• 2011movements-fsm discussion

The price of registration and translation/interpretation, tunisian volunteers needed

de la part de Daniel Seco on 05/02/2013 10:16

Hi all, Jean Jacques send the link below:

So i've been looking at it. I think if we do certain things we can have all activities that we registered executed and translated between arab english french and spanish for 370 euros (is this list of languages correct? we can only have arab plus 3 other maximum, apparently). What we need to do:
First: our registered organization (the one i put in the web, just for the purpose of registering) needs to belong to "Africa and the Arab World" so we would need some of you people from Tunis (Ounaies, Rami...?) to help me register as part of that organization so that we can change the location of the organization (I didn't know it would be an issue so i put Spain).
The cost of not being an Africa and Arab World organization would be something like 780 extra euros (!!!!!).
I will make the three assemblies converge to one activity which we have to define a bit more but the title can be "a set of three assemblies" instead of three different activities (each extra activity adds 100 euros for translation and 50 for registration).
Shall we start a crowdfunding finally for those 370 euros? Also, registering costs for individuals are not included in those 370. We have to add the 30€ per person from the Northern countries (I guess that includes Spain, Netherlands, Canada, US, UK but not Tunisia or Brasil), 20 € per person from the Southern countries (I guess that includes Brasil) and 5€ per person from Africa / Arab World and 1€ for youth, students and popular classes from Tunisia. I wonder who could we speak to to be able to register individuals from global social movements as "Tunisian students".
I think we are around 10-20 people. Shall we include our own registrations in the crowdfunding process? I think this would add around 600 euros to the amount.
Then sound system and printing materials are still unsolved issues. Do we already have an answer on how much would that cost?

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