• 2011movements-fsm discussion

  • Please, support our campaign against this pro-Nazi blog by spreading of this information

    from mariangela on May 13, 2013 02:27 PM
    > Please, support our campaign against this pro-Nazi blog by spreading of this information
    > Pro-Nazi blog of Helen Belozerskaya http://bilozerska.livejournal.com won the world competition blogs and websites of media activists The Bobs (Best of the Blogs), organized by the German Deutsche Welle, in the category "Best Weblog in Ukrainian. This blog promotes racism and other discriminatory anti-democratic idea that is prohibited by the terms and insults Ukrainian bloggers and other Internet users.
    > Here some information in German:
    > http://www.metronaut.de/2013/05/rechte-plattform-geehrt-vorwurfe-gegen-deutsche-welle/
    > http://kloty.blogspot.com/2013/05/berlin-07.html
    > Please, support our campaign against this pro-Nazi blog by spreading of this information
    Thread Outline:
  • Next online meeting of GlobalSquare (also known as Occupy the WSF initiative) will be held on THursday 16th of May share the call

    from mariangela on May 13, 2013 02:33 PM
    please share the call in your lists
    Next online meeting of GlobalSquare (also known as Occupy the WSF initiative) will be held on THursday 16th of May , 6pm GMT, 7pm UK, 8pm CET 
    Check your local time here: time zone converter (http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html)
    The meeting will be on Mumble
    Mumble  is a voice chat Open Source software 
    Location: Occupytalk.org server, Room: Assemblies & Round Tables  go to OPEN SPACE
    How to join Mumble: http://www.global-square.net/how-to-join/
    Facilitation  of the meetings start half an hour before. 
    If this is your first time  it can be good to join in earlier and try to fix possible  connection/sound problems. You are more than welcome to share this invitation in your networks!
    The aim of this meeting is to discuss what is Globalsquare about, how we work and how we meet, what could be the future of this network 
    Concrete proposal as how to connect different international meeting as the 19th of May People of the world square in Madrid, the London workshop on 8th/9th june, the open assembly in Athens during the Alter summit and the 31M/1st of June will be discussed
    For this reason will be very interesting to have people from all the world and from places where this events/actions/demonstrations and conference are taking place
    We normally build the agenda collectivly so if you wold like to add some points to the thematic already been decided in the previous meeting fell free to do it in the pad of the meeting 
    Signs we use in the text chat during our mumble meetings:
    WWWW or +1  = agree
    MMMMM or -1   = disagree
    ****turn****        = ask for turn
    +++++             = direct response
    TTTTT               = technical point
    #####           = please kindly try to conclude your intervention, I understood you :)
    Some information about GlobalSquare
    web site: http://www.global-square.net
    Mailing list: You can subscribe here / vous pouvez vous inscrire ici:
    All from Global Square in Tunis: http://titanpad.com/globalsquaresassembliesTunis
    • Re: Next online meeting of GlobalSquare (also known as Occupy the WSF initiative) will be held on THursday 16th of May share the call

      from jackiews on May 13, 2013 11:45 PM
      On Mon, May 13, 2013 at 10:26 AM, marita <maciacia50@...> wrote:
      > *please share the call in your lists*
      > *mariangela *
      > *
      > *
      > *Next online meeting of GlobalSquare (also known as Occupy the WSF
      > initiative) will be held on THursday 16th of May , 6pm GMT, 7pm UK, 8pm CET
      > *
      > Check your local time here: time zone converter (
      > http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html)
      > *The meeting will be on Mumble*
      > Mumble  is a voice chat Open Source software
      > Location: Occupytalk.org server, Room: Assemblies & Round Tables  go to
      > OPEN SPACE
      > How to join Mumble: http://www.global-square.net/how-to-join/
      > *Facilitation  of the meetings start half an hour before. *
      > If this is your first time  it can be good to join in earlier and try to
      > fix possible  connection/sound problems. You are more than welcome to share
      > this invitation in your networks!
      > The aim of this meeting is to discuss what is Globalsquare about, how we
      > work and how we meet, what could be the future of this network
      > Concrete proposal as how to connect different international meeting as the
      > 19th of May People of the world square in Madrid, the London workshop on
      > 8th/9th june, the open assembly in Athens during the Alter summit and the
      > 31M/1st of June will be discussed
      > For this reason will be very interesting to have people from all the world
      > and from places where this events/actions/demonstrations and conference are
      > taking place
      > *Agenda*
      > We normally build the agenda collectivly so if you wold like to add some
      > points to the thematic already been decided in the previous meeting fell
      > free to do it in the pad of the meeting
      > http://titanpad.com/globalsquare12
      > *Signs we use in the text chat during our mumble meetings:*
      > WWWW or +1  = agree
      > MMMMM or -1   = disagree
      > ****turn****        = ask for turn
      > +++++             = direct response
      > TTTTT               = technical point
      > #####           = please kindly try to conclude your intervention, I
      > understood you :)
      > *Some information about GlobalSquare*
      > web site: http://www.global-square.net
      > Mailing list: You can subscribe here / vous pouvez vous inscrire ici:
      > http://openfsm.net/projects/2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion
      > All from Global Square in Tunis:* *
      > http://titanpad.com/globalsquaresassembliesTunis
      > --
      > Archive: http://openfsm.net/[…]/1368455608401<http://openfsm.net/projects/2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion/archive/2013/05/1368455608401>
      > To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
      > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@.... Please contact
      > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for questions.