• 2011movements-fsm discussion

Web: getting started with our website

de la part de jasper teunissen on 19/12/2012 23:18
I just added a first outline for the website for our initiative, as 
proposed and discussed during the meeting of 18 dec.
You can read and edit it here: http://titanpad.com/agora99firezneWSFweb
grts jasper (parttime webbuilder and happy to help with setup and 

Outline for the website.*

*Questions: *
- Who wants to join the team of admins/translators?
- What functions do we need? Please add below
- Which content management system are we going to use?
- What domain name are we going to claim?
- On which server are we going to host it?

*Key purpose of this website:*
- Explain who we are and what we want
- Invite others to join us
- Provide news about our process (mumble calls, minutes)
- Publish our program in Tunis
- Report (live and after) about our activities in Tunis
- Practical info on attending the WSF (travelling, map, etc)
- (Re)publish background articles & discussion documents related to  our 
movements, the WSF, the situation in Tunisia and the region
- Inform and report about extended 'Occupy the WSF' events
- Inform and report about other interesting WSF events
- Collaboration tools / online forum

- About this initiative
- Join us
- Meetings & minutes
- Program in Tunis
- News & opinion
- Practical info

*Requirements of the Content Management System:*
- Multilanguage (RTL-LTR compatible)
- Responsive template (pc, tablet, mobile)
- Open source / Creative Commons license
- Multiple editors
- Comment and social share options

- setup and design
- editors/contributors
- translators

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