• WG about future

  • insumo de Chico e Gina

    from pierre on Aug 14, 2012 03:49 PM
    PT So Para integraçao dos envios de chico e gina no arquivo da lista de
    correio  wg about future
    EN Just  to include two inputs from chico and gina in the online archive of
    the list  "wg about future"
    Dear all, waiting for maybe more proposals, I will be working tomorrow
     all the ones that have arrived and will try to make a suggestion of
    how to order our discussion and how to continue.
    Querid@, esperando a ver si llegan mas propuestas, estare mañana
    trabajando sobre las que han llegado, para enviar una sugerencia de
    como ordenar nuestra discusion y como continuar.
    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    From: Chico - UOL <chicowf@...>
    Date: 2012/8/13
    Subject: Re: the report of WG /informe del GT Monastir
    (English and French below)
    (Anglais et Français au dessous)
    Prezados e prezadas, aqui lhes mando, como prometi, o texto que acabo de
    escrever sobre o funcionamento do CI (um "romance" agora com 15 e não 14
    páginas...), como uma contribuição ao Grupo de Trabalho que discutirá seu
    Mando em português e logo que puder em inglês e francês. Abraços do Chico
    Dear, I'm sending you here the text I promised, about the fonctionning of
    the IC (a true novel, now with 15 and not 14 pages...), as a contribution
    for the discussions of the Working Group about its future.
    I am sending in Portuguese but as soon as possible Il will send it in
    English and French. Hugs Chico Whitaker
    Chères et chers, je vous envoie ci-joint tle text que j'ai promis sur le
    fonctionnement du CI (un vrai roman, avec maintenant 15 et non 14
    pages...), come une contribution au Groupe de Travail que discutera son
    Je vous envoie en portugais mais dès que possible en anglais et en
    français, Amitiés, Chico Whitaker
    Giuseppe Caruso escreveu:
    english below (not quite a literal translation but kind of):
     gina gracias! por tu facilitacion en monastir y por el trabajo que pusiste
    en este relato, muy importante para empezar un buen trabajo. you can count
    on my two cents of contribution, as always.
    me pregunto si ya como grupo tenemos una idea de lo que vamos a intentar de
    lograr. un documento propositivo, una ideas generales, una estructura
    posible para el ci... mas? a mi me pareceria que intentar escribir un
    documento que se base sobre los principio (la carta y el documento sobre
    como organisar un evento y el documento de metodologia que tu gina te
    preocupaste de escribir hace uno cuantos anyos) y ofrezesca una, o unas
    cuantas, ideas sobre una posible estructura del ci podria ser una objectivo
    legitimo y util. un documento que se pueda presentar al proximo ci, que se
    discuta ahi en detalle. un documento que se construia sobre mas de una
    decada de culturas y practicas del ci e del espacio abierto... bueno ahy
    van my two cents
    abrazos a tod@s
    thank you gina! i was wondering what the role of the working group would be
    and what its objectives. from my side i perhaps think useful to draft a
    document for enlarged discussion at the next IC meeting. i imagine this
    document building on the charter, on the guidelines on organising events (i
    think vinod wrote or facilitated the drafting of this document?) and on the
    methodology document that gina, i believe, helped drafting long time back
    (2005?). (i think these could be the three foundational documents: there
    may be others but not collective work if i remember correctly but
    individual contributions which i think might not reflect shared and
    negotiated etc. ideas as these documents) this document could present one
    or some possible ideas on how the ic could be structured and work in order
    to respond to the changing conditions in which the ic and the wsf operate
    (since their inception in 2001) and to the need of the movements that meet
    in it (them) considering of course the initial conversation we had in
    monastir on how the wsf can relate with the movements of the wave of
    protests around the world following the global crises etc.
    On 10 August 2012 13:07, Francine Mestrum <mestrum@...> wrote:
    > Dear Gina,
    > Dear Wilhelmina,
    > This is great work, thanks a lot for this.
    > You have succeeded in pointing to the huge potential the IC has, and I
    > think
    > this is indeed the most important work we have to do for the future.
    > On the other hand, we will maybe need to make some space for members to
    > express their discontent, my impression in Monastir was that many people
    > were not at ease and wanted to protest. And yes, I think we will ha ve to
    > go
    > through the difficult but in the end positive process of a self-assessment.
    > I had been writing myself a text after Monastir,  but hesitating to send
    > it,
    > since it maybe focuses too much on the negative side. I will look at it
    > again, and see in the coming days, whether I send it around ...
    > But you have given a great st   art to the work we have to do.
    > Many thanks and kisses,
    > Francine
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: gina vargas [mailto:ginvargas@...]
    > Sent: donderdag 9 augustus 2012 16:33
    > To: mestrum@...; Wilhelmina@...; s.bassoci@...;
    > pantojacut@...; liegerocha@...; Sofiene.jelassi@...;
    > ritafreir@...; massiah@...; brooke@...;
    > ilhamhamad@...; Wedad7772@...; Longwe5000@...;
    > admin@...; ginavargas@...; fiedlschuster@...;
    > feroz@...; vinodraina@...; Hluc20@...;
    > subversiveforum@...; hammamineziha@...; aostefa@...;
    >  global@...; Giu.caruso@...; rrm@...;
    > samirtg@...; Teivo.teivainen@...; x.ricard@...;
    > No-vox@...; cilas@...; jenkwru@...;
    > heliosmenezes@...; mireille fanon-mendès france; Jason Nardi; Chico
    > Whitaker; Chico Whitaker; Pierre George
    > Subject: the report of WG /informe del GT Monastir
    >  Dear friends, I think that some emails are missing, for example Hector
    > de la
    > Cueva. Can somebody send the adress to me or Helio?
    > spanish and english ( bellow)
    > Querid@s amig@s, finalmente, aunque con un poco de demora, envío la
    > relatoría de nuestro grupo de trabajo sobre el futuro del FSM. Lo he hecho
    > basándome en mis notas y las  de Wilhermina.  He tratado tanbien de darle
    > un
    > cierto orden, agrupándolas alrededor de determinadas dimensiones (I.
    > Consideraciones, II Posicionamientos, III.  Avances que dan una base de
    > arranque  y IV. Recomendaciones)  Es fundamental reconocer sin embargo que
    > este ha sido un primer acercamiento que tiene que aclararse, profundizarse
    > y levantar nuevos interrogantes y dimensiones.
    > Tenemos ahora  que ponernos de acuerdo como seguir la tarea encomendada a
    > este grupo de trabajo.  Una primera cuestión es ponernos de acuerdo en un
    > cronograma básico de trabajo, alrededor de algunas dimensiones que queremos
    > profundizar.
    > Para un primer avance,  quizá las 4 dimensiones señaladas nos podrían
    > servir
    > para trabajarlas mas en profundidad o ver, en cada una de ellas, lo que
    > deberíamos iluminar mas claramente y profundizar, así como dimensiones que
    > están faltando y deberíamos incorporar. Quizá podríamos formar 4 grupos on
    > line que discutan y profundicen cada una de estas dimensiones, y/o
    > propongan
    > otras a tener en cuenta.  Esta tarea nos podrá tomar 3-4 semanas? Y a
    > partir
    > de eso, podemos hacer una propuesta definitiva, tanto de cronograma como de
    > cuales son las dimensiones que queremos profundizar para presentar en el
    > próximo CI.
    > Espero su prontísima respuesta
    > Besos
    > Gina
    > Dear friends, finally, after some delays, I am sending the report of the
    > discussion of our working group on the future of the WSF.  I have done the
    > report based on my notes and those of Wilhermina. I have tried also to give
    > a certain order, grouping them around some dimensions (I. Considerations,
    > II. Positioning  III. Advances, as starting points, and IV.
    > Recommendations)
    > . However, it is essential to recognize that this is a first approach that
    > has to be clarified, deepened and raise new questions and dimensions.
    > We now need to agree how to continue the task of this working group. A
    > first
    > question is to agree on a basic timetable that allows us to have a good
    > product for the next IC meeting.
    > For a first advance, perhaps the 4 dimensions that have been identified
    > could be used to work them more in deep, seeing in each of them, which we
    > should illuminate more clearly and deeply, as well as which dimensions that
    > are missing  and we should incorporate. Maybe we could form 4 online groups
    > for each of these dimensions, and / or to propose others to consider. From
    > that, we can make a clearer proposal of how to proceed in our discussion.
    > This task could take us maybe
    > 3-4 weeks? And from then on, we can agree in which is the timetable and
    > which are the dimensions that we should work from then till the next IC.
    > I await your response as soon as possible Kisses Gina
    Dr. Giuseppe Caruso
    Post-Doctoral Researcher
    Erik Castrén Institute of International Law and Human Rights - University
    of Helsinki
    PO Box 4 (Yliopistonkatu, 3)
    00014 Helsinki - Finland
    email: giu.caruso@...
    tel. +358 9191 23525
    Mobile: +358 (0) 44 2222 848