• 2011movements-fsm discussion

Fwd: [Com-FSM] Logement

from Marouane tlili on Mar 22, 2013 08:45 PM
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: ali hentati <ali.hentati@...>
Date: 2013/3/22
Subject: Re: [Com-FSM] Logement
To: commission de communication FSM tunis 2013
<communication@...>, comcomtunis@...,
"contenuweb@..." <contenuweb@...>,
finance@..., interpretariat@...,
jeunes@..., logistique@...,
"Methodologie@..." <methodologie@...>,
mobilisation@..., preparationtunis@...,
ressource@..., web@...


There are thousands of participants
expected in joining FSM in Tunis. Not all of these, especiell those,
who decide in the last minute to join, had already organised
sleepingplaces in hoteks or private herberges. Beside this it is this
also question of money to book (sometimes expensive) hotels, a fact
even if it exists, should – in our meaning - not force people to
cancel their participance. We think, that this problem wasn't until
now much enough in the target of the general FSM-preparation as it
should be. So, how can it be solved:

And – even if we don't find a
printable solution, we are nearly sure to solve this problem by
various possibilities.

Yust – a simply look one te map gives
one possibilitiy:

The shown university campus has an huge
area (marked in light green colour). It should be possible to find
there a place there for sleeping. So yust bring a sleepingbag,
matelas, blanket and a tent (if possible for you a second one for the
people who have none). It should be possible, to use some of the
campusplace for sleeping.

We think that the best way in
organising a place to sleep, for those who have this need, is a
collective one. So we propose a meeting yust at the beginning of the
fsm to start this collective process. It should take place after the
starting-manifestation at the 26.3. assuming at 7 pm at the coffee in
the migrant place. There we'll introduce to you some places in and
outside the campusarea to build up a camping/sleepingplace, infos how
to get there, and then we all decide together, where we go.

We can't guarantee a success in getting
a sleepingplace by this way because of administrative reasons - but
we support this collective process as good as we can and we think, if
people should organise themselves - esp. in affinity groups, we are
more effective.

Getting a sleepingplace is in our
meaning not the end of this collective action of the
FSM-participants, who needs one; this should be rather a
startingpoint of a temporarily time during the FSM, in which people
can also live together, discuss directly and exchange experience
together as a neccessary addition to the more hierarchical and
confronting way of sharing informations in panels, exhibitions and
lectures as it is planned by the general FSM-preparation.

2013/3/22 FSM Tunis 2013 <contact@...>
> اللجنة المنظمة للمنتدى الاجتماعي العالمي يوفر لكم عدة خيارات للسكن خلال المنتدى (من 24 إلى 30 مارس), من الرجاء قراءة ما يلي بعناية:
> سكن في حي جامعي, خيارات متعددة في الغرف : غرفة لشخصين (120 أورو من 24 إلى 30 مارس), غرفة لثلاثة أشخاص (180 أورو من 24 إلى 30 مارس). دورات مياه مشتركة. هذا عرض لأسبوع كامل, لا توجد إقامة باليوم أو الليلة. لقد وضعنا وسيلة للدفع عن بعد, ستجدونها عبر هذه الوصلة http://www.fsm2013.org/fr/hebergement.
> سكن في قاعات الدرس بالمعاهد الثانوية : 6 أشخاص في كل قاعة, 1 أورو باليوم, من 24 إلى 30 مارس (من الممكن عدم البقاء طيلة المنتدى). دورات مياه مشتركة من غير أدواش, سنوفر حشايا.
> سكن في المعهد الأعلى للتربية البدنية في قاعات الدرس (2 أورو باليوم). دورات مياه و مشرب. معدات رياضية متوفرة.
> إذا أردتم حجز إحدى الخيارات, من الرجاء الاتصال ب logement@... و إرفاق طلبكم ب:
>     قائمة إسمية بطالبي السكن.
>     معرف الشخص المسؤول مع رقم الهاتف و البريد الإلكتروني
> Bonjour,
> L'organisation du FSM met à  votre disposition plusieurs possibilités
> pour vous loger durant le FSM (du 24 au 30 mars), merci de lire
> attentivement ce qui suit :
> - logement en cité universitaire, plusieurs options de chambre :
> chambre deux places (120 euros du 24 au 30 mars) ; chambre trois places
> (180 euros du 24 au 30). Sanitaires collectifs. Il s'agit d'un forfait
> pour la semaine, pas de logement à  la nuit. Nous mettrons un outil de
> paiement en ligne à  cet effet en cours de journée, vous le trouverez
> dans la rubrique http://www.fsm2013.org/fr/hebergement
> - Logement en salles de classe dans des lycées : 6 pers/salle, 1
> euro/jour, du 24 au 30 également (pas d'obligation de rester toute la
> durée du forum). Sanitaires collectifs SANS douche, matelas mis à
> disposition.
> - logement à l'institut supérieur d'éducation physique en salle de
> classe (2 euros/nuit). Sanitaires et buvette. Equipements sportifs à
> disposition.
> Si vous souhaitez réserver l'une ou l'autre de ces options, merci de
> vous adresser à  logement@... en joignant à  votre demande :
> - une liste du nombre et des noms des personnes sollicitant un
> hébergement,
> - un contact de personne référente avec mail + numéro de téléphone.
> Hello,
> The WSF organizing team has set up different accommodation options
> during the forum (from the 24th to the 30th) please cautiously read the
> following :
> - accommodation in student dorms, with two bedroom options : two
> persons bedroom (120 euros from the 24th to the 30th), three persons
> bedroom (180 euros from the 24th to the 30th). Collective sanitary
> facilities. Please note that this is a package, there is no
> accommodation available for single nights. Today we will release a tool
> to pay on-line for these bedrooms, you'll find it at
> http://www.fsm2013.org/fr/hebergement
> - accommodation in High school classes : 6 persons/class, 1 euro/day,
> from the 24th to the 30th (no obligation to stay for the whole period).
> Collectives sanitary facilities, NO shower, mattress provided.
> - accommodation at the Institut Supérieur d'Education Physique (2
> euros/night). Sanitary facilities, bar, and sport equipments available.
> If you wish to make a reservation for one or the other, please write to
> logement@..., please be careful to indicate :
> - a list of the number and names of the persons wishing to get
> accommodation,
> - a contact person with e-mail+phone number.
> ¡Hola!,
> La organización del FSM pone a vuestra disposición varias posibilidades de
> alojamiento para el FSM (desde el 24 al 30 de marzo):
> -       Alojamiento en la ciudad universitaria, con varias opciones de
> habitaciones: habitación dos personas (120 euros del 24 al 30 de marzo);
> habitación tres personas (180 euros del 24 al 30 de marzo). Baños
> colectivos. Se trata de una reservación para una semana, no de alojamiento
> por noches. Habrá un sistema de pago en línea (se activará en el día de
> hoy), lo encontraréis aquí  http://www.fsm2013.org/fr/hebergement
> - Alojamiento en las aulas de los institutos: 6 personas/sala, 1
> euro/día, del 24 al 30 igualmente (no es obligatorio quedarse todo el
> FSM). Sanitarios colectivos SIN ducha, habrá colchones.
> - Alojamiento en el instituto superior de Educación Física en las aulas, 2
> euros la noche. Sanitarios y cafetería. Equipamiento deportivo a
> disposición.
> Si queréis reservar alguna de estas opciones, escribid a
> logement@... indicando:
> - La lista con el número y el nombre y apellido de las personas que
> solicitan un alojamiento,
> - Un contacto de persona de referencia con un email + número de teléfono.
> --
> Comité préparatoire FSM Tunis 2013
> www.fsm2013.org
> 47 rue Farhat Hached Bloc B 2éme étage
> tél/fax: (00216) 71240559
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> Communication mailing list
> Communication@...
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