• 2011movements-fsm discussion

#freeJabeur #freeGhazi in Tunisia now !

de parte de Ben Borges en 23/04/2013 18:47
Franççais :

est tu au courant de laffaire jabeur et ghazi les deux jeunes un est en
fuite en france lautre en prison 7 ans de tole lafaire ressort car amnestie
a enfin classer ce dossier comme prisonier d'opinion nous avons entierement
reprit le commitè de soutient le blog groupant infos et nouvelle des
condition de detention de jabeur doie etre terminer ce soir bref vas
falloir faire du bruit!!!

English :

Are you aware of the Jabeur & Ghazi story in tunisia ? these 2 young people
are running away, one is in France, the other is in Jail for 7 years. the
story is rising up again in Tunisia, because Amnesty classified the case
has 'prisoner of opinion" or political ideas prisoner. my contacts in Tunis
are rebuilding their blog for this case, so to inform everyone on this
issue from the ground. news on the conditions of jail of Jabeur will be
posted on the blog tonight. We are contacting you to make some noise on
social networks, twitter, facebook, whatever, try to make a twitter storm
about it.

keywords or Hashtags to use and find information on them :


Other hashtags related to it:

Moncef marzouki

I included 2 docs, not to be shared on public social nets, feel free to
translate it or use google translate to have an idea of the case.

Its seems the president twitted that Jabeur could be free soon. my contacts
in Tunis are asking the same favor that we did during the FSM with the
Zwewla case, another case of prison of 2 young tagger that where risking 5
years of jail for incredible stupid accusation, that the judge had to drop,
since our online mobilisation worked quite well and all the journalist and
westerns people in Tunis during the WSF learned the case of these 2 young

our comrades in Tunis know that online buzz has impact on them. so shall we
make noise to set free Jabeur ?
please read the case. and help if you can.

Ben Borges
and my skype is : buzzworkers

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