• 2011movements-fsm discussion

Proposals about the assemblies from the 8th of February Mumble meeting to discuss at the next Mumble meeting of sunday the 17th of February.

de parte de marita on 2013-02-11 15:54
this is the proposal for a text to call the assemblies in Tunis. 
We worked on it in the meeting we had on the 8th of February 
And we suggest it for the next general meeting 17TH February 

Proposals about the assemblies from the 8th of February Mumble meeting  to discuss at the next Mumble meeting of sunday the 17th of February.

                                                      GlobalSquare proposes assemblies of the movements 
                                                      from the squares at the World Social Forum in Tunis 
                                                        and invites everyone to join, share and connect

GlobalSquare is a series of online and physical meetings and assemblies whose   participants are individuals linked to the 15M in Spain, Occupy, student movements, Yo Soy 132!, T'harrek, Idle No More!, VIA22 and other grassroots movements.
Our objective is to prepare a lively open space for exchange of experiences and plans for the future during the World Social Forum (WSF) which will take place from 26-30 March 2013 in Tunisia where the flames of the global intifada first sparked in December 2010. 
We started a website ( http://www.global-square.net/ ) to share information and to work together in an open, horizontal and transparent way. 

                                                     On the 28th, 29th and 30th of March 2013 in Tunis
                                                   OPEN ASSEMBLIES OF THE MOVEMENTS FROM THE SQUARES 

During the WSF we will collectively create a space to hold daily open assemblies. We invite all Tunisians and participants of the WSF to talk about our everyday struggles for a life in peace and dignity. There will be no pre-established agenda, and we will decide on the working methods all together during the meetings. Consider it an open working process, to learn, listen and share. 
If possible the assemblies take place on a public square, but given the circumstances we can not suggest a suitable location yet. Most important is that the assemblies are 	open and free for all. For anyone who is not  able to come to Tunis, we will try to provide live-streams on the internet to connect with you and your local assembly. 
To prepare the practical requirements, such as finding a location, translations, soundsystem and live-streams, we will hold preparatory assemblies during the days before the WSF, on the 25th, 26th  and 27th of March. All details will be announced on our website.
If you have suggestions to make these assemblies possible, want to offer your skills as translator or live-streamer, please join our mailinglist, online meetings, or online discussion groups: http://www.global-square.net/join-our-process/
                                                You are more than welcome to share this message in your networks!

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