• 2011movements-fsm discussion

GLOBALSKILLSXCHANGE_Call for workshops and participants_8-9 June, London

from Ludovica Rogers on Apr 29, 2013 10:46 AM
Dear all,

Here is the call for GLOBALSKILLSXCHANGE, the international skillshare in London.
Please help us send it far and wide. 
(if anyone can provide translations do send to me or to globalskillsxchange@...)

Call is also on the website:  http://globalskillsxchange.net

We hope that at least some of you can join!



>From the uprising in northern Africa to the assemblies in Spain, followed by the spreading of Occupy, new social movements have sprung up all over the world. Our structures, ways of organising and tactics are still in their embryonic form: working through experimentations and learning from the inevitable difficulties. To progress and strengthen these processes, it is important that we come together to reflect on them and build visions

Therefore, we invite you to participate in GlobalSkillsXChange in London this June.

Workshops will take place on the weekend of the 8th and 9th of June, followed by a week of actions and events for democracy, against G8*. We will share tools, skills and experience to take back to our local struggles, while defining common projects/actions/campaigns for global collaboration - moving away from capitalism and fake democracy towards fair, sustainable futures.

The event will focus on 4 axes:

Real democracy, assemblies and horizontal organising
Economical, social and political alternatives
Strategies of resistance and action
Online platforms/resources/tools
We invite contributions from all over the world. If you have a workshop or activity to propose, we ask you to contact us by the 15th of May at globalskillsxchange@....

We welcome you to come to London, as we strongly value the importance of face to face interaction in strengthening ties between individuals and collectives. We also understand that it might not be feasible for everyone to come, and will do our best to ensure online accessibility.

We are also building an open source freely accessible online platform that can become an inspiration and point of  reference for all those who through their own actions want to contribute to radical change. So, we invite online contributions from all over the world on the above topics, in any format that you find more suitable (videos, podcast, online booklets,  info-graphics, papers, articles, etc)

This project is being developed through an open participatory process, if you would like to get involved, we invite you to join our mailing list and our weekly online meetings advertised on our site.

Finally, we hope that this event will be a stepping stone in a long-lasting project.  We look forward to building it together, welcoming you to London and continuing our collaboration beyond it.

Follow us:

Website:  http://globalskillsxchange.net

Email: globalskillsxchange@...

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Globalskillsxchange

Twitter: https://twitter.com/GSkillsXChange

Mailing list: http://www.coactivate.org/projects/skillshare/lists/skillshare

Join our online  meetings:

every Tuesday from the 7th of May, at 7pm UK time, 8pm Continental Europe

Check local time here: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html

Server: Occupytalk.org > Assemblies & roundtables > OPEN SPACE

How to join Mumble: http://www.global-square.net/how-to-join

*Other activities planned in the following week:

stopG8: https://network23.org/stopg8

They owe us!:  http://theyoweus.org.uk/

Sparks: http://www.thesparkspace.org/

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