• 2011movements-fsm discussion

Skill-sharing mumble Meeting next Tuesday

de parte de Ludovica Rogers en 08/02/2013 13:50
Dear all,

As part of the activities of Global Square in (and hopefully outside of) the WSF we have registered, 3 assemblies and 2 skill-sharing sessions.

This email is about the skill-sharing sessions. 

I will explain briefly what is the intent of these sessions.

Each sessions is a workshop on one of the following topics:
facilitation and decision making in horizontal groups
media platforms for action

The concept of skill-sharing is that there is not one small group of people teaching the others, but that we come together in a horizontal way to share our experiences on the topic, so to all learn from each other. 

Nevertheless for it to be effective there needs to be some facilitation/organisation in place.

If you would like to help organise this or suggest how to do it, even if you will not be participating in the World Social Forum, please join our group on the website.



Our first meeting will be this Tuesday the 12th of February at 7pm GMT 

(see below for mumble details)

Please feel free to forward this to other networks too.


Mumble details:

Label : Occupii
Server : occupytalk.org (has to be written exactly as it is)
Port: 64738
Channel: Assemblies & Round Tables > OPEN SPACE
Nickname: Your name / nick (should be written in regular English letters
and   include no numbers)*     *

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