• 2011movements-fsm discussion

  • #LONDON _ JUNE 2013

    from vica on May 16, 2013 05:21 PM
    published here: http://occupylondon.org.uk/archives/29617
    JUNE 2013- #LONDON
    Here is the full schedule up to now. 
    We are trying to organise accommodation, so all you have to take care of, is getting yourself here!
    1st June
    People united against austerity
    Decentralised European mobilization
    6-9th June
     Occupy Bilderberg
    Bilderberg Fringe Festival to highlight and protest against the conference
    8th June
    Stop G8 welcome day
    Convergence centre opening, welcome sessions, party.
    8th June
    Radical London Conference
    A practical day working towards mass grass roots resistance and beyond.
    8-9th June
    International weekend of workshops organised by groups involved in the Occupy-15M movements
    Workshops on the following topics:
    Real democracy, assemblies and horizontal organising
    Strategies of resistance and action
    Social, economic and political alternatives 
    Online tools/resources/platforms
    9th June
    Ideas for Action
    Talks and discussions on inspiring struggles from the past, present, near and far and on what we can learn from them to take action now.
    10-15 June
    The Sparks
    Workshops on a broad range of topics:
    Art, Activism, Community Organising, Debt, Economics, Politics...
    10th June
    Preparing for Action
    Practical workshops and skillshare preparing for the week of action.
    11th June
    Carnival against Capitalism
    Large mobilisation in the hidden locations of Capitalism (West End)
    12th June
    Greece solidarity evening
    13th June
    No Borders, No prisons!
    Day of actions in support of prisoners in immigration detention and the ‘regular’ prison system.
    Organised by London Anarchist Black Cross and London No Borders.
    13th June
    Democratic renaissance?
    With Miguel Marque, the director of "Pots, Pans and Other Solutions"
    Linking up with democracy activists in Iceland and other countries in a collaboration between GlobalSkillsXChange and Democracy Cafe.
    14th June
    They owe us! Shift the debt
    Large mobilisation in the heart of Capitalism (Canary Wharf)
    14th June
    Food liberation front: Whose Food? Our Food!
    Event organised by OccupyLSX Energy, Equity and Environment
    14th June
    StopG8 Party
    15th June
    Sparks Party
    Thread Outline:
  • summary last meeting

    from mariangela on May 18, 2013 11:28 AM
    working on the summary of last meeting (line 200) if somebody who participated to the meeting would like to help 
    • Re: summary last meeting

      from mariangela on May 18, 2013 12:50 PM
      that's what I wrote till now 
      if you could give a eye and emend it 
      Summary of the aspectation on Global Square, open questions and proposals 
      to be send to the list and discuss in the next meeting after middle june 
      V. starting a doodle 
      meeting in Milan september 2012
      Agora99 in madrid november 2012
      Assembly in the street of Florence during Florence 10+10 
      Global Square in the WSF of Tunis 
      Website: http://www.global-square.net/
      In december 2012 we started a mailinglist for discussion and collaboration. You can subscribe to this list on this page http://openfsm.net/projects/2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussionl  (subscribe form on the right). 
      The archive of the list is also publicly accessible on the same page.
      Online meetings
      Since the end of november 2012 we hold online voice chat meetings on a  regular basis. 
      For our online meetings we use a program called Mumble. Mumble is  open source voice chat software. Once you have installed this program on  your computer or mobile device you can login to a server. 
      Configuration to connect with Occupytalk.org server
      In Mumble click on: Server > Connect > Add new
      Enter the following information:
      Label : Occupii
      Server : occupytalk.org (has to be written exactly as it is)
      Port: 64738
      Channel: Assemblies & Round Tables > OPEN SPACE
      Nickname: Your name/nick
      Source and more info: http://occupytalk.org/article/how-connect-our-server
      What is  Global Square: 
      GlobalSquare is an initiative of a group of participants in the  newest wave of  movement and uprising around the world. 
      Global Square is an international global space not a group. People participating don't share the same ideologies or priorities buy yes a process methodology which is horizontality
      This space is an horizontal, not  hierarchical open space 
      People participating in the space don't represent any other space, 
      There isn't a membership for this space
      Tasks are decided in assemblies and on rotation 
      Most of the people participating in this space are in different way connected with other international mailing lists like take the square, transcolab, WSF and ESF, VIA22; P2P, Spanish revolution and others 
      Goals of the space: 
      Exchange informations between people who are actively working in different horizontal movements like Occupy, 15M, people assemblies and others on the action, analysys proposals coming from these spaces 
      Promote horizontal spaces in international gathering, calls and global events, Social Forum, being in or out the process (depending on the situation) offering tools to extend them
      Offering a continuos listening and expressing different expieriences
      Exchange analysis on different horizontal and assembleary methodologies 
      Promote convergency and bridges between different spaces in the world 
      Promoting participation in action,gathering and activities proposed by different squares and movement working on the possiblity of participation for people who cannot be and travel to the place (using streaming and 
      Document the activities and the meetings in order to garantee trasparency, participation and inclusivity
      Having meetings one, twice a month or once each two months 
      Developping the tools of the space 
      Asambleas en Mumble, Occupythe talk, Open Space 
      mailing list 
      Asambleas fisicas: Florencia , Tunes y Madrid 
      collective pads to prepare the meetings, take notes, prepare documents 
      • World People Square 19th May in Pontejos Square, Madrid channel connection

        from mariangela on May 18, 2013 02:55 PM
        this is the channel where you can follow the world people square in madrid
        :-(( in Spanish 
        but we will try to give info in English as well
        thanks for coming
        you can participate using the chat 
        World People Square  19th May in Pontejos Square, Madrid
        Chiapas y Guatemala, yo soy 132 de Mexico, network for Palestine, Sahara, T'Harrek Tunisia, Brazil, Cuba, Perú, Colombia     
        People  and struggle presentation and workshop on:  
        international brigade and  boicot actions, 
        Freedom of movement, migracion and universal rights,  
         media and alternatives in global international network, 
        expiriences of  Takethesquare, Agora 99,   GlobalSquare  en Florencia y Tunéz, Blockupy,  via 22, 
        think global act locallly, 
        alternatives to the the actual  economical and political system, 
        music and exibitions 
        mail to: politicainternacional15m@...
      • Re: summary last meeting

        from vica on May 19, 2013 11:07 AM
        Thanks Mariangela. Looks good. 
        nudge me for the doodle if I forget.
        Will leave it for a bit as it is in a while.
        On May 18, 2013, at 2:43 PM, marita <maciacia50@...> wrote:
        > http://titanpad.com/globalsquare12
        > that's what I wrote till now 
        > if you could give a eye and emend it 
        > thanks 
        > mariangela 
        > Summary of the aspectation on Global Square, open questions and proposals 
        > to be send to the list and discuss in the next meeting after middle june 
        > V. starting a doodle 
        > History: 
        > meeting in Milan september 2012
        > Agora99 in madrid november 2012
        > Assembly in the street of Florence during Florence 10+10 
        > Global Square in the WSF of Tunis 
        > Website: http://www.global-square.net/
        > Mailinglist
        > In december 2012 we started a mailinglist for discussion and collaboration. You can subscribe to this list on this page http://openfsm.net/projects/2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussionl  (subscribe form on the right). 
        > The archive of the list is also publicly accessible on the same page.
        > Online meetings
        > Since the end of november 2012 we hold online voice chat meetings on a  regular basis. 
        > For our online meetings we use a program called Mumble. Mumble is  open source voice chat software. Once you have installed this program on  your computer or mobile device you can login to a server. 
        > Configuration to connect with Occupytalk.org server
        > In Mumble click on: Server > Connect > Add new
        > Enter the following information:
        > Label : Occupii
        > Server : occupytalk.org (has to be written exactly as it is)
        > Port: 64738
        > Channel: Assemblies & Round Tables > OPEN SPACE
        > Nickname: Your name/nick
        > Source and more info: http://occupytalk.org/article/how-connect-our-server
        > What is  Global Square: 
        > GlobalSquare is an initiative of a group of participants in the  newest wave of  movement and uprising around the world. 
        > Global Square is an international global space not a group. People participating don't share the same ideologies or priorities buy yes a process methodology which is horizontality
        > This space is an horizontal, not  hierarchical open space 
        > People participating in the space don't represent any other space, 
        > There isn't a membership for this space
        > Tasks are decided in assemblies and on rotation 
        > Most of the people participating in this space are in different way connected with other international mailing lists like take the square, transcolab, WSF and ESF, VIA22; P2P, Spanish revolution and others 
        > Goals of the space: 
        > Exchange informations between people who are actively working in different horizontal movements like Occupy, 15M, people assemblies and others on the action, analysys proposals coming from these spaces 
        > Promote horizontal spaces in international gathering, calls and global events, Social Forum, being in or out the process (depending on the situation) offering tools to extend them
        > Offering a continuos listening and expressing different expieriences
        > Exchange analysis on different horizontal and assembleary methodologies 
        > Promote convergency and bridges between different spaces in the world 
        > Promoting participation in action,gathering and activities proposed by different squares and movement working on the possiblity of participation for people who cannot be and travel to the place (using streaming and 
        > Document the activities and the meetings in order to garantee trasparency, participation and inclusivity
        > Proposals: 
        > Having meetings one, twice a month or once each two months 
        > Developping the tools of the space 
        > Tools: 
        > Asambleas en Mumble, Occupythe talk, Open Space 
        > mailing list 
        > website 
        > Asambleas fisicas: Florencia , Tunes y Madrid 
        > collective pads to prepare the meetings, take notes, prepare documents 
        > --
        > Archive: http://openfsm.net/[…]/1368881411660
        > To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@.... Please contact 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for questions.