• 2011movements-fsm discussion

Blockupy international press release

de parte de Sol on 2013-05-16 09:53
*Press release: Protests across Europe parallel to action days in Frankfurt*

/Press statement of the federal Blockupy coalition
Frankfut am Main, May 15, 2013/

** Anniversary of 15M: Blockupy is part of an international movement
* Protests across Europe parallel to the action days in Frankfurt*

This Wednesday is the second anniversary of the occupation of the Puerta 
del Sol in Madrid. May 15, 2011 (15M) marks the beginning of a European 
movement against the austerity policies of the troika and governments, 
against unemployment, housing emergencies and cuts in social welfare. 
The federal coalition ?Blockupy Frankfurt? understands itself as part of 
this international movement. Many active persons from other countries 
are expected to join the action days on May 31 and June 1 in Frankfurt. 
Groups and organizations in Italy, Greece, France, Belgium, Austria and 
elsewhere are mobilizing to Frankfurt. Furthermore, demonstrations and 
protests are planned parallel to Blockupy in many European capitals and 

The call of the international preparation meeting for Blockupy states: 
"There is no possible compromise with the power that is shaping and 
driving the governance of crisis in Europe. The only way out we see is a 
direct, diffuse, widespread and autonomous social opposition that rises 
up from grassroots, that not only speaks up furiously against that 
governance but that also fiercely builds effective conflicts and shared 
and common alternatives at all levels ? from the local to the European. 
[...] We want our life back, our dignity back. We want our future back, 
since life without a future is worth nothing. [...] So we?ll be in 
Frankfurt from May 30th to June 1st, taking part in the action days to 
block the ECB."

The call from Lisbon for decentral protests on June 1 running with the 
motto "People United Against the Troika" also puts it in clear terms: 
"Each one of us, in each country, in each city, in each house, with our 
own specificities, feels directly the measures that annihilate the 
rights conquered throughout the decades, measures which aggravate 
unemployment, privatize everything that can make a profit and repel the 
countries? sovereignties under the propaganda of ?external help?. It is 
urgent that we join forces to fight-off this attack.It is extremely 
necessary to join our forces to fight against this attack. From the 
north to the south of Europe: To the streets against austerity!?

This past weekend demonstrations in 50 Spanish cities marked the 15M 
anniversary. Cristina Asensi from Attac Spain: "The continuing protests 
show that the austerity policies implemented by the troika and the 
Spanish government have caused a deep crisis of legitimacy. The people 
are not willing to accept the destruction of their democratic and social 
rights in the name of failed economic policies."


/The Blockupy coalition is made up of activists of various emancipatory 
groups and organizations, including the Interventionist Left, Attac, 
Occupy Frankfurt, labor unions, youth and student organizations like 
Linksjugend Solid and the Green Youth, the Unemployment Forum of 
Germany, the party ?Die.Linke?, the network Peace Cooperative, the 
coalition ?Ums Ganze? and the regional coalition NoTroika./


*Further information:*

* International call to Blockupy Frankfurt:

* Call from Lisbon for June 1: http://notroika.org/node/339

* Website of Blockupy Frankfurt (english): http://blockupy-frankfurt.org/en/

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