• 2011movements-fsm discussion

printing flyers / posters

de parte de jasper teunissen on 2013-03-04 22:43
hi all,

I can take 20 kilo of stuff on the plane, so i'm happy to print at least 
part of flyers/posters at my local stencil collective and bring them to 
Tunis. I'm telling you now, because I would need content + design ready 
around 17th of march (date of our next meeting).

My suggestions for both the flyers and posters are to have:
- a very short text about our process
- our program, including a timetable
- some links, to website + facebook + #GlobalSquare
- some 'open space' for last minute changes etc
- translations (french?)

Any comments? Anyone wants to help to work on this?
grts jasper

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