• 2011movements-fsm discussion


de parte de Jackie Splain en 06/06/2013 12:28
On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 8:10 AM, Occupy National Gathering WG News <
ngwgnews@...> wrote:

>     *Via InterOccupy.net* View Online<http://crm.interoccupy.net/civicrm/mailing/view?reset=1&id=352>
>                                        Donate <http://crm.interoccupy.net/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=48119&qid=2311733>
>  Hi!
> You are invited to attend the Occupy (Inter)National Gathering 2013 being
> held Aug. 21-25 in Kalamazoo, Michigan.  We look forward to seeing you
> there!
> Please Share with your Networks!
> NGWG2013
> ------------------------------
> *Occupy (Inter)National Gathering 2013 Press Release*
> ------------------------------
> *June 6, 2013*
> *Who/What*
> OCCUPY (Inter)National Gathering 2013
> Attendance encouraged by all Occupiers and interested parties. Occupy
> Kalamazoo will be hosting the second round of Occupy National conferences,
> August 21-25, 2013, following the wildly successful Occupy National
> Gathering that took place in Philadelphia, PA, July 2012.
> We, the National Gathering Working Group 2013 (NGWG2013), propose a
> National Gathering of the Occupy Movement, and peoples’ movements
> worldwide, in Kalamazoo Michigan, to collectively assemble and embrace our
> different ideologies and perspectives; to find our common visions; to share
> our strategies and actions; and to leave this gathering with steps we can
> all take in both agreement and diversity; for ourselves, our communities,
> our nations, and for all of us all over the world.
> We further propose that our convergence begin on Aug. 21 and continue for
> five days of Community and Movement building exercises including speakers,
> teach-ins, and free-flowing open discussion at a location to be determined
> by the Occupy Kalamazoo General Assembly (UpJohn Park is being
> negotiated).  We believe it’s time the people of the world spoke to each
> other about how to make a better world. We ask you to converge with us, to
> bring your ideas, your struggles, and your voice and come to Kalamazoo!
> There will be a special focus on indigenous peoples, race, gender and class
> throughout the convergences.
> Occupy National Gathering working group (NGWG2013) is a coalition of
> Occupy movements from cities around the world, uniting in solidarity with
> Occupy Wall Street and with Occupy and peoples' movements worldwide.
> *Where*
> Many people ask why Kalamazoo? Bill Moyer said it best on a planning call,
> that Michigan is a hotbed of activist activity at this moment in history.
> Environmental issues plague the state and the Great Lakes; the political
> situation rallied tens of thousands as Rick Snyder eroded the state's
> unions;  there are Drones bases and a solid anti-war base, and Kalamazoo
> has a reputation for being the sixth-meanest city in the country towards
> its homeless population.  A homeless Bill of Rights is being worked on by
> Occupy Kalamazoo.
> Kalamazoo is a Pottawatomie word that is said to mean "the Land of Boiling
> Water". On July 25th, 2010, the Kalamazoo River was destroyed as over 1
> million gallons (a publicly stated figure) of Tar Sand Oil, along with 40%
> of that volume in Benzene, was pumped into our river at high pressure for
> more than 17 consecutive hours, killing everything in the river for almost
> 40 miles.  The Tar Sand Oil (literally the most harmful kind of oil
> possible) is so dense that it sank to the bottom of the river.  There most
> of it now sits, loosely covered by sand in the bed of the Kalamazoo.  More
> than 60 people and countless animals and plants are dead because the Oil
> Company Enbridge found a cover-up to be more cost efficient than addressing
> their mess. Whereas Enbridge employees were covered in protective gear and
> would be sent home the spill breached a 500-yard perimeter, trailer parks
> and homes within 500 yards were told to simply shut their windows.  During
> Christmas Week 2011 alone, 5 trailer-park residents died as a result of
> health complications controversially linked to the Tar Sands Oil spill..
> *Why/Theme*
> The focus of the Occupy National Gathering will be leadership building and
> people powered training, education, and actions. To empower people with
> trainings to take back to their community and spread positive and effective
> change in their communities.
> Aug 21st:  Renew Kalamazoo and your community.
> Aug 22nd: Making and Supporting Free, Unfettered Media
> Aug 23rd:  Fixing Fossil Fuels and Creating an Environmentally Sustainable
> Future.
> Aug 24th:  Economic and Trade Justice, Equal Access and Ending Corporate
> “Personhood”,   Asserting the People’s Sovereignty.
> Aug 25th:  Ending War and Our Police State, Building Peace and Cooperation.
> *A global conversation*
> A multi-month building action which many countries may participate in,
> including a massive digital conference taking place August 22nd-24th.  Each
> day will also have a global component and conversation based on the needs
> and issues of the global community, roughly paralleling, but by no means
> restricted to, the daily themes.  The Global work, like NatGat2 itself, is
> a work in progress and will be developed by participating groups.  Please
> join our global partner, Via22, for monthly mumble meetings 22nd of each
> month on the occupytalk.org server, Via22 room.  More info on facebook
> <http://crm.interoccupy.net/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=48120&qid=2311733>and
> the Via22 website<http://crm.interoccupy.net/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=48121&qid=2311733>and Hub
> on InterOccupy<http://crm.interoccupy.net/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=48122&qid=2311733>
> .
> *Tour of the Kalamazoo River*
> Home of the Enbridge Oil spill in 2010 "The Largest inland oil spill in
> U.S. History"
> *Occupy Summer Support Tour for #OpOK*
> The Occupy Caravan type Summer Tour for Change has been re-directed to
> supply much needed support in Oklahoma.  The Occupy Summer Support Tour
> will begin June 8th in solidarity with UTW’s GLobal “UnFuck the World”
> Concerts happening in LA, Brisbane, London and others.  Maike Both of UTW
> has been working with National Gathering 2013 here in Kalamazoo. Local
> community empowerment with media and training, holding teach-ins, art and
> education, potential direct actions, and also donation and fundraising for
> the Occupy Sandy relief effort.
> *Join the Summer Support Tour for #OpOK!*
> Find a ride/housing to volunteer<http://crm.interoccupy.net/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=48123&qid=2311733>
> To plan a June 8th benefit event <http://crm.interoccupy.net/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=48124&qid=2311733>
>  The Occupy National Gathering, like all Occupy events, strives to be
> free and provide Mutual Aid for essentials like food, water, sanitation,
> housing, transport, media and support. All services are provided free by
> volunteer teams and participants. Donations<http://crm.interoccupy.net/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=48119&qid=2311733>to defray unavoidable costs accepted through our fiscal sponsor, AfGJ.
> Please select Occupy National Gathering under Cause.
> *At the Gathering:*
> *Housing/Transport*
> We hope to be offering multiple housing and recreational spaces.  Sign up
> if you need or have housing or a ride to offer<http://crm.interoccupy.net/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=48125&qid=2311733>.
> We encourage Occupys, individuals and organizations to self-organize Occupy
> Caravans from your city or region to Kalamazoo.  Join the Team
> <http://crm.interoccupy.net/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=48126&qid=2311733>to
> help with organizing Housing and Transport.
> *Food*
> We are donating time on Co-op farms, and outreaching with local business
> and farmers, gathering natural and healthy food to provide during the
> event.  Food and Support teams forming!  Join the team!<http://crm.interoccupy.net/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=48126&qid=2311733>
> *Entertainment*
> There will be nightly entertainment, including featured artists, poets,
> musicians, and djs, as well as a campfire and drum circles. Also planning a
> benefit concert, and encourage artists of all mediums to inquire for space
> for expression.
> *Watch the conference on Livestream:*
> OccupyDetroitOfficialChannel: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/occupy-detroit<http://crm.interoccupy.net/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=48127&qid=2311733>
> Occupy Kalamazoo: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/occupykalamazoo<http://crm.interoccupy.net/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=48128&qid=2311733>
> *Join Our Weekly Planning Conference Call  *
> Every Wednesday at 8pm EDT until the Occupy(Inter)NatGat2013<http://crm.interoccupy.net/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=48129&qid=2311733>
> Help Plan Events and Activities, Offer to Speak, Teach, Run a Workshop.  Join
> the Team<http://crm.interoccupy.net/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=48126&qid=2311733>to help with one of the many aspects of Support.
> *Participants/Endorsements So Far:*
> *InterOccupy    |   Occupy Bergen County (NJ) * * |  * *Occupy Buffalo
> |    Occupy Enbridge    |    Occupy the Environment    |    Occupy Homes
> |    Occupy Love    |    Occupy Racism    |    Occupy Raleigh    |
> Occupy Sandy NJ    |    Occupy Sandy NYC    |    #OpOK    |    Strike
> Debt    |    Via 22    |    Air Occupy    |    Global Revolution Media
> |    Occupy Global Media (GOM)    |    The A9 Network    |    The Media
> Consortium    |    Unfuck The World, Featuring the Summer Support/Love
> Takeover Tour    |    David Cobb and Move to Amend    |    Public Citizen
> Global Trade Watch: Stop the TransPacific Partnership     |    Bill Moyer
> and the Back Bone Campaign    |   Idle No More Michigan ** |  ** Dr.
> Ott    |    Alliance for Global Justice    |    Battle Creek Oil Spill
> |    Code Black    |    Dept. of Peace    |     Food and Water Watch
> |    Earth First    |    Louisiana Shrimp Alliance    |    Kalamazoo City
> of Compassion    |    Kalamazoo Non-Violent Opponents of War (KNOW)    |
> March against Drones    |    Michigan Ban Fracking    |    Michigan Home
> Defense    |    Michigan Tar Sands    |    Mutual Aid Dcats    |
> National Homeless Coalition    |    National  Law Center on Homelessness
> and Poverty (NLCHP)    |    New York Against Fracking    |    The Poor
> Peoples Campaign    |    People United for Sustainable Housing ( P.U.S.H
> Kalamazoo)    |    Road to USSF 3    |    Shut Down Palisades    |
> United States Social Forum    |    Wesleyan Peace Center*
> ------------------------------
> *More Info:*
> *Websites:*
> http://occupynationalgathering.net/<http://crm.interoccupy.net/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=48124&qid=2311733>
> http://interoccupy.net/natgat2/<http://crm.interoccupy.net/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=48130&qid=2311733>
> *Social:*
> Occupy National Gathering on Facebook<http://crm.interoccupy.net/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=48131&qid=2311733>
> National Gathering 2013 in Kalamazoo Facebook Planning Group<http://crm.interoccupy.net/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=48132&qid=2311733>
> @Ng2Kzoo<http://crm.interoccupy.net/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=48133&qid=2311733>
> @NATGAT2013<http://crm.interoccupy.net/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=48134&qid=2311733>
> RebelMouse<http://crm.interoccupy.net/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=48135&qid=2311733>
> #NatGat2  #natgat2  #NatGat2013  #natgat2013#Ng2Kzoo #OccupyKalamazoo
> *Email:*
> Join the email lists<http://crm.interoccupy.net/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=48136&qid=2311733>for discussion and planning:
> *Contact:*
> Chris Whamoff, OccupyNatGat2, Occupy Kalamazoo
> Email: Natgat2013@...
> Phone:269-929-5339
> Lisa Leggio, OccupyNatgat2, Occupy Kalamazoo, Occupy Sandy, Unfuck the
> World
> Email: geetarchick327@...
> Phone: 616-928-8483
> Donate <http://crm.interoccupy.net/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=48119&qid=2311733>
>         You received this email because you signed up to receive
> information from InterOccupy<http://crm.interoccupy.net/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=48137&qid=2311733>or one of its partners. Learn more and connect by visiting our web site
> www.interoccupy.net and please join/like the Interoccupy Facebook Page<http://crm.interoccupy.net/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=48138&qid=2311733>.
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