations
    have been communicated to the Israeli military. Additionally, an unknown number
    of IDPs have taken refuge in other government schools, not opened as shelters,
    as well as in buildings under construction, both of which are considered
    unsafe. Last night 4,850 people were residing in five government schools, a
    mosque and Gaza city’s Greek Orthodox church. This is in addition to the
    approximately 19,400 individuals who have been displaced, as destruction or
    damage to their homes has rendered them uninhabitable. 
    Intense overcrowding,
    compounded by the limited access of humanitarian staff to certain areas, is
    increasingly undermining the living conditions at many shelters and raising
    protection concerns. Water supply has been particularly challenging, with IDPs
    in some shelters being supplied with as little as three liters per capita per
    day, to be used for all purposes including drinking and hygiene. The largest
    concern relates to the current conditions and shortages at eight UNRWA schools
    in the northern area, which could not be reached from outside for two
    consecutive days, due to the ongoing fighting.
    infrastructure and services 
    Public infrastructure and
    services continued to be struck and sustain damages, including health
    facilities and ambulances. In the early morning of 23 July, two Israeli
    missiles landed in the vicinity of Gaza Power Plant (GPP) causing it to suspend
    operations. Initial reports suggest that two generators in one of the blocks
    were damaged by the attack and may need extensive repairs. Power supply is
    further reduced to a few hours per day in Gaza. GPP engineers are seeking
    guarantees from the Israeli authorities that they will not be targeted while
    conducting repairs. The ICRC will provide daily coordination for the GPP team
    to go to the power plant, escorts are not being provided at this point, as
    these escorts are needed for life-saving missions. 
    In the last 24 hours, six
    more UNRWA schools have been affected by shelling. In total, 116 schools (75
    UNRWA and 41 government schools have been affected since last week due to their
    close proximity to targeted sites. At 06:00 on 23 July, an UNRWA school being
    used to shelter IDPs in Deir al Balah was shelled. No casualties were reported.
    Since the start of the emergency at least 18 medical facilities have been hit
    by airstrikes and shelling. Under IHL, medical personnel, hospitals and
    ambulances, exclusively assigned to medical duties, must be spared and allowed
    at all times to carry out their duties.
    On 23 July, the Israeli
    military shelled Al Wafa Rehabilitation Hospital east of Gaza City, severely
    damaging the building. The Israeli army said they had targeted specific sites
    in the hospital compound after fire was opened from the location on several occasions.
    The hospital was struck twice by Israeli tank shells last week, forcing doctors
    and patients to evacuate the premises. At approximately 14:30 today, Israeli
    tanks fired a number of shells into the garden of Beit Hanoun Hospital,
    damaging the water network and reportedly injuring ambulance drivers. 
    humanitarian priorities 
    Protection of civilians:
    ensuring respect for the IHL principles of distinction, proportionality and
    precaution in attack.  New humanitarian
    pause: urgently needed, among other reasons, to complete search and rescue
    operations in Ash Shuja’iyeh; reach IDPs and families in northern Gaza; and
    repair critical water and electricity infrastructure. 
    Scale up response to IDPs:
    additional shelters are needed to reduce overcrowding and accommodate new IDPs,
    alongside the replenishment of food, water, and NFI stocks.
    Protection Needs:
    At least 125,000 children require direct and specialized psychosocial
    support (PSS) on the basis of families who have experienced death, injury or
    loss of home over the past thirteen days. 
     Child protection and
    psychosocial support is urgently required to address issues of child abuse,
    exploitation and violence inside shelters and refuges. 
     Thousands of explosive remnants
    of war are left in civilian areas affected by conflict, causing a major threat
    to children.
    Shelter and Non-Food Items (NFI) Needs:
    3,230 families (approximately 19,400 individuals) whose shelters were
    totally destroyed or sustained major damage require emergency NFI kits
    including mattresses, blankets, hygiene kits, and kitchen sets. In the medium
    term, they will need cash assistance to cover rental fees and basic household
     NFI emergency shelter repair
    interventions such as nylon and tarpaulin are needed for about 3,750 families
    (22,500 individuals) whose homes sustained damage but are still inhabitable. Another
    126,000 individuals living in homes which sustained minor damage (broken
    windows and/or damaged doors) need NFI assistance such as nylon and plastic
    Water, Sanitation and
    Hygiene (WASH) Needs:
    IDPs hosted at UNRWA shelters, public schools, with host families or in
    open spaces, as well as communities disconnected from the municipal water
    supply need water for drinking and domestic use. 
     An estimated 1.2 million people
    have no or very limited access to water or sanitation services due to damage to
    the electricity system or lack of fuel to run generators to power WASH facilities.
     15 wells and six sewage pumping
    stations are not operating. Less than half of the required amount of water is
    being pumped, according to the Municipality of Gaza. 
     WASH facilities east of Salah ad
    Din road and in north Gaza (both areas in the new three Km no-go zone) have not
    been accessible for repairs, and are also likely to be inaccessible to water
    trucking due to the unsafe security situation. 
     Several areas are experiencing
    sewage flooding, in particular in Beit Hanoun and Beit Lahiya, posing public
    health hazards. 
     Humanitarian access to allow for
    repairs of wells, sewage pumping station and water and sewage lines is urgently
    needed to avert the outbreak of public health diseases. 
    Health and Nutrition Needs: 
     The health needs, including mental health
    needs for displaced families sheltering in UNRWA schools and other emergency
    shelters need to be immediately addressed. 
     Psycho-tropic drugs for patients with mental
    illness, trauma and anxiety are in critically short supply. 
     Shifa hospital urgently needs neurosurgeons,
    anesthesiologists, plastic and general surgeons, and orthopedic specialists, as
    well as 20 ICU beds, a digital C-ARM machine for orthopedic surgeries, three
    operation tables and a lighting system for the five operation rooms. 
     On 22 July, the water network of Beit Hanoun
    Hospital was destroyed, and ambulance drivers were reportedly injured. 
    On 23 July, following
    warnings issued, the Israeli army badly damaged al Wafa Rehabilitation Hospital
    east of Gaza City. Protection of health facilities and health personnel is
    urgently needed.
     Food Security Needs: 
     An estimated 140,000 IDPs hosted at UNRWA
    shelters, plus additional thousands in public schools and other facilities,
    with host families or in open spaces are in need of emergency food assistance.
    More than 2,863 people who are being sheltered in over 47 informal centres
    across the Gaza Strip over the last days are urgently in need of food
    assistance, NFIs and other assistance. IDPs in the southern part of Gaza taking
    refuge in private shelters are in particular need of food assistance. 
     Farmers, breeders and fishermen’s livelihoods
    are heavily compromised. Although a comprehensive picture of exact needs is not
    yet available, animal feed for 3,000 herders is needed to avoid further loss of
    livestock and erosion of livelihoods. 
     Continuation of regular food distribution
    programmes by UNRWA, WFP and their partners to over 1,150,000 people should be
     Humanitarian access to allow for provision of
    food and other emergency assistance to the civilian population is urgently
    needed and should be guaranteed throughout the conflict 
    Education Needs:  
     In the last 24 hours, six additional UNRWA
    schools have been affected by shelling, bringing up the total number of damaged
    schools to 116 since the start of the emergency. 41 government schools and 75
    UNRWA schools are in need of repairs. 
    Intesar Hamdan
    Human Rights  Program Director 
    Teacher Creativity Center 
    Palestine- Ramallah
    Tel. 00970 2 2959960
    Fax. 00970 2 296481