• 2011movements-fsm discussion

  • About open space technoloy and a proposal. Methodology

    from Jeza Goudi on Jan 19, 2013 10:32 AM
    Here you will find all info collected about Open Space Technology
    How it works?
    More or less
    In a big assembley all together, people who is interested in an issue,
    makes a proposal to debate. the different issues split in different
    assembleys, always open and follow this lines. The ones who propose,
    facilitate that space. The rest go to the different spaces depending on
    their interests. At the end everyone converges in one big assembley and
    share the results
    Those are the "anti-rules" of the open space
    1. The people who are there are the right ones
    2. What is going to happen is the only thing that can happen
    3. Whenever it starts is the right moment
    4. When it is over, is over
    And the most important: *The two feet rule*: If you feel you are not
    learning from or giving something to the space you are, just move your two
    feet to another space.
    The advantages of proposing just an open space is that everything fits
    As well, it is flexible and depends only on the people participating,
    whoever they are. So it helps with the not-predictible charachter of the
    forum we are facing
    The aggutination process we've been talking about will fit as well in this
    structure. If a group prepares something it can have an space. But as well
    is adaptable to spontaneous facts.
    It works with large and small groups, so it doesn't matter how many people
    It helps with translations as the groups become smaller
    That is why I was asking if something like this could be registered, it
    will help to leave open the agglutination process to the very last minute
    Any qüestions, please ask!
    Thread Outline:
  • Re: About open space technoloy and a proposal. Methodology

    from emmaviles on Jan 19, 2013 10:49 AM
    Like it!
  • Re: About open space technoloy and a proposal. Methodology

    from vica on Jan 20, 2013 11:46 PM
    I have heard about it being used before, and the feedback was very positive. 
    I would be very interested in trying to use this as the way of facilitating at least one of the big assemblies we might be doing.
    On Jan 19, 2013, at 11:29 AM, Jeza Goudi <jgoudi@...> wrote:
    > Here you will find all info collected about Open Space Technology
    > http://www.openspaceworld.org/cgi/wiki.cgi?
    > How it works?
    > More or less
    > In a big assembley all together, people who is interested in an issue, makes a proposal to debate. the different issues split in different assembleys, always open and follow this lines. The ones who propose, facilitate that space. The rest go to the different spaces depending on their interests. At the end everyone converges in one big assembley and share the results
    > Those are the "anti-rules" of the open space
    > 1. The people who are there are the right ones
    > 2. What is going to happen is the only thing that can happen
    > 3. Whenever it starts is the right moment
    > 4. When it is over, is over
    > And the most important: The two feet rule: If you feel you are not learning from or giving something to the space you are, just move your two feet to another space.
    > The advantages of proposing just an open space is that everything fits there. 
    > As well, it is flexible and depends only on the people participating, whoever they are. So it helps with the not-predictible charachter of the forum we are facing
    > The aggutination process we've been talking about will fit as well in this structure. If a group prepares something it can have an space. But as well is adaptable to spontaneous facts.
    > It works with large and small groups, so it doesn't matter how many people comes.
    > It helps with translations as the groups become smaller
    > That is why I was asking if something like this could be registered, it will help to leave open the agglutination process to the very last minute
    > Any qüestions, please ask!
    > Best,
    > Jeza
    > --
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