• 2011movements-fsm discussion

Re: HOW TO SUPPORT Re: [reclaiming-spaces] Global Call to Action in Solidarity with Turkey J8 & J9

from marknbarrett@... on Jun 07, 2013 11:20 AM
Please see message below from Knut activist from Right to City / Urban Space / Participatory Planning international network (and personally based in Germany ) and kindly respond accordingly! 
Sent from phone

-----Original Message-----
From: "Knut Unger, MV Witten" <knut.unger@...>
Date: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 12:13:07 
To: <marknbarrett@...>; Reclaiming Spaces<reclaiming-spaces@...>
Subject: HOW TO SUPPORT Re: [reclaiming-spaces]   Global Call to Action in
 Solidarity with Turkey J8 & J9

Before the main message behind the censorship issue dissappears:

There is something like a global call for international Solidarity with 
#OccupyGezin by "occupying" and "reclaiming" public spaces everywhere.

If this would work halfway - and during the last week ist started to 
work somehow - this would be new quaity in transnational "urban" solidarity.

Can somebody confirm or check how "Serious" this call is, I mean where 
will there be really pararlel action which relates to ech other? Can 
somebody summarize the transnational development of this solidarity 
movement within the past days?

Could people and organization in this list support the call? (by 
dissemination and organizing their own)

Should some of us express support, maybe including an 
"Interantionalization" of the demnds regarding public spaces and an 
extension of the period to the next week?



8-9 June – Call for International Solidarity with #OccupyGezi

Calling on people of all cities of the world! Come out this weekend and 
reclaim your public spaces to show solidarity with #OccupyGezi and the 
many waves of protests in Turkey!

What began as a small occupation to protect Istanbul’s Gezi Park erupted 
within a matter of days into massive protests that spread like wildfire 
across Turkey. A key trigger was the disproportionate use of force by 
the police. Just as Gezi Park crystallized the struggle over an 
ever-shrinking public space hijacked by neoliberal authoritarianism, the 
pepper gas that security forces doused on Istanbul literalized the 
desparate need for breathing space. Hundreds of thousands of people 
streamed into the streets in support of the Gezi Park occupation despite 
a total media blackout, defying police brutality. Now we have reclaimed 
not only Gezi Park but also Taksim Square, the very heart of Turkey’s 
public sphere, where mass expressions of discontent have repeatedly been 
banned throughout the republic’s history. As Taksim and Gezi swell every 
night with thousands of people who come to celebrate their solidarity, 
victory and power, our resistance in other parts of Istanbul and other 
cities across Turkey continues. Of one thing we are certain: Nothing 
will ever be the same again.

Show your support and solidarity this weekend, 8-9 June 2013. Reclaim 
Tahrir, Syntagma, Zuccotti, your local streets, squares and parks! Trust 
us, they belong to you.

Am 07.06.2013 11:07, schrieb marknbarrett@...:
>     I was contacted today by one of the organizers of 8-9 June Global
>     Solidarity with #Turkey.  They have three times made events for this
>     action and twice been censored (deleted) by facebook.  The organizer
>     said "this is the 3rd time we try to pull this event off. I hope
>     this time it is not gonna be suppressed.  please share like hell.
>     the same 5000 people who have shared this event 3 times are starting
>     to get tired, so we need to move it beyond the circle."
>     <https://www.facebook.com/events/113758915501912>https://www.facebook.com/events/113758915501912/
>     also the event is linked here:
>     <http://interoccupy.net/blog/8-9-june-call-for-international-solidarity-with-occupygezi-in-13-languages/>http://interoccupy.net/blog/8-9-june-call-for-international-solidarity-with-occupygezi-in-13-languages/
>     Adbusters reported on the censorship at this link
>     https://www.adbusters.org/blogs/censored-facebook.html   (excerpt below)
>     /"A global call for #OccupyGezi solidarity protests went live
>     earlier today. The event page on Facebook gained 5,000 attendees in
>     its first hour.  We've been hearing reports since this morning that
>     Gezi park protest event pages and related posts are being taken down
>     by Facebook. Activists from around the world have told us that their
>     messages and even accounts were deleted. "//
>     /
>     *As they have lost all the attendees not once but two times,
>     anything we can do to really push this call in our respective
>     countries will be very appreciated.*  there is a backup paste for
>     all the information here: http://pastebin.com/aVmzJJTG
>     In addition, they have provided us a tool to easily locate and
>     promote worldwide actions (also in 15 languages) here:
>     http://geziglobal.tk/tr.html
>     in solidarity,
>     djvjgrrl
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