• 2011movements-fsm discussion

National Gathering Launch Call 20 March @ 8 PM ET

de parte de Jackie Splain en 19/03/2013 09:05
 Below is a post to share with a lot of information.  I am not sure of the
mumble configuration - it is the occupycoordination server, and NatGat2
room (or channel?).  working on that

 We will also be joining the Via22 mumble on Friday, March 22 @ Noon ET, 4
PM GMT.  If you cannot join our Launch call, we will see you there!  See
below for mumbling into the call.

 pad: http://piratepad.net/VIA22Mar

Please Share!
Join us Wednesday night at 8 PM ET
continue to plan and develop the National Gathering this year.

We will be forming working groups and ask for your input and your help
moving forward. We wish to include grass roots, alternative medias ,
rights, advocacy, unions, artists, and more to make this a gathering for
all who wish to make a better tomorrow.

This year the national Gathering is hyper-local and global in focus. We
envision days of concerted worldwide actions focused on very local issues
that expose those local issues as part of the worldwide fight against
systemic injustice. We will be in solidarity with Via 22 actions each month
beginning with Earth Day April 21-22. We will gather and share this
worldwide action through all the media tools and networks we continue to
build through voluntary people power.

We already have networks on board with these broad areas of interest and
welcome and need your suggestions, participation and contributions:.

1. Fixing Fossil Fuels and Creating an Environmentally Sustainable

2. Economic and Trade Justice, Equal Access and Ending Corporate
“Personhood”,   Asserting the People’s

3. Making and Supporting Free, Unfettered

4. Ending War and Our Police State, Building Peace and
5. Renew Kalamazoo and your community. Homeless Bill of
What issues effect your local community and the worldwide community?
Network solidarity events locally, regionally, nationally, globally.
Together, A Better World Is Possible!


To connect to Maestro Calls for free internationally please see:
New access point to MaestroConference events (for Windows users)
free while in beta.  need computer and headset.

We will also be experimenting with hosting a mumble meeting that will
enable you to be on mumble and  hear the call.  The normal signals for turn
and WWW will be used on mumble and be relayed to the call, and you can
speak normally when the one mumble mic is turned on from the conference
call.  Come help us test it.

Configuration de Mumble:
Label : NatGat2
Server : occupycoordination.org
Port: 64738
Nickname: Ng2@theZoo

More Info:
Proposal From occupy kalamazoo
2013 Proposal of Endorsement



Occupy Nationl Gathering website - http://occupynationalgathering.net/
http://goo.gl/T8DPs - short link

*Social Media:*
Occupy National Gathering  http://www.facebook.com/OccupyNationalGathering
National Gathering 2013 in Kalamazoo planning group
Occupy Caravan?


#NatGat2 <http://piratepad.net/ep/search?query=NatGat2>
  #NatGat2013 <http://piratepad.net/ep/search?query=NatGat2013>

*Email Lists*
NatGat2013 Main list:  ngwg-2013@...
Support                ng-2013-support@...

Outreach              ng-2013-outreach@...

Media                   ng-2013-media@...

Convergence         ng-2013-convergence@...

Discussion            ng-2013-discussion@...

Summer Tour        ng-2013-summer-tour@...

Global Conversation  ng-2013-global-conv@...

You can subscribe directly by e-mailing the list with the subject: Subscribe
Contact Info
email natgat2013@...,  jackie at jsplain@... or
Chris at whammy737@...

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