• WSF Extended info

  • EN On line participation Assembly in Montréal "towards WSF2016" - Saturday October 4th 1pm-4pm

    from group_fsmwsfextension_canada on Oct 01, 2014 02:06 PM
    message from  WSF2016 Montreal facilitation collective
    Hello everyone,
    We inform you you that the assembly towards a WSF 2016 in Montreal  will be
    held  in MOntréal in  UQAM *Saturday, October 4, from 1pm to 4pm ( UTC -4)*,
    room DS-R515, De Seve Pavilion, 320 rue Sainte-Catherine Est - Metro
    This is an opportunity to learn more about the progress of this project and
    see how you can get involved and support the organizational process.
    -Here is The *agenda* of the meeting:
    1 Welcome and presentation round (1 pm.-1.30 pm)
    2 Overview WSF2016 Initiative in Montreal (1.30-2.30)
    3 Plenary Discussion (2.30-3.30)
    4 synthesis and proposals (3.30-4pm)
    -For those who cannot come to the assembly venue, you can *follow** the
    meeting live on the web* (streaming *with synthetic written live
    interpretation from french to english* : http://www.99media.org/en-direct/
       In the "chat" tab (link is right of the video screen), *you can
    participate with comments and questions which will be displayed and
    acknowledged by the meeting  moderator  *and  put in the stack along with
    those coming from the room in montréal,* You are welcome to make more
    elaborate inputs ( *in a "pad" which will be indicated in the chat)
    -To Prepare for the meeting, and find some answers to your questions, please
    see downloadable document "Frequently Asked Questions"
    -More information available at all times on our website: www.fsm2016.org (
    mostly in french for the moment)
     Another world is necessary, all together it becomes possible.
    In solidarity,
    *WSF 2016 Montreal Facilitation Collective  *
    contact fsm2016.quebec AT gmail.com