• WSF Extended info

  • UBRAN SOCIAL FORUM IN INDONESIA - dec 3rd remote participation

    from extension@... on Nov 29, 2016 11:44 PM
    INVITATION : WSF process accessible for all - WSF EXTENSION DYNAMICS IN 
    INDONESIA - dec 3rd
    Remotely participate in urban social forum 4th edition in the city of 
    Semarang - Dec 3rd 8 am to 8 pm  -
      2000 people expected - 14 activities on urban issues accessible to 
    remote participants with live videos and chat room  hosted by welcoming 
    USF volunters
    @ time in semarang 
    @ livestreams page https://acadhe.github.io/usf_streaming/
    @chatrooms page https://acadhe.github.io/usf_chat-room/
    @ more information
    @ extension dynamics is now 250 activities in 40 countries
    GEOGRAPHY  page : 
    CHRONOLOGY page  - upcoming activities : 
    to announce an activity in the extension dynamics, write to : extension 
    at  fsm2016.org