• 2011movements-fsm discussion

Re: Proposed meetings and timetable and place of activities

de la part de marita cassan on 25/03/2013 16:57
Area you streaming? If yes please send a tweet with our hashtag.#globalsquares.m.

Afro Dance <afrodancefusion@...> ha scritto:

>we couldn't find unesco building so we meeting at cafe near wsf tent
>in town on rue bourguiba. London  occupy
>On 3/21/13, Daniel Seco <dsf_cm@...> wrote:
>> Timetable of our activities, and proposed calendar of meetings before:
>> Meetings before the start of the activities:
>> Decided: On the 25th at 17:00-19:30 we said to meet near the University but
>> I just realised it is maybe going to be closed because people will be
>> setting up whatever...
>> Just in case we could meet in the UNESCO building, which is very close to
>> the campus, but at least we'll not be left out... It is on Rue Carthagènes
>> It also would be nice as mentioned by Mariangela so I propose it: On the
>> 26th we can meet at 12:00-14:30, to work and then we can go together to the
>> opening march, so how about meeting at the Avenue Habib Bourgiba in front of
>> the Carlton Hotel? I know it sounds strange but it is one of easy to find on
>> google maps things that lays on a boulevard where we can stand and it is
>> close to the point where the march starts later that afternoon.
>> RESERVED FOR GLOBAL SQUARE (It is called Espace Global Square):
>> On the 27th:
>> 1st slot: 9h00-11h30
>> Link: http://www.fsm2013.org/en/node/4600
>> Organized by: GlobalSquare.
>> 2nd slot: 13h00-15h30
>> Link: http://www.fsm2013.org/en/node/4603
>> Organized by: GlobalSquare.
>> 3rd slot: 16h00-18h30
>> Title: Open assemblies of the movements from the squares 1
>> Link: http://www.fsm2013.org/en/node/1227
>> Organized by: GlobalSquare.
>> On the 28th:
>> 1st slot: 9h00-11h30
>> Title: Networked solidarity? interactions between labour, NGOs, political
>> groups and the squares
>> Link: http://www.fsm2013.org/en/node/7069
>> Organized by: GlobalSquare.
>> 2nd slot: 13h00-15h30
>> Title: "VIA22  - Comment collaborer au-delà du FSM? Espace ouvert et créatif
>> pour le  dialogue entre les personnes impliquées dans les mouvements
>> sociaux  actuels et au sein de la société civile / How can we collaborate
>> beyond  the WSF? "
>> Link: http://www.fsm2013.org/en/node/2346
>> Organized by: VIA22.
>> 3rd slot: 16h00-18h30
>> Title: Open assemblies of the movements from the squares 2
>> Link: http://www.fsm2013.org/en/node/1229
>> Organized by: GlobalSquare.
>> On the 29th:
>> 1st slot: 9h00-11h30
>> Title: "Interoccupy: Connect. Colaborate. Organize."
>> Link: http://www.fsm2013.org/en/node/4019
>> Organized by: InterOccupy.
>> 2nd slot: 13h00-15h30
>> Title: Open assemblies of the movements from the squares 3
>> Link: http://www.fsm2013.org/en/node/1232
>> Organized by: GlobalSquare.
>> --- El jue, 21/3/13, marita <maciacia50@...> escribió:
>> Hi everybody
>> I think we have to send around a general information
>> with
>> 1. our assemblies (timetable)
>> 2. channel for streaming for people who are not there
>> 3. Facebook
>> 4. Hash-tag in twitter
>> a very synthetic kit to follow us in Tunis
>> I could work on it with somebody else
>> Yesterday I had a meeting about global may and I informed about our
>> assemblies and I realized that just sending people to get information in the
>> web isnt enough
>> I opened a pad for working on
>> it http://titanpad.com/GlobalSquaresinTunisinfo
>> Then we could translate it and send it around to different lists
>> Also I think it will be great to decide when and where we could meet on the
>> 26th (some of us arrive in Tunis on the 25th in the evening and it will be
>> great to see each other on the 26th in the morning)
>> On the 26th at 7pm there will be a teleconference between Madrid and the
>> forum and it will be great to participate
>> Also I dont know if people who, like me, are waiting for the lodging at
>> university and people who have already booked something somewhere could
>> organize a friendly emergency way of solve the problem
>> I am looking forward to see, meet and work with you all
>> Mariangela
>> --
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