• 2011movements-fsm discussion

Communications Issues for WSF 2013

de parte de Dean Edwards en 20/02/2013 09:03
During the Communications meeting Monday, we discussed possible traffic for the Internet networks in Tunis, particularly for the University. We need to be certain our plans will not overload the bandwith for these local networks during the WSF 2013. 

I contact Open Society Foundations about this, and they referred me to Foundation Center at foundationcenter.org as a useful reference for seeking funding. I need to immediately know who with WSF in Brazil or a separt NGO for the 2013 ggathering is set up to receive funding. This is timely and very important. Timely here nmeans I need to know ASAP, as soon as possible.

I also spoke with Jo Ellen Kaiser, The Media Consortium, themediaconsortium.org in San Francisco, CA, IUSA, today about the upcoming WSF 2013.

Dean Edwards
Occupy Oregon Media Group
International Collaborative Media Alliance

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