• 2011movements-fsm discussion

Fwd: [Action2-l] Choucha refugees on the WSF in Tunis

de la part de Ulrike Beudgen on 31/03/2013 14:57
As Conny writes: a little bit late ... :-) could "we" Update them with the Video of the Assemblies in Tunis on 29th and 30th of March?


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> Von: conni <conni.gunsser@...>
> Datum: 31. März 2013 16:30:44 MESZ
> An: "coyote-list" <coyote-l@...>, "action2-list" <action2-l@...>
> Betreff: [Action2-l] Choucha refugees on the WSF in Tunis
> ...see: http://chouchaprotest.noblogs.org/
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