• 2011movements-fsm discussion


from Dennis Mansell on Mar 22, 2013 05:04 PM
Ha Orsan,

Is er ook de mogelijkheid om deze channels op www.global-square.net te 
zetten voor de thuisblijvers?  Het is op de site namelijk niet helemaal 
duidelijk hoe je dit kunt volgen.


On 22/03/13 10:11, Orsan Senalp wrote:
> Dear Mohammed,
> I am writing on be half of the GlobalSqaure initiative.
> These will be our channels for extension during the WSF:
> Livestreaming: http://www.livestream.com/globalrevolution
> Skype:  globalsquare1
> Mumble: http://www.global-square.net/how-to-join/
> Twitter: #GlobalSquare
> Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/global.square.net
> Thanks for the support,
> orsan
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: *Orsan Senalp* <orsan1234@... <mailto:orsan1234@...>>
> Date: 22 March 2013 10:00
> Subject: Re: [2011movements-fsm discussion] Rv: Re: WSF2013 ASSISTANCE 
> To: 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@... 
> <mailto:2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@...>
> I do it right now! for a moment I send globalrevolution's livestream 
> ustream links, we could change if there is a problem with using them!
> On 22 March 2013 09:54, Daniel Seco <dsf_cm@... 
> <mailto:dsf_cm@...>> wrote:
>     Can anyone make up a skype and video channel adresses as explained
>     below and send their names in an email to both this list and
>     Mohammed (the adress below).
>     Thanks
>     --- El *jue, 21/3/13, assist11.tun.extension FSM
>     /<assist11.tuni.extension@...
>     <mailto:assist11.tuni.extension@...>>/* escribió:
>         De: assist11.tun.extension FSM
>         <assist11.tuni.extension@...
>         <mailto:assist11.tuni.extension@...>>
>         Para: "Daniel Seco" <dsf_cm@... <mailto:dsf_cm@...>>
>         Fecha: jueves, 21 de marzo, 2013 22:11
>         we understand your situation and we hope you  a nice journey
>         to Tunis,
>         WE WOULD ASK YOU to confirm whether you will enlarge your
>         activity via the internet or not;
>         if you are we be thankful if you could create quickly a
>         contact skype witch it have the name of your organisation as
>         pseudo(xxxx.extention), and a video channel on http://www
>         <http://www/>.ustream.tv (also with the mane of your
>         organisation ;xxxxo-extention)
>         this procedure is so important to get ready for the enlargment
>         program,if you have any questions PLEASE do note hesitate to
>         contact us
>          waiting for your feedback,Mohammed
>         2013/3/21 Daniel Seco <dsf_cm@...
>         <http://es.mc1717.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=dsf_cm@...>>
>             We are indeed interested but we will not be ready to start
>             preparing that until we are in terrain in Tunis, next monday.
>             --- El *mié, 20/3/13, assist11.tun.extension FSM
>             /<assist11.tuni.extension@...
>             <http://es.mc1717.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=assist11.tuni.extension@...>>/*
>             escribió:
>                 De: assist11.tun.extension FSM
>                 <assist11.tuni.extension@...
>                 <http://es.mc1717.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=assist11.tuni.extension@...>>
>                 Asunto: Re: WSF2013 ASSISTANCE TUNIS EXTENDED
>                 Para: dsf_cm@...
>                 <http://es.mc1717.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=dsf_cm@...>
>                 Fecha: miércoles, 20 de marzo, 2013 20:08
>                 I have written to you about twenty days ago to propose
>                 an appointment to prepare the enlargement of your
>                 activity in tunis and have not heard back from you
>                 if you are still interested in enlarging your activity
>                 1 / Please confirm the name of the camear person and
>                 the chat liaison person in your delegation in tunis
>                 who will use these channels in tunis
>                 2 / Propose a date that we can meet on skype with me,
>                 so that we coordinate our actions
>                 if you are no longer interested in enlarging your
>                 activity on internet fom tunis tell us, and we will
>                 stop writing to you
>                 Team volunteers tunis extended
>                 Mohammed HANNECHI
>                 2013/3/14 assist11.tun.extension FSM
>                 <assist11.tuni.extension@...
>                 <http://es.mc1717.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=assist11.tuni.extension@...>>
>                     Cela fait dix jours que je vous ai écrit pour vous
>                     proposer un rendez vous et n'ai pas eu de retour
>                     de votre part.
>                     Si vous êtes toujours intéressés à élargir votre
>                     activité:
>                     1/ Veuillez confirmez le nom de la personne
>                     liaison et celui de la personne camera présent
>                     dans votre délégation a tunis et qui vont utiliser
>                     ces canaux a Tunis.
>                     2/ Proposer une rencontre par skype avec moi pour
>                     qu'on coordonne nos actions.
>                     Si vous n’êtes plus intéresses à élargir votre
>                     activité, dites nous le, et on arrêtera de vous
>                     écrire.
>                     équipe des volontaires tunis étendu
>                     Mohammed HANNECHI
>                     2013/2/28 assist11.tun.extension FSM
>                     <assist11.tuni.extension@...
>                     <http://es.mc1717.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=assist11.tuni.extension@...>>
>                         more info on extension :
>                         http://www.fsm2013.org/fr/node/1227
>                         this is a message sent by Tunis extension
>                         volunteers.
>                         Hello,
>                         You proposed to organize one or more
>                         “proposals for activity” in Tunis FSM2013 you
>                         stated your intention to "enlarge them
>                         on the Internet".Here is a link to one of them
>                         http://www.fsm2013.org/en/node/2472 and there
>                         are other visible in the form of your
>                         organization
>                         http://www.fsm2013.org/en/organisation_info/546
>                         I am part of the Tunis Extended team, a group
>                         of young Tunisians who volunteer to support
>                         you online and in Tunis for the enlargement of
>                         your activity.
>                         We dispatched hundreds of contacts (morethan
>                         600 proposals for activities organized by 400
>                         people have been announced
>                         as extended) and you are part of a list of a
>                         dozen contacts that I accompany I get in touch
>                         with you to suggest an exchange on skype (my
>                         skype is: mohammed.hannechi) at the following
>                         tims (21:00 GMT)
>                         You can also call me at the following
>                         telephone (+21653959914)
>                         My message to you has been recently announced
>                         by a message from contact.extension
>                         @fsm2013.org <http://fsm2013.org/> in the
>                         tunev mailing list for enlarged activities
>                         Purpose of this skype conversation is about
>                         defining on what and when to support you,
>                         depending on your needs, your experience with
>                         streaming, your intentions, and the size of
>                         your delegation in Tunis.
>                         The principle announced by the messages you've
>                         probably received from contact.extension @
>                         fsm2013.org <http://fsm2013.org/> is
>                         "self-organization, with support".
>                         A link to a step by step guide has been sent
>                         and is on the WSF website
>                         http://www.fsm2013.org/en/node/4077
>                         You can see in the attached list below the
>                         topics that we can discuss in this exchange .
>                         They are quite varied.
>                         I invite you to answer quickly, so we can meet
>                         soon and use the few weeks up to the forum!
>                         Mohammed HANNECHI
>                         */FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS/*
>                         *1/8 WHAT DO WE TALK ABOUT IN THIS EXCHANGEBY
>                         SKYPE?*
>                         this exchange can help to:
>                         -Answer practical questions
>                         -Identify the people in your delegation in
>                         Tunis who will be with you to take the role of
>                         camera person and the person link (see step by
>                         step guide).
>                         - support you online eg you / showing how to
>                         make a streaming video with a simple computer
>                         (camera person), how to run a
>                         chat room (liaison person).
>                         -Encourage you to send your networks an
>                         invitation to participate in a text audio chat
>                         room with the liaison person, so
>                         create before March 26, a chat room in which
>                         are already linked with the liaison person, a
>                         number of people motivated to participate
>                         remotely in your activity.
>                         -Suggest you to stimulate your organization
>                         before your departure for Tunis, to prepare a
>                         WSF day , using the connection possibilities
>                         with Tunis (tele visit and chat tele/remote
>                         participation in your activity and also tele
>                         meeting with you by skype video!)
>                         -Contact persons in your area who would be
>                         interested in co-organizing such a day or
>                         evening using the available resources of your
>                         organization.
>                         without charge, a room, a video projector, an
>                         invitation sent to the circle of more active
>                         participants see the link here
>                         http://www.fsm2013.org/en/node/6532
>                         °
>                         *2/8 AND IF I'M Not anymore interested OR I DO
>                         NOT CONFIRM MY activity?*
>                         Maybe you do not confirm your proposed
>                         activity,maybe you do not want to expand your
>                         activity more (put "only in Tunis" by editing
>                         your business card).In this case, thank you
>                         for telling me about this message by return
>                         *3/8 in TUNIS during THE FORUM WILL you
>                         SUPPORT us?*
>                         During the forum we will be there,myself or
>                         other volunteers, depending on the programming
>                         constraints it may be that it is not me, but
>                         I'll show you, wecan help you live(We found
>                         dozens of volunteers for dozens of rooms
>                         hosting the enlarged activities that you will
>                         use by hundreds during the 8 slots/ period
>                         self-organized of WSF (27 to 29 march morning
>                         afternoon).
>                         We will give priority support to smaller
>                         organizations and those who are preparing
>                         early with us on, lione
>                         Another reason to answer quickly!
>                         *4/8 ENLARGING my activity WHY? ENLARGING TO
>                         WHOM?*
>                         Enlarging on the internet (streaming video),
>                         you give more visibility to your activity and
>                         you allow more people to participate in the
>                         WSF process, because it is possible to
>                         participate in your activity remotely (text
>                         chat with a liaison person, without
>                         interfering with the conductof the activity in
>                         Tunis).
>                         That is why we suggest you to quickly send an
>                         invitation to your networks offering to enter
>                         the chat room (before you even know the exact
>                         date and time of your activity in tunis ).
>                         This link by written chat room is simple and
>                         robust .
>                         Enlarging , you have a video memory easy to
>                         produce free of charge which allows you to
>                         replay the content and present your activity
>                         to a wider audience after WSF.
>                         In preparing for enlargement, you learn simple
>                         techniques to implement that you can re use
>                         after the WSF.
>                         5/8 WHAT IS THE QUALITY OF INTERNET CONNECTION
>                         IN TUNIS*?*
>                         There is uncertainty about the quality of the
>                         internet with the room where your activity
>                         will be located.
>                         Given the large number of activities - one out
>                         of two, it is not possible to put all these
>                         activities in a limited number of rooms with a
>                         guaranteed high quality connection
>                         Our team is in contact with the commission and
>                         the logistics department of the university to
>                         do the best, be it on a wifi network common to
>                         all participants, a specialized wireless or
>                         wired network.
>                         At the time I write, we do not yet have a
>                         clear vision of what is possible to do. We'll
>                         keep you posted.If you prepare properly your
>                         enlargement and limitations are feared what is
>                         plan B?
>                         - It is possible to do text chat using the
>                         general wifi
>                         - It is possible to call mobile phones in
>                         Tunisia ( rates around 0.3 euros per minute
>                         though interent)
>                         -It is possible to use a 3G key (we willhave
>                         some) and you can also buy one in Tunisia
>                         (cost 60 euros)
>                         The ability of these keys to allow 3G video
>                         streaming will be tested in advance, but when
>                         thousands of people will phone on the campus,
>                         we do not know how the telephone network will
>                         behave - 3G keys worked well when WSF Dakar 2011.
>                         *6/8 WHAT TOOLS DO WE USE TO ENLARGE?*
>                         Since the approach is “self-organized with
>                         support”, if you already practice the
>                         streaming video, you can use the tools you
>                         know well. For participatory chat you may have
>                         already used to using a particular tool. We
>                         believe that, except in special cases
>                         identified through our exchanges, you are
>                         independent and have the experience, and
>                         people who know how to do.
>                         If this is your first streaming time, it is
>                         possible to use a software streaming tool from
>                         www.ustream.tv
>                         <http://www.ustream.tv/>,www.livestream.com
>                         <http://www.livestream.com/>, or
>                         www.bambuser.com <http://www.bambuser.com/>
>                         (with commercial advertisements at the
>                         beginning of video viewing ) and use for the
>                         text chat room, out of sync with the video,
>                         which gives a better quality of preparation
>                         and participation, skype software which is
>                         widely used.
>                         It may be also that myself according to our
>                         exchange, suggest a specific solution that I
>                         know, and then allows you to master it before
>                         the WSF, knowing that there is no guarantee
>                         that I will be available to help you in Tunis
>                         at the
>                         WSF.
>                         *7/8 IN WHICH LANGUAGE DO WE ENLARGE?*
>                         Monolingual Activities are simple to
>                         handle,for multilingual activities choices
>                         need to be made based on how the translation
>                         is done, and what are your options in terms of
>                         equipment or persons.
>                         *8/8 WHAT WILL HAPPEN AFTER March 30?*
>                         We will be in touch with you some time on
>                         documentation produced video chat and exchange
>                         in the chat room participation.
>                         It may be interesting, in relation with
>                         individuals who have made enlargement. to edit
>                         a web page "activity report" with links to the
>                         video produced, and a text giving the timing
>                         of interventions in the Tunis room in order to
>                         make quick and easy consultation of video, and
>                         also insert text significant messages
>                         exchanged in the chat room, and notes taken in
>                         the tunis room.
>                         You may also want to get a copy of thevideo
>                         stored on the server streaming sites to load
>                         on another site.
>     --
>     Archive: http://openfsm.net/[…]/1363942770070
>     <http://openfsm.net/projects/2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion/archive/2013/03/1363942770070>
>     To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
>     2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@...
>     <mailto:2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@...>.
>     Please contact
>     2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@...
>     <mailto:2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@...> for
>     questions.
> --
> Archive: http://openfsm.net/[…]/1363943809270 
> <http://openfsm.net/projects/2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion/archive/2013/03/1363943809270>
> To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to 
> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@... 
> <mailto:2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@...>. Please 
> contact 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... 
> <mailto:2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@...> 
> for questions.

Dennis Mansell
+31 628 838 432
skype/google/yahoo/IRC: dennmans

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