• 2011movements-fsm discussion

  • Should we participate in the process of the next WSF?

    from vica on Apr 16, 2013 04:32 PM
    Hi all,
    In the last meeting we briefly discussed if we think it is worth investing time and energy in participating in the process for organising the next WSF.
    We said that it would be good to have a meeting to discuss this more in depth.
    So here is the doodle for the possible meeting:
    Please show your preference by Friday midnight.
    We also said we could create a Pad where people could add their comments about this. So here it is:
    Thread Outline:
  • Re: Should we participate in the process of the next WSF?

    from agora_brazil@... on Apr 16, 2013 07:31 PM
    i added sourcecode.
    Good luck for us.
    Hasta luego
    > Hi all,
    > In the last meeting we briefly discussed if we think it is worth investing
    > time and energy in participating in the process for organising the next
    > WSF.
    > We said that it would be good to have a meeting to discuss this more in
    > depth.
    > So here is the doodle for the possible meeting:
    > http://www.doodle.com/hxh5k2r6pitmnz7p
    > Please show your preference by Friday midnight.
    > We also said we could create a Pad where people could add their comments
    > about this. So here it is:
    > http://titanpad.com/Cc2DXOM7vW
    > ciao!
    > Vica
    > --
    > Archive:
    > http://openfsm.net/projects/2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion/archive/2013/04/1366129952154
    > To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
    > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@....  Please contact
    > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for questions.
  • Re: Should we participate in the process of the next WSF?

    from shawn on Apr 16, 2013 08:39 PM
    I'd like to participate in this call and am looking forward to it, but it seems to me like we need to get some information first.
    Now that I think about it, I didn't really get any contacts of IC members when I was there. I put my name down on a paper list, but it doesn't seem like they've followed up on that yet.
    So here are some questions I would have:
    - Has there been any communication within the IC since Tunis?
    - What is the communications infrastructure? (Lists? Website? Conference Calls? Anything??)
    - Is there a directory listing of IC members and their contact information anywhere?
    - Can we get someone from the IC on our call?
    It would be great if we could all do a part to try and do some digging to get information on this stuff-
    I'll reach out to Chico Whitaker and see what I can find?  
    On Tuesday, April 16, 2013 at 12:26 PM, Ludovica Rogers wrote:
    > Hi all,
    > In the last meeting we briefly discussed if we think it is worth investing time and energy in participating in the process for organising the next WSF.
    > We said that it would be good to have a meeting to discuss this more in depth.
    > So here is the doodle for the possible meeting:
    > http://www.doodle.com/hxh5k2r6pitmnz7p
    > Please show your preference by Friday midnight.
    > We also said we could create a Pad where people could add their comments about this. So here it is:
    > http://titanpad.com/Cc2DXOM7vW
    > ciao!
    > Vica
    > --
    > Archive: http://openfsm.net/[…]/1366129952154 (http://openfsm.net/projects/2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion/archive/2013/04/1366129952154)
    > To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@... (mailto:2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@...). Please contact 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... (mailto:2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@...) for questions.
    • Re: Should we participate in the process of the next WSF?

      from Jasper on Apr 16, 2013 09:20 PM
      Hi Shawn,
      I don't feel any hurry to invite IC members on the call, although 
      anybody is welcome of course (probably some are here in this list). I 
      simply want to have a good exchange on different possibilities to 
      continue/deepen involvement in the WSF process, instead of starting some 
      kind of dialogue with certain IC members...  I have a couple of doubts 
      about the way I want to be part of the WSF-process, in fact I have some 
      terms and conditions, and I would like to have a good discussion about 
      that sort of things first.
      The IC has a closed mailing list. The members of the IC are listed here, 
      including their emails: 
      grts jasper
      Op 16-4-2013 22:33, Shawn Carrié schreef:
      > I'd like to participate in this call and am looking forward to it, but 
      > it seems to me like we need to get some information first.
      > Now that I think about it, I didn't really get any contacts of IC 
      > members when I was there. I put my name down on a paper list, but it 
      > doesn't seem like they've followed up on that yet.
      > So here are some questions I would have:
      > - Has there been any communication within the IC since Tunis?
      > - What is the communications infrastructure? (Lists? Website? 
      > Conference Calls? Anything??)
      > - Is there a directory listing of IC members and their contact 
      > information anywhere?
      > - Can we get someone from the IC on our call?
      > It would be great if we could all do a part to try and do some digging 
      > to get information on this stuff-
      > I'll reach out to Chico Whitaker and see what I can find?
      > ⨳
      > Shawn
      > On Tuesday, April 16, 2013 at 12:26 PM, Ludovica Rogers wrote:
      >> Hi all,
      >> In the last meeting we briefly discussed if we think it is worth 
      >> investing time and energy in participating in the process for 
      >> organising the next WSF.
      >> We said that it would be good to have a meeting to discuss this more 
      >> in depth.
      >> So here is the doodle for the possible meeting:
      >> http://www.doodle.com/hxh5k2r6pitmnz7p
      >> Please show your preference by Friday midnight.
      >> We also said we could create a Pad where people could add their 
      >> comments about this. So here it is:
      >> http://titanpad.com/Cc2DXOM7vW
      >> ciao!
      >> Vica
      >> --
      >> Archive: http://openfsm.net/[…]/1366129952154 
      >> <http://openfsm.net/projects/2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion/archive/2013/04/1366129952154>
      >> To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to 
      >> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@... 
      >> <mailto:2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@...>. Please 
      >> contact 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... 
      >> <mailto:2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@...> 
      >> for questions.
      > --
      > Archive: http://openfsm.net/[…]/1366144785702 
      > <http://openfsm.net/projects/2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion/archive/2013/04/1366144785702>
      > To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to 
      > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@... 
      > <mailto:2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@...>. Please 
      > contact 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... 
      > <mailto:2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@...> 
      > for questions.
      • Re: Should we participate in the process of the next WSF?

        from book on Apr 17, 2013 04:11 AM
        Hi, thanks for this list of IC members, but its details are a bit 
        outdated. It gives, for instance, "permanent fatal errors" for the address 
        <katarina@...>, which is representing the NIGD. Btw, I belong 
        to the persons who have represented NIGD on the IC of the WSF since the 
        time Katarina used to do it. For my views on the WSF and its IC, you may 
        want to take a look at 
        Greetings from Finland,
        Mikael Böök * book@... * gsm +358(0)-44 5511 324 *
        http://www.kaapeli.fi/book/  * http://blogi.kaapeli.fi/book/ *
        On Tue, 16 Apr 2013, jasper teunissen wrote:
        > Hi Shawn,
        > I don't feel any hurry to invite IC members on the call, although anybody is 
        > welcome of course (probably some are here in this list). I simply want to 
        > have a good exchange on different possibilities to continue/deepen 
        > involvement in the WSF process, instead of starting some kind of dialogue 
        > with certain IC members...  I have a couple of doubts about the way I want to 
        > be part of the WSF-process, in fact I have some terms and conditions, and I 
        > would like to have a good discussion about that sort of things first.
        > The IC has a closed mailing list. The members of the IC are listed here, 
        > including their emails: 
        > http://www.forumsocialmundial.org.br/main.php?id_menu=3_2_1&cd_language=2
        > grts jasper
        > Op 16-4-2013 22:33, Shawn Carrié schreef:
        >> I'd like to participate in this call and am looking forward to it, but it 
        >> seems to me like we need to get some information first.
        >> Now that I think about it, I didn't really get any contacts of IC members 
        >> when I was there. I put my name down on a paper list, but it doesn't seem 
        >> like they've followed up on that yet.
        >> So here are some questions I would have:
        >> - Has there been any communication within the IC since Tunis?
        >> - What is the communications infrastructure? (Lists? Website? Conference 
        >> Calls? Anything??)
        >> - Is there a directory listing of IC members and their contact information 
        >> anywhere?
        >> - Can we get someone from the IC on our call?
        >> It would be great if we could all do a part to try and do some digging to 
        >> get information on this stuff-
        >> I'll reach out to Chico Whitaker and see what I can find?
        >> Shawn
        >> On Tuesday, April 16, 2013 at 12:26 PM, Ludovica Rogers wrote:
        >>> Hi all,
        >>> In the last meeting we briefly discussed if we think it is worth investing 
        >>> time and energy in participating in the process for organising the next 
        >>> WSF.
        >>> We said that it would be good to have a meeting to discuss this more in 
        >>> depth.
        >>> So here is the doodle for the possible meeting:
        >>> http://www.doodle.com/hxh5k2r6pitmnz7p
        >>> Please show your preference by Friday midnight.
        >>> We also said we could create a Pad where people could add their comments 
        >>> about this. So here it is:
        >>> http://titanpad.com/Cc2DXOM7vW
        >>> ciao!
        >>> Vica
        >>> --
        >>> Archive: http://openfsm.net/[]/1366129952154 
        >>> <http://openfsm.net/projects/2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion/archive/2013/04/1366129952154>
        >>> To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to 
        >>> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@... 
        >>> <mailto:2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@...>. Please 
        >>> contact 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... 
        >>> <mailto:2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@...> for 
        >>> questions.
        >> --
        >> Archive: http://openfsm.net/[]/1366144785702 
        >> <http://openfsm.net/projects/2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion/archive/2013/04/1366144785702>
        >> To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to 
        >> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@... 
        >> <mailto:2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@...>. Please contact 
        >> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... 
        >> <mailto:2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@...> for 
        >> questions.
        > --
        > Archive: 
        > http://openfsm.net/projects/2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion/archive/2013/04/1366147255461
        > To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to 
        > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@....  Please contact 
        > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for questions.
        • Re: Should we participate in the process of the next WSF?

          from Azril Bacal on Apr 17, 2013 07:45 AM
          >From my humble corner, one of the highlights of the WSF 2013 was the
          informal and personal dialogue which took place between "us" and "them" -
          or if you wish, "them" and "us" - both instances, called it IC-WSF and or
          indignad@s "okupas" and what not - belong in my view to the same emerging
          planetarian and diverse tribe, envisioning and engaged in the construction
          of other possible worlds, wherever we are. In the past, "progressive"
          forces have been too good at dividing ourselves, thereby losing strength -
          vis a vis - the reactionary forces behind kapitalism in whichever form
          neoliberal and/or neocon, which amount to the same historical and poisonous
          waste threatening life in our lovely blue planet, having sufficient stuff
          for all. If we are to learn from the past, let us learn to work together
          and learn from each other as we move forward, as long as it takes...
          On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 6:04 AM, Mikael Book <book@...> wrote:
          > Hi, thanks for this list of IC members, but its details are a bit
          > outdated. It gives, for instance, "permanent fatal errors" for the address <
          > katarina@...>, which is representing the NIGD. Btw, I belong
          > to the persons who have represented NIGD on the IC of the WSF since the
          > time Katarina used to do it. For my views on the WSF and its IC, you may
          > want to take a look at http://openfsm.net/projects/**wsfic_fsmci/wsfic-**
          > icfuturecontribution-18<http://openfsm.net/projects/wsfic_fsmci/wsfic-icfuturecontribution-18>
          > Greetings from Finland,
          > Mikael
          > Mikael Böök * book@... * gsm +358(0)-44 5511 324 *
          > http://www.kaapeli.fi/book/  * http://blogi.kaapeli.fi/book/ *
          > http://blog.**spinellisfootsteps.info/<http://blog.spinellisfootsteps.info/>
          > On Tue, 16 Apr 2013, jasper teunissen wrote:
          >  Hi Shawn,
          >> I don't feel any hurry to invite IC members on the call, although anybody
          >> is welcome of course (probably some are here in this list). I simply want
          >> to have a good exchange on different possibilities to continue/deepen
          >> involvement in the WSF process, instead of starting some kind of dialogue
          >> with certain IC members...  I have a couple of doubts about the way I want
          >> to be part of the WSF-process, in fact I have some terms and conditions,
          >> and I would like to have a good discussion about that sort of things first.
          >> The IC has a closed mailing list. The members of the IC are listed here,
          >> including their emails: http://www.forumsocialmundial.**
          >> org.br/main.php?id_menu=3_2_1&**cd_language=2<http://www.forumsocialmundial.org.br/main.php?id_menu=3_2_1&cd_language=2>
          >> grts jasper
          >> Op 16-4-2013 22:33, Shawn Carrié schreef:
          >>> I'd like to participate in this call and am looking forward to it, but
          >>> it seems to me like we need to get some information first.
          >>> Now that I think about it, I didn't really get any contacts of IC
          >>> members when I was there. I put my name down on a paper list, but it
          >>> doesn't seem like they've followed up on that yet.
          >>> So here are some questions I would have:
          >>> - Has there been any communication within the IC since Tunis?
          >>> - What is the communications infrastructure? (Lists? Website? Conference
          >>> Calls? Anything??)
          >>> - Is there a directory listing of IC members and their contact
          >>> information anywhere?
          >>> - Can we get someone from the IC on our call?
          >>> It would be great if we could all do a part to try and do some digging
          >>> to get information on this stuff-
          >>> I'll reach out to Chico Whitaker and see what I can find?
          >>> Shawn
          >>> On Tuesday, April 16, 2013 at 12:26 PM, Ludovica Rogers wrote:
          >>>  Hi all,
          >>>> In the last meeting we briefly discussed if we think it is worth
          >>>> investing time and energy in participating in the process for organising
          >>>> the next WSF.
          >>>> We said that it would be good to have a meeting to discuss this more in
          >>>> depth.
          >>>> So here is the doodle for the possible meeting:
          >>>> http://www.doodle.com/**hxh5k2r6pitmnz7p<http://www.doodle.com/hxh5k2r6pitmnz7p>
          >>>> Please show your preference by Friday midnight.
          >>>> We also said we could create a Pad where people could add their
          >>>> comments about this. So here it is:
          >>>> http://titanpad.com/Cc2DXOM7vW
          >>>> ciao!
          >>>> Vica
          >>>> --
          >>>> Archive: http://openfsm.net/[]/**1366129952154<http://openfsm.net/%5B%5D/1366129952154><
          >>>> http://openfsm.net/projects/**2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/**
          >>>> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-**discussion/archive/2013/04/**1366129952154<http://openfsm.net/projects/2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion/archive/2013/04/1366129952154>
          >>>> >
          >>>> To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
          >>>> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-**discussion@...<2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@...><mailto:
          >>>> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-**discussion@...<2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@...>>.
          >>>> Please contact 2011movements-fsm-wsf-**discussion-manager@lists.**
          >>>> openfsm.net<2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@...><mailto:
          >>>> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-**discussion-manager@lists.**openfsm.net<2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@...>>
          >>>> for questions.
          >>> --
          >>> Archive: http://openfsm.net/[]/**1366144785702<http://openfsm.net/%5B%5D/1366144785702><
          >>> http://openfsm.net/projects/**2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/**
          >>> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-**discussion/archive/2013/04/**1366144785702<http://openfsm.net/projects/2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion/archive/2013/04/1366144785702>
          >>> >
          >>> To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
          >>> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-**discussion@...<2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@...><mailto:
          >>> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-**discussion@...<2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@...>>.
          >>> Please contact 2011movements-fsm-wsf-**discussion-manager@lists.**
          >>> openfsm.net <2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@...><mailto:
          >>> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-**discussion-manager@lists.**openfsm.net<2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@...>>
          >>> for questions.
          >> --
          >> Archive: http://openfsm.net/projects/**2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/**
          >> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-**discussion/archive/2013/04/**1366147255461<http://openfsm.net/projects/2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion/archive/2013/04/1366147255461>
          >> To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
          >> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-**discussion@...<2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@...>.
          >>  Please contact 2011movements-fsm-wsf-**discussion-manager@lists.**
          >> openfsm.net <2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@...>for questions.
          > --
          > Archive: http://openfsm.net/projects/**2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/**
          > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-**discussion/archive/2013/04/**1366171879960<http://openfsm.net/projects/2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion/archive/2013/04/1366171879960>
          > To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
          > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-**discussion@...<2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@...>.
          >  Please contact 2011movements-fsm-wsf-**discussion-manager@lists.**
          > openfsm.net <2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@...>for questions.
  • Re: Should we participate in the process of the next WSF?

    from vica on Apr 19, 2013 05:19 PM
    Just a reminder that tonight is the last chance to show your preference for the meeting day.
    On Apr 16, 2013, at 6:26 PM, Ludovica Rogers <vicaolsx@...> wrote:
    > Hi all,
    > In the last meeting we briefly discussed if we think it is worth investing time and energy in participating in the process for organising the next WSF.
    > We said that it would be good to have a meeting to discuss this more in depth.
    > So here is the doodle for the possible meeting:
    > http://www.doodle.com/hxh5k2r6pitmnz7p
    > Please show your preference by Friday midnight.
    > We also said we could create a Pad where people could add their comments about this. So here it is:
    > http://titanpad.com/Cc2DXOM7vW
    > ciao!
    > Vica