• 2011movements-fsm discussion

Fwd: [Occupy London] 14/06/2013, Canary Wharf, London - JOIN US!

de parte de Ludovica Rogers en 29/05/2013 12:47


At 12.30pm on 14th June, 2013 join us as we descend upon Canary Wharf, the heart of finance and debt-mongering, to remind the world that capitalism is leading us over an abyss and show that other worlds are possible.

In response to the combined crises of cuts and climate chaos, and the call for a week of action against the G8, we have come together to organise a gathering of those who want to stop the assault on people and planet. In the penthouse suite of global capitalism, in front of the eyes of the financial elite we will demand that They Owe Us!

We want to reclaim and transform a public space - to bring together people affected by cuts and climate crises. We want to use the space to re-frame debt, rejecting the idea that individuals or countries are in debt to financial institutions and that austerity and privatisation is needed to remedy it. They owe us!

A SPACE TO RESIST - We will speak out about the debt that is owed, and celebrate our resistance in speech, music and performance.

A SPACE TO CREATE: We will build a symbol of their debt to us - right under the noses of the banks and corporations that both fund and profit from these crises.

A SPACE TO IMAGINE: We will share the alternatives that we know can be created when we empower people rather than crush them.

Please invite your friends, groups, campaigns, unions, networks, and help spread the word. Check the website closer to the time for more details




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