• 2011movements-fsm discussion

  • Skill-sharing in Tunis _ organising meetings

    from vica on Feb 03, 2013 10:21 PM
    Dear all, 
    I have proposed the following two workshops for the WSF (and outside it, too, if possible)
    a) A Skill-sharing on Facilitation and Decision making in horizontal groups.
    b) A skill-sharing on Media Platforms for Action
    In the mumble meeting today, I suggested I would organise separate meetings for these in the coming weeks, for anyone interested in helping to organised them.
    So I have greater a doodle for each of them. Please show your preference of date for each of the meetings if you would like to take part.
    a) Facilitation : 
    b) Media for Action
    I will leave the doodles active until Tuesday night, and after that, based on the number of participants, I will announce the meeting days.
    The concept of skill-sharing is that there is not one person training another, but that we share our experiences and we learn from each other. 
    Please do forward this email to anyone else you think might be interested in taking part, both if they are coming to Tunis or not.
    Thread Outline:
  • Re: Skill-sharing in Tunis _ organising meetings

    from daniseco on Feb 03, 2013 10:37 PM
    I just arrived back from Bulgaria (by the way, I appeared on three radio channels there, the two of the national bulgarian radio and an independent one), sorry I missed our meeting. By the way, things in Spain seemed to be going very strong but when i've arrived i've got exactly during one assembly and there was only around 60 people.
    So how'd the meeting go?
    --- El dom, 3/2/13, Ludovica Rogers <vicaolsx@...> escribió:
    Dear all, 
    I have proposed the following two workshops for the WSF (and outside it, too, if possible)
    a) A Skill-sharing on Facilitation and Decision making in horizontal groups.
    b) A skill-sharing on Media Platforms for Action
    In the mumble meeting today, I suggested I would organise separate meetings for these in the coming weeks, for anyone interested in helping to organised them.
    So I have greater a doodle for each of them. Please show your preference of date for each of the meetings if you would like to take part.
    a) Facilitation : 
    b) Media for Action
    I will leave the doodles active until Tuesday night, and after that, based on the number of participants, I will announce the meeting days.
    The concept of skill-sharing is that there is not one person training another, but that we share our experiences and we learn from each other. 
    Please do forward this email to anyone else you think might be interested in taking part, both if they are coming to Tunis or not.
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