Tamara Brennan

member since September 25, 2018, last login September 25, 2018

Tamara Brennan
Chiapas, Mexico
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Psychologist, human rights activist, executive director of the nonprofit Sexto Sol Center for Community Action - Instituto Sexto Sol de Acción Comunitaria. Since 1997 working on sustainable development to improve the lives of land-based communities including people who have returned from exile. Founder of International Partners for Healing - an alliance of practitioners of energy psychology and energy medicine who train local healers to provide care to affected populations during times of humanitarian crisis. Español e ingles.
Alleviating emotional trauma associated with forced migration due to war, globalization, climate, resource exploitation, persecution. Helping people in positions of power to comprehend the view from the other side when making decisions that affect people who seek asylum or economic opportunity. Building coallitions, Non-Violent Communication, faith based responses to human rights situations. finding ways to uplevel the expectations we have for the future, contribution to the shift from fear to connectedness.

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September 25, 2018 Tamara Brennan Home