• 2011mvfsm geography

last modified November 6, 2014 by facilitfsm


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1 - you receive messages on   2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion   at    lists.openfsm.net   because

you are already  present in a mailing list focused on exchange between  people from WSF / FSM  and  people from  movements such as 20 fév ( morroco)  yenamarre  (sénégal) indignants france ( france ) 15M  ( spain)   OWS  ( USA Northern europe)  

See  the "geography" point C below Each Lists  1 2 3 4 5 below have a geographical/linguistic focus which is permanent and they can remain as such)

The list 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion  at  lists.openfsm.net  is gathering  the adresses that are in the various list here and can be a common space where participants in various "2011 movements" can exchange with participants in WSF and discuss ways of their  participation in WSF  ( see point A below)

who is on the list?

what is the discussion on the list ?

2 - A group  composed of people from 15M and OWS for a start is proposting a participation intiative " Gobal Square"  in FSM2013 in tunis see point B

and is inviting you to join in the initiative  or start other one in a similar spirit

welcome !

 the group "Inclussion in Forums Through Assembleary Processes"  (now  Global Square group", has announced three activities

A - A global international mailing list is  created in this "2011 movements & WSF" with associated  documentation space.

This list  gather  the people registered in those  6 lists (listed below) interested in WSF and coming from  from various 2011 movements including those of morocco, senegal , quebec, chile, and not just occupy and 15M
It is  an occasion to strenghthen linkages between people in various 2011 mouvements ; which is one expectation about tunis WSF process ( these linkages may exist already ...)

scope of "2011 movements & WSF" space  coming as a documentation space along with the list would be geographically broad

 B-a first inclusive ( and others are welcome) initiative group called"Inclussion in Forums Through Assembleary Processes" has emerged 

with a WSF participation /contribution project  .

  • holding assemblies in tunis
  • impulsion  before march  of  local participation to WSf2013 from groups located outside tunis
  • contribution on providing experience on distance intercommunicaiton  technique  before and during wsf ( streaming  citizen journalism etc..)

group page in wsf website is here and the activities are here


84 1674 role V 1227 2472
84 http://www.fsm2013.org/en/user/1674   http://www.fsm2013.org/en/node/1227 http://www.fsm2013.org/en/organisation_info/2472
84 tunis+internet en Assembly based on methods from social movements 1 Inclussion in Forums Through Assembleary Processes
85 1674 role V 1229 2472
85 http://www.fsm2013.org/en/user/1674   http://www.fsm2013.org/en/node/1229 http://www.fsm2013.org/en/organisation_info/2472
85 tunis+internet en Assembly based on methods from social movements 2 Inclussion in Forums Through Assembleary Processes
86 1674 role V 1232 2472
86 http://www.fsm2013.org/en/user/1674   http://www.fsm2013.org/en/node/1232 http://www.fsm2013.org/en/organisation_info/2472
86 tunis+internet en Assembly based on methods from social movements 3 Inclussion in Forums Through Assembleary Processes


C - The 6 lists  by language/ country

acampadas-y-fsm-discussion@lists.openfsm.net> LISTA EN ESPANOL
Visibilidad inscripción lista : http://openfsm.net/projects/acampadas-y-fsm/lists/acampadas-y-fsm-discussion
espacio internet : http://openfsm.net/projects/acampadas-y-fsm
inscritos : http://openfsm.net/projects/acampadas-y-fsm/lists/acampadas-y-fsm-discussion/membership
editores : http://openfsm.net/projects/acampadas-y-fsm/team

Adress: occupy-and-wsf-discussion@lists.openfsm.net  list in english
Visibility/subscription : http://openfsm.net/projects/occupy-and-wsf/lists/occupy-and-wsf-discussion
internet space  http://openfsm.net/projects/occupy-and-wsf
subscribed : http://openfsm.net/projects/occupy-and-wsf/lists/occupy-and-wsf-discussion/membership
editors : http://openfsm.net/projects/occupy-and-wsf/team

3 -OI & FSM (France)
io-et-fsm-discussion@lists.openfsm.net  liste en francais
visibilité inscription liste : http://openfsm.net/projects/io-et-fsm/lists/io-et-fsm-discussion
espace internet : http://openfsm.net/projects/io-et-fsm
inscrits : http://openfsm.net/projects/io-et-fsm/lists/io-et-fsm-discussion/membership
editeurs : http://openfsm.net/projects/io-et-fsm/team

Adresse : yenamarrefsm-discussion@lists.openfsm.net  liste en francais a priori
Visilibité- inscription : http://openfsm.net/projects/yenamarrefsm/lists/yenamarrefsm-discussion
Espace internet : http://openfsm.net/projects/yenamarrefsm
Inscrits: http://openfsm.net/projects/yenamarrefsm/lists/yenamarrefsm-discussion/membership
Editeurs: http://openfsm.net/projects/yenamarrefsm/team

5 - 20 février & FSM ( MAROC)
Adresse : 20fevrier-fsm-discussion@lists.openfsm.net  liste en francais a priori
Visibilité- inscription : http://openfsm.net/projects/20fevrier-fsm/lists/20fevrier-fsm-discussion
Espace internet : http://openfsm.net/projects/20fevrier-fsm
Inscrits : http://openfsm.net/projects/20fevrier-fsm/lists/20fevrier-fsm-discussion/membership
Editeurs: http://openfsm.net/projects/20fevrier-fsm/team

6 -lista occupy15mfirenze  (Milan - Agora 99 - Firenze - Tunis) - MAFT group !)list mostly in English
Address <occupy15m-firenze@lists.openfsm.net>  this is a project list linked to  participation in the event , in English
Visibility subscription: http://openfsm.net/projects/occupy15m-firenze/lists/occupy15m-firenze
internet space  : http://openfsm.net/projects/occupy15m-firenze
subscribed: http://openfsm.net/projects/occupy15m-firenze/lists/occupy15m-firenze/membership
editors : http://openfsm.net/projects/occupy15m-firenze/team

7- presence web list
adress  presence-web-discussion@lists.openfsm.net

visibility subscription  http://openfsm.net/projects/presence-web/lists/presence-web-discussion

internet space  http://openfsm.net/projects/presence-web
subscribed  http://openfsm.net/projects/presence-web/lists/presence-web-discussion/membership
editors http://openfsm.net/projects/presence-web/team