• 2011movements-fsm discussion

Message for Emma(s) about "extension" of Global Square and WSF

de parte de Pierre en 05/02/2013 11:04
Hello Emma and everyone

This message is for "Emmas" 
Emma Before leaving this list  ( re: your message unsubscribe)  please consider that participation in the present list is not linked to going to tunis ,  and  that The  scope of name of the list  "2011movements-fsm discussion" is broad

It is time to be more specifically speaking about "extending" global square initiative outside of Tunis 

People interested to participate in Global Square intiative and in WSF ( like you Emma were when we talking in florence )  can consider organizing local events connected to those events

Some ideas here
more info http://www.fsm2013.org/es/3630  in spanish
http://www.fsm2013.org/en/2604 in english
http://www.fsm2013.org/en/3423 in french

Mariangela is currently  stimulating an intiaitive in madrid 

so Emma, if you want to help make this happen in your city in spain and intend to organize something locally ( in spain  USA or wherever)  you are relevant and welcome in the group

Also you make contact  about your intentions and for advice and info on skype with contact.tunes   or write to contact.extension at fsm2013.org

Hoping that  "extension" will be attractive  and inclusive to those on that list  who do not go to tunis,  let us know what you think about  being a local organizers of wsf / global square  in your country /city 


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