• 2011movements-fsm discussion

Re: 2 things (#takethemuseum and Hang Ount GlobalRevolution)

from marita on May 10, 2013 03:04 PM
actually the global may in madrid is till the 16th of May
here you can find all the program in English


and on the 19th there is the people of the world square all the day long and we will be glad to have you there 
If you want to join us we will have an international presence in the 12M
meeting at 5pm in Atocha in front of the bar Brillante 
and we go to Sol and after to the agora in Carmen square 
hope to see you there

El 10/05/2013, a las 16:08, Bernardo Gutiérrez escribió:

> Hello you all from Madrid
> I write to this list to inform about to actions, that may be would be of your interest: 
> 1) We are cooking an intense GlobalMay in Spain. Many actions untill 19th. Today I participate in one, specially interesting. We are taking Queen Sofia Museum, one of the modern art most important musens of the world, house of Picasso´s Gernika. We are going to do from 19.00 h (GMT+ 1) to 02.00 (or even more) assemblies, work shops, performative things, communication guerrilla... We are using these hashtags #VentealReina #TomaelMuseo #remezclaelmuseo. There different cities, some in Latin American, thay may join taking museums. What about a #occupymuseum #takethemuseum ? Well, keep an eye. It is a trial to speak about free, open  and networked culture. 
> + Info: http://blogs.20minutos.es/codigo-abierto/2013/05/09/tomaelmuseo-el-15m-se-encierra-en-el-museo-reina-sofia/
> 2) I am organizing a glocal hang out on 14th (tuesday) called 'Global Revolution Mutations'. It would be in ThinkCommons.org platform, as we did during the global P2Pwikisprint. I will be together Doménico di Siena in Media Lab Prado, Madrid, and we will have a big screen in the wall, with the Hang Out. We are inviting around 20 people, from all the movements. Any one of you is interesting in participating? (better if he/she is SPanish speaker or understand, at least). A lot of people from 15M will be quite divulgating this session. We want to speak about, where the global revolution is going, not to regret the past. Pierre, would like to participate from Paris? Any one from NY / US ? Arab Spring?
> Best!
> Bernardo
> -- 
> www.futuramedia.net 
> www.bernardogutierrez.es
> http://blogs.20minutos.es/codigo-abierto
> @bernardosampa (twitter)
> São Paulo +55 11 43044380 (fijo) +55 11 84881620 (celular)
> Madrid +34 669 098365
> --
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