• 2011movements-fsm discussion

  • Proposal of a workshop about links and convergence between antiglobalisation movements and occupy / democracy real now / indignados / assemblies movements.

    from Sophie Banasiak on Jan 22, 2013 04:32 PM
    Hey all
    Jean-Michel (jm.coulomb@...) is from Attac in France and very involved
    in the FSM process. He would like to propose to the assembly of Paris to
    organise a workshop about links and convergence between antiglobalisation
    movements and occupy / democracy real now / indignados / assemblies
    We'll discuss this project at our next assembly on saturday, and i send
    this email to ask you if there is not already such a project, if not if
    other assemblies / groups are interested by the proposal.
    I am sorry i did not have the time to follow all the discussions about the
    FSM on this mailing list...
    Please do not hesitate to see directly with Jean-Michel.
    Can you register Jean-Michel at the mailing list
    2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@... ?
    Thanks a lot in advance,
    Thread Outline:
  • Re: Proposal of a workshop about links and convergence between antiglobalisation movements and occupy / democracy real now / indignados / assemblies movements.

    from Orsan Senalp on Jan 22, 2013 05:06 PM
    Hi Sophie.
    While the discussions to meet in and around the WSF was more or less
    also exchange on such collaboration I think it would be necessary and
    very good to devote one assembly or workshop exclusively to reflect on
    this topic. I wonder what would others think? Can be good to discuss
    in the next Global-Square mumble meeting?
    The other thing is about the idea of European day of action during the
    EU Elite Spring Summit and trying two reverse the Banking Union or
    Fiscal Union processes; by mobilising around the dates 13,14,15,16
    March. Sol has just sent the call coming from the other less
    horizontal actors. Such an european event would be a good testing
    pratice for the collaboration.between the antiglobalisation movements,
    occupy / democracy real now / indignados / assemblies movements just
    before going to Tunis, We would evaluate how did it go in and around
    the WSF and if it is done in such workshop
    I remember Maria Angela was mentioning about the preperations in Spain
    towards March, Marita can you confirm if there is anything being
    planned regardign this anti-EU summit day in Spain? I won't be able to
    go to the meeting on the 26th but others ike Sol, Kim and Ben will be
    there, so will be hearing about the discussions and the plans but it
    would be good to hear what / if others plan anything for March to
    counter the EU Summit!
    in solidarity
    On 22 January 2013 17:28, Sophie Banasiak <sophie.banasiak@...> wrote:
    > Hey all
    > Jean-Michel (jm.coulomb@...) is from Attac in France and very involved
    > in the FSM process. He would like to propose to the assembly of Paris to
    > organise a workshop about links and convergence between antiglobalisation
    > movements and occupy / democracy real now / indignados / assemblies
    > movements.
    > We'll discuss this project at our next assembly on saturday, and i send this
    > email to ask you if there is not already such a project, if not if other
    > assemblies / groups are interested by the proposal.
    > I am sorry i did not have the time to follow all the discussions about the
    > FSM on this mailing list...
    > Please do not hesitate to see directly with Jean-Michel.
    > Can you register Jean-Michel at the mailing list
    > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@... ?
    > Thanks a lot in advance,
    > Cheers,
    > Sophie
    > --
    > Archive: http://openfsm.net/[…]/1358872321019
    > To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
    > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@.... Please contact
    > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for questions.
    • Re: [Squares] Proposal of a workshop about links and convergence between antiglobalisation movements and occupy / democracy real now / indignados / assemblies movements.

      from mariangela on Jan 23, 2013 03:52 PM
      about march 
      I confirm here in madrid we have a working group meeting every week on thursday
      (thats why I proposed not to have our meeting on this day) 
      there are more than 60 different groups participating and the idea is to build up a demonstration and some actions here in madrid around 15/16 march
      Yesterday we discussed also the matter in the forum in madrid 
      We have communication and contants group working 
      and the idea is to be in contact and see these action in the frame of the european mobilization 
      I will publish something in our web after the meeting on Thursday 
      El 22/01/2013, a las 18:03, Orsan Senalp escribió:
      > Hi Sophie.
      > While the discussions to meet in and around the WSF was more or less
      > also exchange on such collaboration I think it would be necessary and
      > very good to devote one assembly or workshop exclusively to reflect on
      > this topic. I wonder what would others think? Can be good to discuss
      > in the next Global-Square mumble meeting?
      > http://www.global-square.net/
      > The other thing is about the idea of European day of action during the
      > EU Elite Spring Summit and trying two reverse the Banking Union or
      > Fiscal Union processes; by mobilising around the dates 13,14,15,16
      > March. Sol has just sent the call coming from the other less
      > horizontal actors. Such an european event would be a good testing
      > pratice for the collaboration.between the antiglobalisation movements,
      > occupy / democracy real now / indignados / assemblies movements just
      > before going to Tunis, We would evaluate how did it go in and around
      > the WSF and if it is done in such workshop
      > I remember Maria Angela was mentioning about the preperations in Spain
      > towards March, Marita can you confirm if there is anything being
      > planned regardign this anti-EU summit day in Spain? I won't be able to
      > go to the meeting on the 26th but others ike Sol, Kim and Ben will be
      > there, so will be hearing about the discussions and the plans but it
      > would be good to hear what / if others plan anything for March to
      > counter the EU Summit!
      > in solidarity
      > On 22 January 2013 17:28, Sophie Banasiak <sophie.banasiak@...> wrote:
      >> Hey all
      >> Jean-Michel (jm.coulomb@...) is from Attac in France and very involved
      >> in the FSM process. He would like to propose to the assembly of Paris to
      >> organise a workshop about links and convergence between antiglobalisation
      >> movements and occupy / democracy real now / indignados / assemblies
      >> movements.
      >> We'll discuss this project at our next assembly on saturday, and i send this
      >> email to ask you if there is not already such a project, if not if other
      >> assemblies / groups are interested by the proposal.
      >> I am sorry i did not have the time to follow all the discussions about the
      >> FSM on this mailing list...
      >> Please do not hesitate to see directly with Jean-Michel.
      >> Can you register Jean-Michel at the mailing list
      >> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@... ?
      >> Thanks a lot in advance,
      >> Cheers,
      >> Sophie
      >> --
      >> Archive: http://openfsm.net/[…]/1358872321019
      >> To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
      >> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@.... Please contact
      >> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for questions.
      > _______________________________________________
      > n-1 working group: https://n-1.cc/pg/groups/104127/take-the-square-international/
      > Squares mailing list
      > Squares@...
      > for unsubscribe/etc: https://lists.takethesquare.net/mailman/listinfo/squares or Squares-owner@...
  • Re: Proposal of a workshop about links and convergence between antiglobalisation movements and occupy / democracy real now / indignados / assemblies movements.

    from T_indignadx on Jan 22, 2013 07:06 PM
    Hello Sophie
    Our comrades from VIa22 (via22global@...) from Canada  have a similar
    plan, is not a workshop, it is an Open Space, I maybe wrong, but I think
    the activity it is already registered offcialy as an activity at the WSF
    There is another plan, also from Canada to coopearte outside the WSF, from
    They will email you soon in order to coordinate
    they spaek French, so you will be ableto team up with them :O)
    On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 5:28 PM, Sophie Banasiak
    > Hey all
    > Jean-Michel (jm.coulomb@...) is from Attac in France and very
    > involved in the FSM process. He would like to propose to the assembly of
    > Paris to organise a workshop about links and convergence between
    > antiglobalisation movements and occupy / democracy real now / indignados /
    > assemblies movements.
    > We'll discuss this project at our next assembly on saturday, and i send
    > this email to ask you if there is not already such a project, if not if
    > other assemblies / groups are interested by the proposal.
    > I am sorry i did not have the time to follow all the discussions about the
    > FSM on this mailing list...
    > Please do not hesitate to see directly with Jean-Michel.
    > Can you register Jean-Michel at the mailing list
    > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@... ?
    > Thanks a lot in advance,
    > Cheers,
    > Sophie
    > --
    > Archive: http://openfsm.net/[…]/1358872321019<http://openfsm.net/projects/2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion/archive/2013/01/1358872321019>
    > To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
    > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@.... Please contact
    > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for questions.
    “Una persona con ubuntu está abierta y disponible para los otros, se afirma
    en los otros y no se siente amenazada por las capacidades ajenas porque
    tiene la seguridad de que el progreso ajeno es en beneficio de la
    totalidad, que se incrementa, y que se reduce cuando el otro es torturado u
    Desmond Tutu
    "A person with Ubuntu is open and available to others, affirming of others,
    does not feel threatened that others are able and good, based from a proper
    self-assurance that comes from knowing that he or she belongs in a greater
    whole and is diminished when others are humiliated or diminished, when
    others are tortured or oppressed"
    Archbishop <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archbishop> Desmond
    Doctora por la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (PhD)
    Máster en Gestión de Sistemas Integrados (IMS - SHEQ)
    Innovadora Social por el Instituto del Banco Mundial (WBI)
    Gijón Toma la Calle <http://www.facebook.com/groups/167907269942762/>
    Take the Square International
    Peoples Assemblies Network (PAN)
    • Re: Proposal of a workshop about links and convergence between antiglobalisation movements and occupy / democracy real now / indignados / assemblies movements.

      from Suresh Fernando on Jan 22, 2013 07:13 PM
      To all those from Canada, I want to remind you of the meetings that are
      taking place in Ottawa on the 26th and 27th of January in preparation for
      the Canada-Quebec-Indigenous People's Forum that is scheduled for the fall
      of 2014...
      These meetings are for the purpose of creating a National Assembly
      consisting of various Regional Assemblies... It is the first step in
      creating a national infrastructures (communications, decision making etc)
      that will support mass mobilization... such as we witnessed with Maple
      Spring (Quebec student mobilizations).
      Here is the agenda:
      *You are cordially invited to the General Assembly launching the Peoples'
      Social Forum.*
      This General assembly will take place in *Ottawa *on *January 26th and 27th
      2013* at the *. *The purpose of the assembly is to set-up the structures of
      the social forum and hold the initial discussions on the themes, process,
      date and place of the *Canada-Québec-Indigenous Peoples' Social Forum.*
      The conference is free and open to all interested parties. We expect to
      have 50-60 organizations/individuals present from across Canada including a
      strong representation from Indigenous groups, indie media, labour and youth.
      *Proposed Agenda*
      *Saturday January 26th 2013*
      10am:       *The political context in Canada*: several initiatives are
      proposing a common fight against the right and neoliberalism
      10:30am:  *What is a social forum and how does it function?* How can it
      promote collaboration between social movements from Canada, Quebec and
      Role and function of the *Social Movement Assembly* in a Social Forum
      12pm         lunch break
      1:30pm      *The Canada-Québec-Indigenous Peoples' Social Forum: *
                            - what are some of the main issues
                            - what regional and cross-Canada processes to lead up
      to a SF
                            - Timing: what criteria in order to decide when a
      Forum is held
                            - Venue: what criteria in order to decide upon a venue
                            - What kind of Forum: decentralized, centralized in
      one location ?
                            - Key structures to set-up: secretariat, program
      cttee, communications cttee, logistics and finance cttee, etc..
      4:30pm        End of first session
      6:00 pm    *Reception: place to be advised*
      * Sunday January 27th 2013*
      9:30am:      *Social Movements Assembly*:  coalition and common action
      proposals (Port Elgin proposals, Common Causes, etc..)
      12am:          Lunch break
      1:30 pm       *Setting up the basic structures of the SF*: secretariat,
      program cttee, communications cttee, logistics and finance cttee, etc..
       3:30pm       End of second session
      *Location of the General Assembly: *
      Public Service ****Alliance**** of ****Canada********
      ****J.C. Carlo boardroom, First Floor****
      233 Gilmour, (coin de Metcalfe)
      ****Ottawa**, **ON** **K2P 0P1
      On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 11:02 AM, Dr. TR. Rojas-D <ternuros@...>wrote:
      > Hello Sophie
      > Our comrades from VIa22 (via22global@...) from Canada  have a
      > similar plan, is not a workshop, it is an Open Space, I maybe wrong, but I
      > think the activity it is already registered offcialy as an activity at the
      > WSF http://piratepad.net/Phwj84DU0w,
      > There is another plan, also from Canada to coopearte outside the WSF, from
      > Montreal
      > http://www.global-square.net/groups/space-outside-the-wsf-lets-work-together%E2%80%8F/
      > They will email you soon in order to coordinate
      > they spaek French, so you will be ableto team up with them :O)
      > On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 5:28 PM, Sophie Banasiak <
      > sophie.banasiak@...> wrote:
      >> Hey all
      >> Jean-Michel (jm.coulomb@...) is from Attac in France and very
      >> involved in the FSM process. He would like to propose to the assembly of
      >> Paris to organise a workshop about links and convergence between
      >> antiglobalisation movements and occupy / democracy real now / indignados /
      >> assemblies movements.
      >> We'll discuss this project at our next assembly on saturday, and i send
      >> this email to ask you if there is not already such a project, if not if
      >> other assemblies / groups are interested by the proposal.
      >> I am sorry i did not have the time to follow all the discussions about
      >> the FSM on this mailing list...
      >> Please do not hesitate to see directly with Jean-Michel.
      >> Can you register Jean-Michel at the mailing list
      >> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@... ?
      >> Thanks a lot in advance,
      >> Cheers,
      >> Sophie
      >> --
      >> Archive: http://openfsm.net/[…]/1358872321019<http://openfsm.net/projects/2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion/archive/2013/01/1358872321019>
      >> To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
      >> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@.... Please contact
      >> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for questions.
      > --
      > *
      > UBUNTU
      > “Una persona con ubuntu está abierta y disponible para los otros, se
      > afirma en los otros y no se siente amenazada por las capacidades ajenas
      > porque tiene la seguridad de que el progreso ajeno es en beneficio de la
      > totalidad, que se incrementa, y que se reduce cuando el otro es torturado u
      > oprimido”
      > Desmond Tutu
      > "A person with Ubuntu is open and available to others, affirming of
      > others, does not feel threatened that others are able and good, based from
      > a proper self-assurance that comes from knowing that he or she belongs in a
      > greater whole and is diminished when others are humiliated or diminished,
      > when others are tortured or oppressed"
      > Archbishop <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archbishop> Desmond Tutu<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desmond_Tutu>
      > *
      > Doctora por la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (PhD)
      > Máster en Gestión de Sistemas Integrados (IMS - SHEQ)
      > Innovadora Social por el Instituto del Banco Mundial (WBI)
      > Gijón Toma la Calle <http://www.facebook.com/groups/167907269942762/>
      > http://comunicacionestatal15m.tomalaplaza.net/
      > Take the Square International
      > http://takethesquare.net/
      > Peoples Assemblies Network (PAN)
      > http://www.peoplesassemblies.org/newswire/
      > --
      > Archive: http://openfsm.net/[…]/1358881562549<http://openfsm.net/projects/2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion/archive/2013/01/1358881562549>
      > To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
      > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@.... Please contact
      > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for questions.
      *Suresh Fernando *
      BLOG <http://sureshf.posterous.com/>,
      OK WEBSITE, <http://openkollab.com>OK FAN
      E <http://goog_1610308617>, OK GROUP<http://groups.google.ca/group/openkollab>,
      OK-WE <http://www.wiserearth.org/group/openkollab>, PHILOSOPHY,
      TWITTER,  <http://twitter.com/sureshf> FACEBOOK,
      <http://facebook.com/suresh.fernando>WOTW FAN
      SLIDESHARE <http://www.slideshare.net/sureshf>
      #OccupyVancouver: http://occupyvancouver.com/
      #OccupyWallStreet: http://occupywallst.org/
      • This General assembly will take place in Ottawa on January 26th and 27th 2013 and other events

        from mariangela on Jan 23, 2013 04:48 PM
        Hi everybody
        please notice that we are currently and collectively ( I hope... not to be the only one who feeds informations in) 
        working on calls of actions, events all over the world 
        in this pad which could be used by everybody to spread news around 
        If there is a link with a web for this assembly please add it in the pad 
        El 22/01/2013, a las 20:10, Suresh Fernando escribió:
        > To all those from Canada, I want to remind you of the meetings that are taking place in Ottawa on the 26th and 27th of January in preparation for the Canada-Quebec-Indigenous People's Forum that is scheduled for the fall of 2014...
        > These meetings are for the purpose of creating a National Assembly consisting of various Regional Assemblies... It is the first step in creating a national infrastructures (communications, decision making etc) that will support mass mobilization... such as we witnessed with Maple Spring (Quebec student mobilizations).
        > Here is the agenda:
        > You are cordially invited to the General Assembly launching the Peoples' Social Forum.
        > This General assembly will take place in Ottawa on January 26th and 27th 2013 at the . The purpose of the assembly is to set-up the structures of the social forum and hold the initial discussions on the themes, process, date and place of the Canada-Québec-Indigenous Peoples' Social Forum.
        > The conference is free and open to all interested parties. We expect to have 50-60 organizations/individuals present from across Canada including a strong representation from Indigenous groups, indie media, labour and youth.
        > Proposed Agenda
        > Saturday January 26th 2013
        > 10am:       The political context in Canada: several initiatives are proposing a common fight against the right and neoliberalism
        > 10:30am:  What is a social forum and how does it function? How can it promote collaboration between social movements from Canada, Quebec and 	Indigenous Peoples? 
        > Role and function of the Social Movement Assembly in a Social Forum
        > 12pm         lunch break
        > 1:30pm      The Canada-Québec-Indigenous Peoples' Social Forum: 
        >                       - what are some of the main issues
        >                       - what regional and cross-Canada processes to lead up to a SF
        >                       - Timing: what criteria in order to decide when a Forum is held
        >                       - Venue: what criteria in order to decide upon a venue
        >                       - What kind of Forum: decentralized, centralized in one location ?
        >                       - Key structures to set-up: secretariat, program cttee, communications cttee, logistics and finance cttee, etc..
        > 4:30pm        End of first session
        > 6:00 pm    Reception: place to be advised
        >  Sunday January 27th 2013
        > 9:30am:      Social Movements Assembly:  coalition and common action proposals (Port Elgin proposals, Common Causes, etc..)
        > 12am:          Lunch break
        > 1:30 pm       Setting up the basic structures of the SF: secretariat, program cttee, communications cttee, logistics and finance cttee, etc..
        >  3:30pm       End of second session
        > Location of the General Assembly: 
        > Public Service Alliance of Canada
        > J.C. Carlo boardroom, First Floor
        > 233 Gilmour, (coin de Metcalfe)
        > Ottawa, ON K2P 0P1
    • Proposals for our presence in Tunis

      from mariangela on Jan 23, 2013 04:41 PM
      hi everybody
      please remember that we have a pad http://titanpad.com/agora99firezneWSFactivities
      where we are registering all the proposals we have till now
      It will be our first point of discussion in the next meeting 
      Mariangela, participant in 15M, Madrid, Spain