• WSF Extended info

  • three months after dakar - fresh news and perspectives

    from daketen on May 10, 2011 03:36 PM
    Hello on the wsf extended exchange list !
    Some months after dakar extended ,  sfex  ie "social forum extended" initiative is ongoing
    Facilitating team meets twice a month and develop connections to some events
    You can  go in this page and decide to go on  with us exploring distance intercommunication   after your Dakar extended experience 
    -read information 
    -download some questions to think about, 
    -download your sfex directory form if your group wants to fill it  and send it back to us 
    Regarding practical occasions for distance intercommunication
    -a meeting in tunis has been enlarged in april ( mostly Arabic and French) 
    -Next occasion is NEXT SATURDAY Saturday may14th about southern African social forum process organizing process in Lusaka  
    See invitation and instruction for registration here  ( just go in skype and search for sasf.rocmeeting user)
    Sfex facilitation team / anglophone group