• 2011movements-fsm discussion

  • two text about 15M / Indignados Year II

    from Bernardo Gutiérrez on May 24, 2013 12:23 PM
    Hello you all
    I want to share with you two text that I have published about the
    prototypes that 15M is creating in Spain. They were originally published in
    20 Minutos (Spanish). After that, in the Economic and the Commons
    Conference (we I am now in Berlin, together with Orsan) and now in
    TakeTheSquare. I think that it is quite important to divulgate and eve
    retranslate to other languages, in order to enlight a little bit and to
    show what is really going on, beyond protests
    www.futuramedia.net  <http://www.bernardogutierrez.es>
    <http://www.bernardogutierrez.es>@bernardosampa (twitter)
    São Paulo +55 11 43044380 (fijo) +55 11 84881620 (celular)
    Madrid +34 669 098365
    Thread Outline:
  • Re: two text about 15M / Indignados Year II

    from T_indignadx on May 24, 2013 01:04 PM
    Hola Bernardo
    Genial y muchas gracias
    Te invito a darte de alta en est aotra lista
    https://lists.takethesquare.net/mailman/listinfo/squares que es la original
    de activistas del 15M con extensión internacional
    A la gente de esa lista le puede interesar mucho lo que haces!
    On Fri, May 24, 2013 at 2:16 PM, Bernardo Gutiérrez <
    bernardobrasil@...> wrote:
    > Hello you all
    > I want to share with you two text that I have published about the
    > prototypes that 15M is creating in Spain. They were originally published in
    > 20 Minutos (Spanish). After that, in the Economic and the Commons
    > Conference (we I am now in Berlin, together with Orsan) and now in
    > TakeTheSquare. I think that it is quite important to divulgate and eve
    > retranslate to other languages, in order to enlight a little bit and to
    > show what is really going on, beyond protests
    > http://takethesquare.net/2013/05/20/spains-micro-utopias-the-15m-movement-and-its-prototypes-part-1/
    > http://takethesquare.net/2013/05/23/spains-micro-utopias-the-15m-movement-and-its-prototypes-part-2/
    > Best!
    > Bernardo
    > --
    > www.futuramedia.net  <http://www.bernardogutierrez.es>
    > www.bernardogutierrez.es
    > http://blogs.20minutos.es/codigo-abierto
    > <http://www.bernardogutierrez.es>@bernardosampa (twitter)
    > São Paulo +55 11 43044380 (fijo) +55 11 84881620 (celular)
    > Madrid +34 669 098365
    > --
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