• 2011movements-fsm discussion

  • Re: [G2 - CI futur Consultations] opening of the list – ouverture de la liste – abertura de la lista

    from shawn on Apr 26, 2013 05:07 PM
    FYI: This is the newly created list for the WSF International Council. #------ Original message ------From: facilit OpenFSMDate: 4/26/2013 07:37To: cifutur-consultations@...;Subject:[G2 - CI futur Consultations] opening of the list – ouverture de la liste – abertura de la listaopening of the list – ouverture de la liste – abertura de la lista 
    espanol mas abajo -  francais plus bas
    Dear  friend
    You subscribed at the end of Tunis IC last April 1st in GROUP2, one the 3 working groups on IC future
    The 3 groups are the following:
    GROUP 1: Practical tasks
    and Group1M: Mandate on lists-doc-result2013 (secretariat- Tunisian committee IC - communication commission)
    GROUP 2: Consultations
    GROUP 3: Strategies
    Your participation in this group is one of the many possible ways to contribute to the expansion and deepening of the whole WSF process, which is a main objective of IC 
    This message is to inform you that the mailing list of the groups formed in Tunis are ready to be used as a platform of discussion. 
    For further practical information, access  http://openfsm.net/projects/cifutur/cifutur-practical-indications-en 
    Just “answer” to this message to start posting on the list of the group
    Welcome in the group !
    Laura – IC Secretariat  &  Pierre – support www.openfsm.net 
    Cher ami(e)
    Vous vous êtes inscrit(e) à la fin du CI deTunis le 1er Avril à GROUPE 2, un des 3 groupes de travail sur le futur du CI
    Les groupes sont les suivants:
    GROUPE 1: tâches pratiques 
    et Groupe1M Mandat sur les listes- documentation-résultats2013 (secretariat- comité tunisien  - commission communication CI 
    GROUPE 2: Consultations 
    GROUPE 3: Stratégies
    Votre participation à ce groupe est l’une des multiples manières possible de contribuer à l’expansion et l’approfondissement du processus FSM dans son ensemble, ce qui est un objectif majeur du CI 
    Ce message est pour vous informer que la liste courriel de votre groupe est prête à être utilisée comme une plate-forme de discussion.
    Pour plus d'informations pratiques, voir  http://openfsm.net/projects/cifutur/cifutur-practical-indications-fr 
    Il suffit de « répondre » à ce message pour commencer à écrire sur la liste du groupe
    Bienvenue dans le groupe!
    Laura - Secrétariat CI  & Pierre - support www.openfsm.net 
    Estimad@ amig@
    Usted se ha suscrit@ al final del CI de Túnez el pasado 1ero de abril para participar en GRUPO2 , uno de los 3 grupos de trabajo sobre el futuro del CI 
    Los grupos son los siguientes:
    GRUPO 1: tareas prácticas 
    y grupo1M mandato sobre listas-documentacion-resultados2013 (secretariado- comité tunecino  - comisión comunicación CI 
    GRUPO 2: Consultas 
    GRUPO 3: Estrategias 
    Su participación en este grupo es una de las multiples maneras posibles de contribuir a la expansión y profundización del proceso FSM en su conjunto, lo cual es un objectivo principal del CI 
    Este mensaje es para informarle de que la lista de correo de este grupo formado en Túnez esta disponible para ser usada como plataforma de discusión.
    Para obtener más información práctica, ver http://openfsm.net/projects/cifutur/cifutur-practical-indications-es 
    Sólo tiene que “responder” a este mensaje para empezar a publicar en la lista de su grupo
    Bienvenida en el grupo!
    Laura – Secretaríado CI    y    Pierre - apoyo www.openFSM.net 
    Archive: http://openfsm.net/projects/cifutur/lists/cifutur-consultations/archive/2013/04/1366976222874
    To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to cifutur-consultations@....  Please contact cifutur-consultations-manager@... for questions.
    Thread Outline:
  • Re: Re: [G2 - CI futur Consultations] opening of the list – ouverture de la liste – abertura de la lista

    from agora_brazil@... on Apr 27, 2013 01:12 AM
    Yes, thank you.
    The problem is that the lack of a common root caused a disturbance since
    that time. Everything was where the idea of ​​anonymous or anything
    related to occupy, freedom of information and Ágora ended up being
    appropriated by opportunists of all kinds. What information was turned
    disformation, the lack of a place that people around the world to interact
    and organize their own ideas and proposals. Even that Colasse all Staves,
    Proceedings of rueniões, with access and means of individual debate too.
    The dependence of Facebook and social networking have made us blind,
    especially since the blue, have been mostly just a local panorama. All
    alternative communication channels are welcome and we have a duty to
      and love to fillCuppy them with content constructive.
    > FYI: This is the newly created list for the WSF International Council. #
    > ------ Original message ------
    > From: facilit OpenFSM
    > Date: 4/26/2013 07:37
    > To: cifutur-consultations@...;
    > Subject:[G2 - CI futur Consultations] opening of the list –
    > ouverture de la liste – abertura de la lista
    > opening of the list – ouverture de la liste – abertura de la
    > lista
     espanol mas abajo -  francais plus bas
    > friend
     You subscribed at the end of Tunis IC last April 1st in GROUP2,
    > one the 3 working groups on IC future
     The 3 groups are the following:
     GROUP 1: Practical tasks
     and Group1M: Mandate on lists-doc-result2013
    > (secretariat- Tunisian committee IC - communication commission)
     GROUP 2:
    > Consultations
     GROUP 3: Strategies
     Your participation in this group is
    > one of the many possible ways to contribute to the expansion and deepening
    > of the whole WSF process, which is a main objective of IC
     This message
    > is to inform you that the mailing list of the groups formed in Tunis are
    > ready to be used as a platform of discussion.
     For further practical
    > information, access
    > http://openfsm.net/projects/cifutur/cifutur-practical-indications-en
    > Just “answer” to this message to start posting on the list of
    > the group
     Welcome in the group !
     Laura – IC Secretariat  &
    >  Pierre – support www.openfsm.net
    > FRANCAIS---------------------------------------------------
    > ami(e)
     Vous vous êtes inscrit(e) à la fin du CI deTunis
    > le 1er Avril à GROUPE 2, un des 3 groupes de travail sur le futur
    > du CI
     Les groupes sont les suivants:
     GROUPE 1: tâches
    > pratiques
     et Groupe1M Mandat sur les listes-
    > documentation-résultats2013 (secretariat- comité tunisien  -
    > commission communication CI
     GROUPE 2: Consultations
     GROUPE 3:
    > Stratégies
     Votre participation à ce groupe est
    > l’une des multiples manières possible de contribuer à
    > l’expansion et l’approfondissement du processus FSM dans son
    > ensemble, ce qui est un objectif majeur du CI
     Ce message est pour vous
    > informer que la liste courriel de votre groupe est prête à
    > être utilisée comme une plate-forme de discussion.
    > plus d'informations pratiques, voir
    > http://openfsm.net/projects/cifutur/cifutur-practical-indications-fr
    > Il suffit de « répondre » à ce message pour
    > commencer à écrire sur la liste du groupe
     Bienvenue dans
    > le groupe!
     Laura - Secrétariat CI  & Pierre - support
    > www.openfsm.net
    > ESPANOL----------------------------------------------------------------------
     Estimad@ amig@
     Usted se ha suscrit@ al final del CI de Túnez
    > el pasado 1ero de abril para participar en GRUPO2 , uno de los 3 grupos de
    > trabajo sobre el futuro del CI
     Los grupos son los siguientes:
    > 1: tareas prácticas
     y grupo1M mandato sobre
    > listas-documentacion-resultados2013 (secretariado- comité tunecino
    > - comisión comunicación CI
     GRUPO 2: Consultas
     GRUPO 3:
    > Estrategias
     Su participación en este grupo es una de las
    > multiples maneras posibles de contribuir a la expansión y
    > profundización del proceso FSM en su conjunto, lo cual es un
    > objectivo principal del CI
     Este mensaje es para informarle de que la
    > lista de correo de este grupo formado en Túnez esta disponible para
    > ser usada como plataforma de discusión.
     Para obtener más
    > información práctica, ver
    > http://openfsm.net/projects/cifutur/cifutur-practical-indications-es
    > Sólo tiene que “responder” a este mensaje para empezar
    > a publicar en la lista de su grupo
     Bienvenida en el grupo!
    > – Secretaríado CI    y    Pierre - apoyo www.openFSM.net
    > http://openfsm.net/projects/cifutur/lists/cifutur-consultations/archive/2013/04/1366976222874
    > To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
    > cifutur-consultations@....  Please contact
    > cifutur-consultations-manager@... for questions.
    > --
    > Archive: http://openfsm.net/[…]/1366996034968
    > To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
    > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@lists.openfsm.net.  Please contact
    > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@lists.openfsm.net for
    > questions.
    • Re: Re: Re: [G2 - CI futur Consultations] opening of the list – ouverture de la liste – abertura de la lista

      from Kaylynn Strain on Apr 27, 2013 02:45 AM
      There is a web chat site called TinyChat, you can create rooms and use mic
      only or mic and camera.  You can send invites to your room and use that
      room again.  You can bookmark rooms you xreate or are invited to.  It also
      has the ability to let you share videos direct from YouTube or the TinyChat
      cloud.  It is also available for tablets and smart phones.
      On Apr 26, 2013 8:06 PM, <agora_brazil@...> wrote:
      > Yes, thank you.
      > The problem is that the lack of a common root caused a disturbance since
      > that time. Everything was where the idea of anonymous or anything
      > related to occupy, freedom of information and Ágora ended up being
      > appropriated by opportunists of all kinds. What information was turned
      > disformation, the lack of a place that people around the world to interact
      > and organize their own ideas and proposals. Even that Colasse all Staves,
      > Proceedings of rueniões, with access and means of individual debate too.
      > The dependence of Facebook and social networking have made us blind,
      > especially since the blue, have been mostly just a local panorama. All
      > alternative communication channels are welcome and we have a duty to
      > spread
      >   and love to fillCuppy them with content constructive.
      > > FYI: This is the newly created list for the WSF International Council. #
      > >
      > > ------ Original message ------
      > > From: facilit OpenFSM
      > > Date: 4/26/2013 07:37
      > > To: cifutur-consultations@...;
      > > Subject:[G2 - CI futur Consultations] opening of the list &ndash;
      > > ouverture de la liste &ndash; abertura de la lista
      > >
      > > opening of the list &ndash; ouverture de la liste &ndash; abertura de la
      > > lista
      >  espanol mas abajo -  francais plus bas
      >  ENGLISH
      >  Dear
      > > friend
      >  You subscribed at the end of Tunis IC last April 1st in GROUP2,
      > > one the 3 working groups on IC future
      >  The 3 groups are the following:
      > >
      >  GROUP 1: Practical tasks
      >  and Group1M: Mandate on lists-doc-result2013
      > > (secretariat- Tunisian committee IC - communication commission)
      >  GROUP 2:
      > > Consultations
      >  GROUP 3: Strategies
      >  Your participation in this group is
      > > one of the many possible ways to contribute to the expansion and
      > deepening
      > > of the whole WSF process, which is a main objective of IC
      >  This message
      > > is to inform you that the mailing list of the groups formed in Tunis are
      > > ready to be used as a platform of discussion.
      >  For further practical
      > > information, access
      > > http://openfsm.net/projects/cifutur/cifutur-practical-indications-en
      > > Just &ldquo;answer&rdquo; to this message to start posting on the list of
      > > the group
      >  Welcome in the group !
      >  Laura &ndash; IC Secretariat  &amp;
      > >  Pierre &ndash; support www.openfsm.net
      > > FRANCAIS---------------------------------------------------
      >  Cher
      > > ami(e)
      >  Vous vous &ecirc;tes inscrit(e) &agrave; la fin du CI deTunis
      > > le 1er Avril &agrave; GROUPE 2, un des 3 groupes de travail sur le futur
      > > du CI
      >  Les groupes sont les suivants:
      >  GROUPE 1: t&acirc;ches
      > > pratiques
      >  et Groupe1M Mandat sur les listes-
      > > documentation-r&eacute;sultats2013 (secretariat- comit&eacute; tunisien
      >  -
      > > commission communication CI
      >  GROUPE 2: Consultations
      >  GROUPE 3:
      > > Strat&eacute;gies
      >  Votre participation &agrave; ce groupe est
      > > l&rsquo;une des multiples mani&egrave;res possible de contribuer &agrave;
      > > l&rsquo;expansion et l&rsquo;approfondissement du processus FSM dans son
      > > ensemble, ce qui est un objectif majeur du CI
      >  Ce message est pour vous
      > > informer que la liste courriel de votre groupe est pr&ecirc;te &agrave;
      > > &ecirc;tre utilis&eacute;e comme une plate-forme de discussion.
      >  Pour
      > > plus d'informations pratiques, voir
      > > http://openfsm.net/projects/cifutur/cifutur-practical-indications-fr
      > > Il suffit de &laquo; r&eacute;pondre &raquo; &agrave; ce message pour
      > > commencer &agrave; &eacute;crire sur la liste du groupe
      >  Bienvenue dans
      > > le groupe!
      >  Laura - Secr&eacute;tariat CI  &amp; Pierre - support
      > > www.openfsm.net
      > >
      > ESPANOL----------------------------------------------------------------------
      > >
      >  Estimad@ amig@
      >  Usted se ha suscrit@ al final del CI de T&uacute;nez
      > > el pasado 1ero de abril para participar en GRUPO2 , uno de los 3 grupos
      > de
      > > trabajo sobre el futuro del CI
      >  Los grupos son los siguientes:
      >  GRUPO
      > > 1: tareas pr&aacute;cticas
      >  y grupo1M mandato sobre
      > > listas-documentacion-resultados2013 (secretariado- comit&eacute; tunecino
      > > - comisi&oacute;n comunicaci&oacute;n CI
      >  GRUPO 2: Consultas
      >  GRUPO 3:
      > > Estrategias
      >  Su participaci&oacute;n en este grupo es una de las
      > > multiples maneras posibles de contribuir a la expansi&oacute;n y
      > > profundizaci&oacute;n del proceso FSM en su conjunto, lo cual es un
      > > objectivo principal del CI
      >  Este mensaje es para informarle de que la
      > > lista de correo de este grupo formado en T&uacute;nez esta disponible
      > para
      > > ser usada como plataforma de discusi&oacute;n.
      >  Para obtener m&aacute;s
      > > informaci&oacute;n pr&aacute;ctica, ver
      > > http://openfsm.net/projects/cifutur/cifutur-practical-indications-es
      > > S&oacute;lo tiene que &ldquo;responder&rdquo; a este mensaje para empezar
      > > a publicar en la lista de su grupo
      >  Bienvenida en el grupo!
      >  Laura
      > > &ndash; Secretar&iacute;ado CI    y    Pierre - apoyo www.openFSM.net
      > >
      >  --
      >  Archive:
      > >
      > http://openfsm.net/projects/cifutur/lists/cifutur-consultations/archive/2013/04/1366976222874
      > > To unsubscribe send an email with subject &quot;unsubscribe&quot; to
      > > cifutur-consultations@....  Please contact
      > > cifutur-consultations-manager@... for questions.
      > >
      > > --
      > > Archive: http://openfsm.net/[&hellip;]/1366996034968
      > > To unsubscribe send an email with subject &quot;unsubscribe&quot; to
      > > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion&#0064;lists.openfsm.net.  Please
      > contact
      > > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager&#0064;lists.openfsm.net for
      > > questions.
      > >
      > --
      > Archive:
      > http://openfsm.net/projects/2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion/archive/2013/04/1367025164044
      > To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
      > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@....  Please contact
      > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for questions.