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Fwd: [Squares] Fwd: [Blockupy International] brief Blockupy Update and further questions/tasks

de la part de marita on 04/06/2013 09:07

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> De: Hangup <hangup@...>
> Fecha: 3 de junio de 2013 19:48:27 GMT+02:00
> Para: transcollab@..., Squares List <squares@...>
> Asunto: [Squares] Fwd: [Blockupy International] brief Blockupy Update and further	questions/tasks
> Responder a: squares@...
> From: Corinna Genschel <corinna.genschel@...>
> Sent: Mon Jun 03 12:10:13 EDT 2013
> To: international@...
> Subject: [Blockupy International] brief Blockupy Update and further	questions/tasks
> Dear friends
> We hope that you all had a safe trip back and that this is finding everybody well.
> We who are working in the Blockupy coalition in Germany want to thank all of you for coming to Frankfurt and joining us in the camp and in the streets. The protests in all these days have been - thanks to all of you – a clear European statement against the Troika. We effectively blocked the ECB, we extended our protest to resist the European border regime by blocking the Deportation Airport, we made feminist struggles visible and we experimented with new participative actions in the shopping mile "Zeil". At the same time we witnessed and experienced on Saturday the apparently politically motivated undermining of the constitutional right to assemble and the consequent attacks on our physical integrity. 
> However, we, the whole coalition, movements and activists, stood together and were supported with the solidarity of citizens of Frankfurt. Most of the German press is criticizing the actions of the police. We are working now in the coalition on understanding the best ways to make the situation politically productive - in terms of discussing about the basic right to assembly and the necessity of this direct democratic practice in light of undemocratic politics, in terms of highlighting the Europe-wide character of the resistance and its social legitimacy again st police protection of capital and austerity. 
> We are looking into taking legal action against the police (individual lawsuits, group lawsuits against stopping the march etc.). As most of you know, the police overruled a court decision that legalized our demonstration, so in this sense Blockupy was subject to a political conflict between the Christian Democratic ministry of Hessen and the Social Democratic mayor of Frankfurt and the judiciary of Hessen. (Here is the coalition's press statement on this topic: http://blockupy-frankfurt.org/en/2045/press-statement-strong-protest-against-eu-austerity-scandalous-denial-of-the-right-to-demonstrate-executive-in-wiesbaden-overrides-the-judiciary/) We will let you know what our lawyers say and what we politically decide. Of course if you have ideas for how to proceed we are always grateful for input or sharing of experiences and advice from other countries.
> In the meantime:
> ·         We urge everybody to immediately write what we call “minutes of yo ur memory” of what happened. Write these as concrete and exact as possible. This is not only important for those who were caught for hours inside the “Kessel”, but also for those who were standing outside, were treated badly and/or witnessed such a treatment.
> ·         Some of you were arrested (even if it has been briefly), most of you who were taken by the police, the personal data was taken. If anybody of you gets an “invitation by and to the police”, if you get anything written please contact the EA (Ermittlungsausschuss/emergency legal help: info@...) or us immediately at antirep@.... Not&nb sp;only can we collect all further incidents, but also we can help you with the legal questions and connect you with lawyers.
> Then, there are two major points we need to think about together. The first is how to make up for the international networks meeting which we could not hold on Saturday. The second is how to do a collective, international evaluation for Blockupy.
> Certainly the fact that we could not hold the international meeting on Saturday is a huge political loss for Blockupy and for European networks. We wanted to use this meeting, to use our encounter in Frankfurt to discuss perspectives and seek out commonalities, and create some common understanding or perspective that could be passed on to Alter Summit. We sho uld communicate over this list about how to make up for this loss - whether with written statements, with a conference call or mumble meeting, or otherwise.
> Similarly for the evaluation of Blockupy we could do a conference call or mumble. Texts and videos assessing Blockupy and sharing experiences will be circulating in the next weeks. And of course those who will convene in Athens for Alter Summit can try to find a place and time to do some collective evaluation. In any case it is critical to find a space in which to discuss the general quality of Blockupy this year but especially the experiences of Saturday, to asse ss the political decisions that were made by the coalition with respect to the demonstration and discuss possible ways to deal with such situations in the future.
> Beyond that, the coalition in Germany is planning a European meeting for fall in Frankfurt. Because: Blockupy will be back! The ECB is set to move to its new towers in the second half of 2014. This gives us a bit of time, so we would like to use the summer months to prepare a truly productive meeting to figure out how to better use Blockupy as a platform and space for convening of a European movement to say no to the troika and austerity and to re-claim our lives and resources. 
> Of course, if there are any other questions, don’t hesitate to ask and write. 
> In solidarity and a big thank you for joining us in Frankfurt!
> Corinna and Kelly for the Blockupy Alliance
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Corinna Genschel
> Mitarbeiterin Kontaktstelle soziale Bewegungen
> Fraktion DIE LINKE. im Bundestag
> Platz der Republik 1, 11011 Berlin
> Telefon +4930/227-52097
> Telefax +4930/227-56183
> Mobil +49176/62890775
> corinna.genschel@...
> www.linksfraktion.de
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> Links wirkt: Sozial. Gerecht. Friedlich.
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> -- 
> Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
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