• 2011movements-fsm discussion

Directories of activities and organisations in the website

de parte de Pierre on 2013-02-07 12:35
 hello ..

"how many  and which activities registered by organisations located in tunisia  ? "

 A quick look on the website does not provide the answer

The "organisation country field" does not appear in the list of activities, so it is difficult to cross activities and countries  ( even by copy paste because the logos are a nuisance ) 

the website gives the 800+  tunisian organisations number in the  page http://www.fsm2013.org/en/annuaire_organisations 
when you select the country "tunisia"  , but  organisation having activities and those who have not are not differentiated by a sign  

Also,  the "extended activity" field is not shown in any list  in the website (only visible in each activity page),  so there is no  automatic list giving the number of local activities out ot funis

There is a list made manually which shows a vitality of local actvities out of tunis by tunisian orgnizations in the region , before and turing the forum  ( but not in great numbers )

There is a list showing  the acitvities that may be enlarged by streaming from tunis  http://www.fsm2013.org/en/node/497  
and, here also, it is not possible to cross with the country of the organisation and see if tunisian are more or less willing to stream than other nationalities 

Maybe the webteam can answer the question and give the extensive list . of activities proposed by tunisian organizations..


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