• 2011movements-fsm discussion

Open discussion about the future of the WSF and possibilities to participate in the process for organising it

de la part de Ludovica Rogers on 02/05/2013 14:17
Dear all,
A reminder that the following meeting is planned for tomorrow:

Open discussion about the future of the WSF and possibilities to participate in the process for organising it

Following the participation of GlobalSquare to the World Social Forum in Tunis, we would like to discuss further the issue of the participation of individuals from the social movements in such events.
In particular with regards to the World Social Forum we will be discussing, the significance of such an event, if it is worth engaging in the organising process for the next one, and if so in what way.
We welcome also people who were not at the Forum to share their ideas and concerns by taking part in this online meeting, or adding comments to the pads :

Agenda & Minutes pad: http://titanpad.com/globalsquare11
Discussion pad: http://titanpad.com/Cc2DXOM7vW

(If we have time for it, we will also run through the international events planned in the next 2 months)

Friday 3rd of May at 7pm UK time, 8pm Continental Europe
Check local time here: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html

Server: Occupytalk.org > Assemblies & roundtables > OPEN SPACE
How to join Mumble: http://www.global-square.net/how-to-join

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