• 2011movements-fsm discussion

Need another call this weekend?

de la part de Shawn Carrié on 06/03/2013 19:35
Do people feel like we need another call this weekend? Because at this rate, we've only been having one rendezvous every two weeks, and that means that this will be the final meeting before we all arrive in Tunis --

I, personally, feel like I would like to be more confident in knowing about what is going, and it also might be helpful to new people who are just starting to get involved. I'm open to the call being flexible to different uses, maybe just to share updates on what is going on, or maybe also for breakout groups to address different topics for planning.  

I'm also available almost any time on Skype, and I'm happy to talk to anybody who is also going to Tunis who just wants to get acquainted :]

my skype username is shawn.carrie  

Shawn Carrié
occupywallst.org (http://occupywallst.org)  |  t (http://bit.ly/owstw)  |   fb (http://bit.ly/owsfb)  |  g+ (http://bit.ly/owsGplus)  |  t (http://bit.ly/owstumblr)  |  yt (http://bit.ly/owsyt)  |  li (http://bit.ly/owslinkedin)  |  R (http://bit.ly/owsreddit)  |   

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